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General Discussions

A slap in the face for long time players

We probably all agree that it was time to reduce the grind and this is a good solution from the devs. 

But: all of you who have put many years, hours and bloodpoints into this game and have also prestiged, invested tens of millions of bloodpoints, lost countless items, offerings and addons... and for all this there should now be a special icon in the result screen! This is an absolute insolence and more than unworthy!

And at the same time all players who have consciously decided against prestiging in the past are rewarded by getting the prestige levels retroactively credited... don't get me wrong, I begrudge everyone everything. I just want to make it clear that this reward is a real slap in the face for many long time players!

The devs should really solve this differently!!!

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  • Member Posts: 786

    i want to be reimbursed every bloodpoint I lost on items and offerings for each character and each prestige. I have all but the new 2 p3… so safe to say I want like 200million bp… 😂

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Who cares if other players get retroactive prestige once the update rolls around? Other people's accounts aren't your problem. And if you want street cred, you're getting a 'I did this back when it was hard, bro' badge everyone else gets to see. I don't get what the problem is.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    While I don’t think it’s a slap in the face it still does feel very disappointing. Also I don’t like the fact that I will have different icons for my characters as I don’t have every killer on p3 and new characters won’t even have the possibility to get it.. I kinda prefer a consistent appearance..

  • Member Posts: 2,184
    edited June 2022

    If you want a real slap, imagine paying a fortune for gold Feng and then BHVR gives to everyone for free.

  • Member Posts: 600

    It’s a video game, not an office job. Loyalty and dedication don’t need to be rewarded. Just be happy we get something at all.

  • Member Posts: 3,755


  • Member Posts: 207

    Wow, customers do not value their time and money anymore. As a paying customer, I demand the best service the company can give or me and my money walk. If you think loyalty and dedication to a brand are not something deserving of reward, don't ever go into business. There are many companies who have learned that lesson the hard way, many are no longer around.

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    Fixing something so future players don't have to suffer isn't some kind of injustice to those who came before.

    By that logic, improving anything anywhere ever is unfair.

  • Member Posts: 435


    with the new system you don’t need bloodpoints, cause all perks unlocked on all characters… just for new addons or items or when a new chapter arrives

  • Member Posts: 435

    I wrote that I‘m agree with changes needed and important. The point is the loss of all the items and addons for nothing. I think it’s the Job of a buisness to find good solutions for their product AND ALL their customers.

    btw with this prestige change i only need to play/farm bp when new contents will be released, so I will miss the grind in my case

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    I have 6,300 hours, making this game more accessible to new players is more important than devs stroking their legacy players by giving them fancy #########, I've spent a lot of money on nice outfits for my characters I don't need some mediocre skin or charm that I'll never run.

  • Member Posts: 86

    All prestiges and all perks in all characters... My reward? An icon... Are you kidding?

    Not asking for "legacy 2.0", but something else wouldn't be bad

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