New Spine Chill + Iron Will Probably The Worst Changes

Astrian Member Posts: 320

I'm a fan of the changes for both sides of the game, but these are the two that stood out for me, y'all really killed these perks but I'm curious to see what others think.

Spine Chill: The problem in my opinion with this perk was that it effectively hard countered Undetectable killers. The Vault Speed buff and the no "Line of Sight" benefit weren't nearly as big of problems as this. Yeah you solved the undetectable killer problem, but now you just made the perk worthless, nobody used the perk for the action buff it gave, they only used it for cheating undetectable killers out of the game and for the vault speed buff.

Without either of these, the perk is garbage tier. Just make it so killers that should not be detected aren't with this perk, problem solved. Wraiths, Pigs, people running Tinkerer can play the game again.

Iron Will: Yeah I just don't even know what the thought process was with this one. From my experience people barely run this perk to begin with lately and would prefer to use stronger perks that actively impact the game. Both as Survivor and Killer I've seen people use Iron Will less and less as plenty of perks are available that provide more value, Boons, Decisive Strike, Dead Hard, Sprint Burst Spine Chill, Borrowed Time.

In my opinion this really wasn't a big deal, but the nerfs are rough my guys. 75% reduction in noises means characters like Jeff and Ash might as well not even have the perk equipped. To top it all off though, the perk goes away during exhaustion, so this perk is worthless now as all killers have to do is equip Fearmonger and now Exhaustion perks and Iron Will no longer do anything.

This perk is only really useful now in locker builds which were memey to begin with.

Other than that, this patch seems really solid, LMAO at people who use Self-Care, nerf deserved for running that perk to begin with. Now there's no discussion, y'all actually wasting time running it.


  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987
    edited June 2022

    With iron will it should’ve been either been the exhaustion or lowering the percents, not both. Honestly they should’ve never nerfed stridor so iron will could be countered with it

    Same with spine chill, should’ve just been the speed bonus nerfed

  • Tryharder
    Tryharder Member Posts: 173

    Healthy changes, I see nothing wrong besides nobody even play with these changes yet so it to soon to be criticizing

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,884

    I dont see why the new iron will is so bad. Its like complaining that you can't kick a gen with pop when ruin is already regressing it. You're using 2 strong perks and can only use 1 at a time, seems healthy to me.

  • Satelit
    Satelit Member Posts: 1,377

    You can already test the Iron Will nerf,lvl II of the perk is 75%,and everyone knows it's bad because it does nothing against someone with decent headphones

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I agree, Iron Will should have stayed the same and they should have reverted the stridor change.

    Agreed on spine chill change as well

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320

    It's like what Satelit said, all you have to do is put on headphones and 75% reduction is worthless. Just equip No Mither and see how easily killers still find you, 75% is nothing. Survivors like Ash, Jeff, Jane still yelling at max volume without 100% reduction.

    Exhaustion deactivating perk is just cherry on top.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    Well. Spine Chill nullify the stealthy killers to an extent and Iron Will was too strong in main buildings and jungle gyms, good changes imo.

  • rooCraah
    rooCraah Member Posts: 138

    iron will and self care are the worst changes in the update IMO. making Iron Will not work while exhausted is an interesting buff, as it'd still be good after getting unhooked because being hooked resets exhaustion, but having it not be 100% makes it almost pointless.

    The worst change is Self-Care, as now your teammates will spend an extra 13 seconds doing nothing in the corner.

    Agreed that vault speed from SC was fine, but also agreed that nerfing it to not counter stealth killers is justified.

    Ideally, it would have a conditional proc: as long as you're in the terror radius, or the killer has LOS, it's active. Lets it stay useful, without countering stealth killers, and at that point you could even remove the max range.

  • Tryharder
    Tryharder Member Posts: 173

    a perk shouldn’t be mandatory every game and iron will was being used too much. It didn’t just hard counter spirit but it made mind games even more longer. Maybe you should get some decent headphones too because killers are just as loud as survivors.

  • Satelit
    Satelit Member Posts: 1,377

    Iron Will is not a mandatory perk considering that I don't even use it myself

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,884

    Idk about you but even without iron will sounds barely work and when they do someone thats injured 10 meters away from me make such a miniscule amount of noise. Iron will will definitely help in that aspect by making the grunts of pain from that far away nearly silent. Unless you want audio to actually work and know where you are simply by footsteps or slow vault sounds.

  • AnnoyingNarrator
    AnnoyingNarrator Member Posts: 222

    When it comes to Iron Will, it is more of a victim from how the game's sounds work. In its current state, it is without a doubt too good. It is a powerful that can't really be countered in any meaningful way. Now it is rather worthless because you are better off running other perks suck as Bite the Bullet or the Buffed Off The Record. I also don't like how this change buffs spirit, a killer already very strong.

    Spine Chill changes just hurt. To be blunt, if this update passes there will be no reason to run this perk. If they just made it so that undectable killers don't trigger the effect, that would have been a fine Nerf. The loss of the vault speed is rather sad, but it was only really mattered when stacked with Resilience. This also means that Resilience got nerfed from the loss of that combo. As someone who loves Ghost Face, I do like the way it makes stealth killers actually stealthy.