Spine Chill will now only activate if the Killer has a clear line of sight to the Survivor

"Spine Chill will now only activate if the Killer has a clear line of sight to the Survivor."
How lovely. I've always wanted a perk to warn me a killer was looking at me when i can literally see them on my screen.
Maybe you could also make it so if my camera isn't facing the right way it doesn't trigger? Just to make sure it's absolutely 100% useless through and through.
Fr tho, the idea of using a perk to tell me "hey the killer is coming" when they're literally RIGHT HERE is too funny for me to actually be mad. Love how killers wanted it nerfed against stealth killers and now the perk will only be useful against literally invisible killers, and not even that much.
Because Spine Chill users DON'T look around, they watch the perk icon and soon as it lights up.... RUNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Maybe you'll have to get good and pay attention to your surroundings now and not have a free light which tells you that you might be in danger in a few seconds.
Especially with how it used to completely counter stealth killers and stealth builds.
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This perk went from nice A tier to D/F tier. It's bad.
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It would still have a use if they kept the vault speed increase but they wanted to absolutely massacre the perk
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No, spine chill users don't want to be chased, they avoid chases entire match, so why should they then get a vault speed increase when you finally catch them?
Devs did good with that.
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The vault speed increase is actually the reason I run it
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Always funny to read the "pay attention to your surroundings" meme answer, when there's plenty of walls and other Line-of-Sight blockers that make exactly that impossible.
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Ah yes, let's make survivor perks utterly useless because they're simply not good enough. How unfair for a perk to be valuable against some killers, while being basically useless against the majority of them if you know how to turn your camera.
Also i literally only run spine chill for vault builds if you truly care, but BHVR killed that too so it doesn't really matter anyway.
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There really isn't any reason to use this perk now. Maybe if you are just starting but you'd quickly replace it for something more effective.
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Another fun perk directly to the trash dumpsters.
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Pretty much, play mirror Myers and when you stalk the moment they see it light up they've run miles and you see it happening with the aura reading.
They bolt before you are even close enough to see them.
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Yeah spine chill is dead. I’m assuming sprint burst will become the perk of choice.
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Spine Chill wasn't designed for vaulting it was meant to be a perk for newer players like premonition to have some knowledge for when the killer is near and give them time to run.
Experienced players just use it to avoid chases and abuse the vault speed.
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As a Bubba, I know. Which is why it was removed because it alrdy provides enough with what it does.
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Salty killer that can't find survs in a match it seems...
Not everyone uses Spine Chill to run away as soon as it lights up, it's also an awareness kind of perk
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I liked to use Spine Chill as Solo-que survivor. SWF survivors can always have much info wheres killer going, towards who he is coming tho. Also it was nice to use perk in chases tho.
Im feeling like this perk rework ll nerf solo survivors a bit more than i tho. Also I think anti-tunnel/anti-camp nert is not enough. Since camping and tunneling is very strong against solo survivors. I dont think so 5 seconds endurance is enough.
Well I m not big fun of such nerf of Spine chill since i play survivor as solo always. This perk was counter to play against stealthy killers tho. Well, we ll see how changes ll work tho. Hopefully playing survivors ll be playable as solo tho.
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Needed change. Look at what Spine Chill does to killers like Deathslinger. Survivors wanted more chases now they're getting more chases.
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I completely agree taking away the vault speed is pretty stupid however a perk that absolutely destroys stealth killers which are already a joke is also dumb, I think they should add the vault speed back and thats all.
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It's a passive perk with no cooldown that let's you know when you and the killer can see each other. It's still good at helping you aware of danger when you aren't actively looking at it.
Now there's a reason to us premonition to actively check for stealthily threats.
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Exactly and I am so glad that this is being changed. Finally stealth players/killers have more options again. Thanks BHVR
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I'd also be fine with a new perk that gives you 5% vault speed and nothing else.If they really don't wanna stick it to Spine Chill that badly.
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The thing is, getting spine chill through a wall, how corny is that? Especially for stealth killers. Maybe they should have reduced the vault speed instead of removing it completely, but I'm not sure. You have to remember they want to shift these perks away from meta. So toning it down so it's used less often, it's also it's purpose. I do think Spine Chill will be completely useless, besides niche scenarios, maybe end gate or on a gen about to finish and that percent helps a lot. It will still help with stealth killers as well.
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Stealth killers* not stealth players. This is a nerf for stealth survivors.
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The perk being passive with no cooldown really doesn't change the fact that it's absolute garbage. If you don't pay enough attention to see a 2m tall dude coming your way you won't notice a little cat on the bottom of your screen lightning up.
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It's good that most stealth killers aren't detected while undetectable, but the perk still ######### Myers over as he needs line of sight to do his stealthy #########.
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Cry more
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Getting to tier 2 has been made easier for him because they would usually scamper when you were looking their way at the beginning. Plus the mirror builds just became more viable too.
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I appreciate that it will implicitly encourage stealth killers to actually play in a stealthy manner - theyll now feel benefits from approaching with line of sight blockers since they will be confident that spine chill isn't giving them away regardless and that its better for them to just bull rush and hope for the best
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survivor have more info then killer base kit just from 3rd person pov and 360• camera control, they don’t need 24/7 wall hacks the have more range then killers stalking abilities
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It's a little bit easier, but they still get warned the second you start stalking them.
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Huge difference between "toning down" a perk and rendering it unusable. They could have made it not activate against killers with the undetectable status to help stealth killers. Also the vault speed really didn't need to be nerfed, I never saw anyone say vault builds were meta.
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This is true.
Running Spine Chill actually made me a worse survivor.
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Useless comment, go back to your daddy's basement
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Sure I agree, you shouldn't kill off a perk just cus it's meta and render it useless. That wouldn't be a bad idea for stealth killers. Imo, I think they should have kept the vault speed but, nerf it a bit. I don't know, I think the 9 percent vault speed is kinda cheap. This comes from a person who used vault speed builds. I'm not too sure though. Well see how PTB is and if they make changes.
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Maybe that gen spot is supposed to be a dangerous spot to be in...
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I think the new Spinechill might be most useful against stealth killers, especially stalking ones. But if you want a perk to know when the killer is near there is already Premonition.
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They should have just removed the vault speed and made it not work against undetectable, that would be the exact same thing for stealth killers.
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Yup I agree. They took a good perk and made it useless like its kissing cousin, Premonition.
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Yeah, Spine Chill doesn't do anything you can't do with your eyes now. Pointless perk.
I didn't like how much it screwed with Ghostface and Myers, but this is taking it too far.
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Dude what? There's literally a build around using Spine Chill in chase. Perk is useless now.
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It's a heavy nerf, but its previous iteration also totally neutered stealth killers, so it doesn't feel unfair to me. It'll still have some utility to players who like to sit on gens and not have to be constantly scanning around.
So yeah, it's essentially going to be a noob perk now.
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Maybe it's dangerous because there is no Line-of-Sight, aka there's no way to be aware of your surroundings ...
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Even now that te perk is bad it's still at its peak performance against stealth killers. I think making spine chill not trigger against undetectable killers would have been much better for stealth killers, and it wouldn't have nerfed the perk to the ground.
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Spine Chill didn't need a nerf, it was a well balanced perk and the only counter to stealth killers. Now it's garbage, just like every other survivor perk in this update.
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Seems like you get the point 😉
You still can be aware of your surroundings even if in a dangerous place, just not as good as in a not so dangerous area.
I know its rocket science 🚀
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Yeah, the more I think about it, the less brutal this nerf seems. The times you'd most want it would be when you were being actively stalked/marked, and it will still work in those situations.
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Spine Chill is effectively dead. Look how they massacred my boy...
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Being aware of a Line-of-Sight blocker is not equal to being able to sense beyond a Line-of-sight Blocker. Why would people be so keen on Spine Chill Nerfs, if Spine Chill wasn't needed at all, because you could get the same results with just being "aware of your surroundings" instead?
Yeah. Rocket Science to some, common sense to others.
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Pretty crazy as well as it’s a necessity for solo q, now it’s useless but why?
Its not like swfs run it anyway as they just use comms, so why burden the solo q players even more.
Its not like you could tell which direction the killer was coming from with it anyway
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They even removed the vault speed build part of it... I can only imagine they've done that so that they can introduce a perk dedicated to just that in the future.