Gen rushing in the event is OUT OF CONTROL

Ok this event is the WORST thing ever it's unfair .
I was in a match and 5 gen's where done in less than 3 minutes. That is not acceptable , what's the point of playing then . Your just going to get gen rushed anyway. Even if you bring strong perks like blood Warden and ruin you still can't do anything. Either they get rid of ruin In 30 seconds or you cant even catch anyone to hang them to activate blood warden. You stand no chance as killer in this event.
Genrush squads are pretty dumb tbh
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I know and they seem to be getting worse. And killers can't do anything about it.
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It probably doesn't help that survivors have to open an exit to get their masks.
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the events always bring out the worst, the snowmen at christmas (people started running killers that voided the reward), the crowns that demanded a kill/escape but also showed you held them (increased camping and tunneling).
its always like this
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To be fair, survivors were being little gremlins with the snowmen, though it was the most fun I've had with deathslinger
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Bingo tell 'em what they've won....
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I tend to be less rushed since I tunnel one person out of the game. I realized I was playing with the survivor's handbook for killers on my head.
Since I threw that out of my head, I'm having much better results. Try it!
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Everyone and their mother have all masks since days already.
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Genrushing because of tunneling because of genrushing because of camping because of genrushing because of
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Skill issue, put more pressure next time
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The event has certainly made games a little more sweaty, had to run Corrupt Intervention to have games last more than 5 minutes
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I actually love this event because it shows BHVR how dumb either side can be when pushed to the absolute limit. I hope they balance accordingly in the future.
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I said it once, and i´ll say it again: I really wonder how the kill rates look during this event.
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I'm not sure what matches you've been getting into... but most of my Survivor matches end with me attempting to find hatch with maybe two generators completed. When I play Killer it's usually the complete opposite but I can generally get at least a 3k.
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This and if I remember correctly there's a survivor challenge where u have to finish 3 gens in 1 trial 😅
Every killer I face has Corrupt and DMS, maybe that might work for you as well? Maybe even combine them with Pain Res and Pentimento.
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My main has been Michael Myers. Build: Insidious, Corrupt Intervention, Iron Grasp, Lightborn. Add-ons: Fragrant Tuft of Hair and Judith Memorial. I tend to focus on one Survivor at a time unless I see someone is intentionally trying to get my attention.
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Not what I've seen. It's been impossible to open the gates almost ever during the event. Survivors are going down easily within 30 seconds of the match starting.
If you got genrushed you didn't defend gens or didn't find survivors.
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I guess i'm one of the few that's having really good games. That said, i'm just trying to get my bbq stacks, invitation and make the most out of the flans. So far so good, i've only had about 3 games where i've had super tryhards use game map offerings even though i've made my intentions clear. Anyone who wants to chase me with a flashlight though is meeting stage 3 of the hook.
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“Even if you bring strong perks like blood Warden…”
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This is not unique to this event. It is a general problem
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This is basically the crux of DbD's biggest issues, and they're all sustaining each other.
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I know that is unfair too, the survivors should not have to survive the entire match just to get there reward. That not fair to them, if they get killed they have to start all over again. I feel bad and I don't even play survivor .
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For 5 gens to be done in 3 minutes, there would need to be
- at least 2 brand new part
- at least 1 prove thyself
- you only chased one survivor that whole time and they didn’t have the BnP or prove thyself
- you never checked any other gens
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Right!!!! As a killer main I don't like to camp or tunnel AT ALL . But because of this stupid event I find myself camping one or two hooks just to get a kill and try to get some blood point out of the game or at lest a game that doesn't just last 3 minutes and then it's over. I feel bad for killers it's just not to play right now. And I feel dad for survivors to the event is forcing them to play this way otherwise they don't get there reward and there time has been wasted.
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I really don’t understand the complaints about “genrushing” as if it’s something that shouldn’t be part of the game. Completing generators is literally the objective of the survivor side, and why shouldn’t they try to complete it as quickly and efficiently as possible? Same goes for the other side and complaints about camping and tunneling. Complaining about how one side or the other completes their objective seems very pointless to me.
Instead, let’s talk about game design. Why are survivors gen rushing and why are killers camping and tunneling? Let’s answer those questions and hopefully make positive changes to the game based on the answers to those questions
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I just had a game like that today, 2 survivors had prove thy self, 2 tool boxs, 3 had self heal and I had to deal with 2 flashlights. That game lasted a total of 3 minutes. Yes I did check gens. They would just go to another gen and rush it.
It's was a fast game. And it was ridiculous.
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No gen rushing is because of survivors just wanting to get the game over with so they can leave. It's the survivors fault not the killers. Get it right.
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It takes 80 seconds to solo a gen without any perks or toolbox. If these people also self healed, it’s physically impossible to do all the gens in 3 minutes. Healing wastes a lot of time
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I agree with you, it is a problem in non-event time too. It's just worse now that the event it's going on.
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Yup, it can be a strong perk if used right, and if the killer has control of the game at the moment of use. I have gotten some good kills with blood warden.
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Really depends on what you'd count as genrushing. I'd agree that a SWF bringing four BNPs and Prove Thyself is quite annoying. However, you can't really complain about survivors just... doing the objective.
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It's not a YOU problem. It's a survivor problem. Like someone else stated in this form too, gen rushing has ALL WAYS been a problem. The event is just making it worse and you survivors know that. But it's not all. You fault this time. You rjust trying to get a reward too and that is I way MOST OF IT is happening right now in the event. But no gen rushing has always been a SURVIVOR problem.
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Like I have said before IT'S A SURVIVOR PROBLEM, not a skill problem.
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Not if you have, all most all survivors ruling the same perks. Aka, prove thyself, DEAD HARD, self heal, and much more. Not to mention bringing , good tool boxes and med kits a long with map offerings as well some times. abs the iceing on the cake, some survivors are even Swift teams which makes it EVEN worse. So ya a lot can go wrong.
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Why are you shaming the survivors for playing well?
if you were killing them too quickly and them saying killing is getting out of control I can't enjoy the event killer is too good!!11 would you feel the same way?
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This problem is not only in the event but also in high mmr games. In general all the games last 3 minutes and 20 seconds, and I don't want to trayhard and have the bandana, then the game has a lot of bug problems from both cases both as a killer and as a survivor. And then the developers are not able to balance the survivor / Killer perks so as not to become meta perks especially for nerfing genrushing.
I hope they will put an early game where the survivors to repair the gen will have to look for items to make the gen.
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Ok thanks for the "help " . To answer your question, I change my killers builds based on the killer I play, but typically I use, corrupt intervention, blood Warden, bitter murmur and as of lately because of the the event I use noed. I do find people in the very beginning I get one to two hits , and by that time 2 gens pop. And then it's become hell. As of lately the gen rushing is so bad no killer perk can really soften the blow. It's the survivors bringing stronger perks and add on with it .
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I've had it pretty easy till now but after getting so many kills it's starting to happen to me too. I don't rush a single slowdown perk so I'm letting survs go now. Full BP build, no cares. If the games are over in 5 minutes I get pretty good amount of points even if I don't max every single category.
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Yes , thank you some that understands the point. It's a problem and the developers won't fix it.
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Ok? But it's not happening that way. Survivors are gen rushing thats the point. It's been a problem in and out side the event. There are not playing well they are gen rushing and leaving. Then what the point that of having a killer at all.. The games are not long enough. It's a waste of time. I'm not shaming them im stating facts
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I’ve gotten kills with Agitation, it doesn’t make it a “strong perk”.
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All killers, I play all killers. It's still a problem with ALL Killers. I run multiple builds with different killers based on there power so O understand why some builds lack slow down perks. I thank you for help I trying to advise me. I appreciate it, I really do. But my point is still, the point that of relevance. It dose not matter what killer you use. It's still going to happen regardless. It's been a problem for ever. And it's geting worse. It's 4 vs 1 . There is a lot of room for error on both sides, but in this case survivors have been perks and killers have to make eup the slack for that. If you don't believe me go on my account on this forum and look at the poll I made for killer and survivor perks. Most people voted survivors have better perks .
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I mean it's your opinion, in my opinion it's a strong perk of you can use it right.. It might not be to you and thats fine. It's your opinion.
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Of course it’s my opinion, I never said it wasn’t.
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so are killers tunneling&camping at 5 gens
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Thank you , I will take you advice into consideration when I play my games. Thanks for your help 😘.
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Not really. camping/ tunneling happens usually when we are closed to 1 it 2 gens.
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Have you tried playing survivor to see a different perspective on the situation. It seems that you are either mismanaging how long people are able to sit on the gens for or how to put pressure on the gens. I can agree that gens can go pretty quickly if you aren't able to start that first chase or get a down quickly. I was playing some Trickster yesterday and usually two gens would pop by the time I got my first hook (I'm not good at Trickster), but I still was getting mostly 2K or 3K. I think if you play survivor a bit, you can see why the gens go so quickly because if you are soloing a gen and there's no pressure put on you, then there's no reason to leave it. Playing enough survivor games will either teach you the mistakes that other killers make so that you "gen rush" them or will show you that "gen rushing" isn't as easy as you think.
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Stop paying attention to gens and focus on getting downs and hooks. There are some games you cannot win. That is OK. You can still earn BP and if the survivors want to just do gens and leave that means you get to the next match faster.
I don't use gen slowdown and still win most of my games. Maybe focus on healing interruption? Healing slowdown is much more precious to the survivors. If you can interrupt healing you cut down the chase times and keep the hooks coming.