Spine Chill will now only activate if the Killer has a clear line of sight to the Survivor

Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

"Spine Chill will now only activate if the Killer has a clear line of sight to the Survivor."

How lovely. I've always wanted a perk to warn me a killer was looking at me when i can literally see them on my screen.

Maybe you could also make it so if my camera isn't facing the right way it doesn't trigger? Just to make sure it's absolutely 100% useless through and through.

Fr tho, the idea of using a perk to tell me "hey the killer is coming" when they're literally RIGHT HERE is too funny for me to actually be mad. Love how killers wanted it nerfed against stealth killers and now the perk will only be useful against literally invisible killers, and not even that much.

