Killers You Thought You'd Hate, But You Actually Enjoy?

For me: Trickster.
Really wasn't a fan of him. Hated facing him, didn't like his visual design (forget franchise, he feels like he's from a different genre of game) and just not a fan of ranged killers in general.
That said, he's grown on me and now I play a fair bit of Trickster when I want something different. The only thing I really don't like is how many survivors will instantly give up or DC the second they see me :|
Ghostface. I got him because I wanted I'm all ears for ph and ended up playing him more than ph. At least recently.
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Weirdly, yeah. I'm similar. Got Ghosty way back when I first started for that exact perk (I was terrible, so wanted ALL the info I could possibly have) and a year later, decided to try him and really grew to enjoy him. Probably my 5th most played killer atm.
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Twins, I bought them and never played them at all until the recent tome for them, and now I love them.
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I always hated playing against hag and thought playing as her would be as tedious but I find her quite enjoyable to play as.
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Twins, and to a lesser extent Blight.
I adore the Twins despite their concept seeing like it'd be annoying to manage, and Blight's more fun than I expected someone that finnicky to be. I don't play Blight that often, still, but I do really like him when I do.
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I was excited for gf but after the release I was kinda bummed he got similar ability as myers, so I never got him until this year.
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That my my initial impression - a more complicated Myers. He plays nothing like Myers, aside from the stalking.
I've been...trying to like Twins but ugh, they are just so clunky and I'm not a big slugger at the best of times.
Hag was my first main, and is still one of my favorite killers. She can occasionally have a 'what the hell was I supposed to do there, I barely even saw a survivor' game due to her slow speed and setup times, but for the most part - as soon as you get survivors running around, you're a force of nature.
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Artist. Normally I'm pretty bad at anything that requires aiming from a distance, but her particular game of predicting survivor's pathing and then closing the trap on them is really fun.
Also, yeah, Hag.
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Trickster for the same reasons as you. Onryo because her visual and sound design is so good it distracts you from how weak she is
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Was spirit for a while, till the nerf, tried strider once and with my headphones it would actually throw me off on how close they were with the better sound. Then ran around as deathslinger, then they nerfed him. I get the aiming speed decrease but hated the terror radius nerf. So dredge is my favorite now. Love being in the locker that they try to lock
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Always feel like i can so something at a loop.
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Loved Artist from the second I saw her design. Easily my #4 killer, with the other three being Demo, Hag and Dredge respectively. If her addons were a little less boring, she'd probably be #3.
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Oh boy, I got quite a few. I was a survivor only main for ages, and I absolutely DESPISED most of the killers.
When I had to play killer from time to time, I only played Huntress, cuz it was the only killer I had respect for.
Killer reworks were the moments for me when I gave killers a chance...
Doctor rework - God he pissed me off, his power is annoying, he won't let you do stuff, overall walking menace to society... And when I gave him a try, I realized that's what feels the best on him. I became the very thing that pissed me off, and still pisses me off to this very day, but damn he's satisfying to play..
Freddy's rework - I absolutely HATED facing him, he was beyond busted and unfair... So if you can't beat them, join them. Oh boy I regret touching him, I got completely sucked in and he was my main for months. Now after he got overnerfed, I don't play him as much, he's still my guilty pleasure killer, despite him being probably on the lowest possible tier.
Bubba rework - probably the most hated killer, I hated looping him, I hated his stereotypes, I hated his power, I hated everything about him. NOW he's my nr 1 main. Playing him is what made me learn how to counter him, I don't get tilted when facing him anymore, I'm even excited when I see a Bubba as my killer.
After those 3 i learned to never judge a killer until you play it yourself, so from ex survivor only main, i became a killer main :D
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Hag. I didn't enjoy playing against her, but once I picked her up to unlock her perks I actually very much enjoyed playing as her. It is a fun territorial playstyle.
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before they released Trickster I had all characters except Clown, which I was not even close to wanting to get, BUT after I finally decided to get him with Iri shards and started playing him for the achievements, I just fell in love with him. He's one of my favorite to the day and I always find myself having at least some kind of fun when playing him
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Plague surprisingly became my main. I love the adaptation of playstyle based on what the survivors choose to do. Having to remain flexible and thinking ahead.
Deathslinger was one that held no interest until I started playing him for his perks (post nerf) and I ended up really enjoying his 1v1 capability even if he gets smashed in the 1v4.
Doctor...the screams, oh the lovely, lovely screams....
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Doctor at first looked so bland and uninspired to me he was really uninteresting to me and I didn't want to try him out.
Recently like 3 weeks ago I had a daily on him 'Complete 2 sacrifices with the Doctor' normally I never do any rituals related to Doctor beceause I don't want to play Herman.
then I was like ehhh why not try him out I had no expectations I just went in yolo spent 300k bloodpoints on him just to get the perks slots and some tier 2 perks and decent add-ons.
I already knew how his power worked his anti-loop is very mediocre but can be fun to use if survivors play greedy and don't predrop every pallets,I had a good game 3k and one man escape,it was a fun match I really loved playing Doc.
Then after several matches I fell in love with Mr.Carter,bought some cosmetics on him,got the mfer prestiged and wasted all my bloodpoints on him so I could have a viable build with strong add-ons.
His add-ons are probably the most complex add-ons in the whole game they were so hard to understand at first.
anyways here's my love story with strong beefy Herman :)
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For someone with probably around 600-800 hours on Demogorgon, I didn't find him all that fun at the beginning
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No, please not another Trickster, I beg you!! What terrible things did the Entity do to you?
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Don't worry - much like my Hag, I'm pretty atypical, in that I don't camp or tunnel outside of necessity. I like to roam.
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Thumbs up. Glad to hear that. When I meet the first trickster who doesn't camp and tunnel from the start, I think of you :D
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Pyramid Head. No attachment to Silent Hill whatsoever, "oh look a demo ripoff who can tunnel easily" is what I told myself after playing him on the PTB, he came to live and I loved him for literally no reason. His """nerfs""" happened and suddenly it was 0.5s faster to use your power, meaning you were less punished for making fun shots, and the rest is history
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I don't like killers that can just oneshot you because they found you in the open..
The rest I might have hated before but no more.
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Spirit and Twins
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Yeah, a good while back I did a little personal challenge where I had to 2 hook everyone before killing anyone, and somehow I came to love a more roaming style (you'll notice that all my favorite killers are either massively mobile, can teleport or, well, are Artist).
Trickster...sometimes you'll get a bad map or a tough start and you'll have to tunnel someone out, but I never do that from word one.
I love Spirit.
I'm also terrible on Spirit. I've got terrible hearing in one ear, so you'll literally see me cocking my killer's head from side to side while playing to hear people.
I run MDR/Blossom without any shame on her, otherwise survivors are treated to the image of me attacking the first audio source I find.
PH, along with Oni and Billy is the only killer left that I haven't really put time into learning. I'll get around to it, but the fact that I have to go out of my way to get BBQ stacks is a turn off.
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Definitely no shame in that, especially since they removed Fathers Glasses :(
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Trust me, you shouldn't have to. Caging is rarely the correct play tbh. I still have a year old guide if you want it, still trying to find the time to update and finish the 2022 version
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That's the same way I play killers. And I also prefer killers with high mobility or some kind of map pressure (like Artist, Doc)
Don't worry about your Spirit. I'm probably the worst Spirit EU West, but I love her too :D I'm having trouble with directional sounds in DBD. I really don't know how Spirit mains handle this. That's why I also like to play her with MDR and Blossom.
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When the Dredge spoilers happened, I read his power and was really underwhelmed. Thought he seemed really derivative and boring
Then I actually played him.
One of BHVRs best designed killers to date.
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I definitely have a longer list of killers I thought I'd like but didn't, but one notable killer I liked way more than I thought I would is Plague, to the point where she moved from ignored into the 4-5 killer rotation of my favorites.
I love playing Spirit, but as I can only hear out of one ear, I am at a pretty huge disadvantage with her. So I totally get that trouble with directional sounds issue.
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Hmm, I may take a look that that, although I'm currently putting most of my DbD into learning Dredge and capping my mains out on perks. Will likely take a hiatus until Halloween to focus on work and other games. Ta though.
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Huntress. I didn’t think I’d enjoy playing a 110% speed killer who slowly wound up hatchets, but I’m having fun with her. Even though I’m terrible.
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Legion. I always raked my friend over the coals for maining a killer as weak as The Leg, then I realized they fit my preferred unga bunga caveman playstyle perfectly.
And then I got Hag, who I also thought i'd hate.
And I did.
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I didn’t really enjoy Ghostface all that much before his mini-rework, but now i absolutely adore him
the fact that his chase music slaps is a very nice bonus
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Yeah, Hag is many things but unga bunga isn't it.
When I want to unga bunga, Legion is a great choice.
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Twins definitely. I used to think they were a slob to play as and against, but they grew on me.
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Dredgy. Still waiting for mommy dredgy waifu cosmetic.
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I never played Resident Evil or Silent Hill so had no interest in Nemesis or Pyramid Head. I didn’t expect to “hate them” but I wasn’t all that into the idea of playing them either. But honestly they’re both a lot of fun to play in DbD so I’m glad they worked out. 🙂
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The Artist. I thought her power would be pointless for me, but, win or lose, hitting people with birds is really fun.
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Wraith! I'd been playing the game for quite a while, and never really played Wraith since I thought other killers had better stealth capabilities. I eventually decided to give him a try because of Otz's killer quiz. I actually found him quite fun, and have been playing him a lot ever since!
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Wraith is...ugh.
He was perfect before the nerf. Now - yeah, he can be fun, but then you get sent to Gideon's against a strong team and just get looped for the entire match from god pallet to god pallet.
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I feel that frustration. But with a couple of Windstorm add-ons, I still find him very fun, no matter what.
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pig I always hated going against her and thought she would be boring but thanks to the saw tome and me looking for a new killer to main as coh killed the hit and run playstyle of the legion at the time I tried her out and i fell in love with her playstyle and she has become my main
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The slash and run playstyle is so much fun thank the entity that the devs nerfed coh so us legion players can slash and run again especially now with the rework we got