Why nerf DS at all?
I can understand that you want to change the meta but nerfing DS from 5 to 3 seconds is going to make it basically pointless
Let’s say you are facing a nurse with 1 or 2 range add ons or a spirit with MD ring. What the hell is a 3 second stun going to do against that? Or even a blight or billy?
I think most can agree that current DS is in a good spot except for during EGC which you agreed was a problem and rightfully nerfed but the stun duration was literally never and issue. I hope this change doesn’t go through since it will only encourage tunnelling even more in a update that wants to tone it down
Yeah this change seems really weird and bad
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In those examples you listed, a 5 second stun hell, an 8 second stun, wouldn't do anything different.
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Ima just bring Off the Record then if they're really planning on nerfing the stun. Heck, OTR has a longer duration too.
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They nerfed it just because it was meta.
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Yeah I’m all, for shaking up the meta but DS was a pretty healthy perk and the devs even said they liked the current iteration so why nerf it to the ground?
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Feels like all they wanted to do was to make people not use the same perks, even if they changes they made to them were brainless.
Congratulations on achieving that ig.
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4 would be a fair number i must say 3 is a bit shorter but not problematic since the perk is intended to get you a second chance to reach a window or pallet , not to hold W to the other side of the map if you just hold forward against a M1 killer with no mobility powers.
about nurse and blight yes , this change just makes tunneling blights and nurses a bit more stronger sadly.
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Agreed 4s would be much better. The first thing I thought is "Well, another Nurse/Blight buff since they can just immediately jump behind the surv after eating the DS"
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And the only reason DS and BT are meta is because they're bandaid perks created to fix base game design flaws. Same thing with Corrupt Intervention, but at least they made some attempt in this to address that issue by extending gen times, whereas survivors get completely shafted with the biggest buff to camping and tunneling in years.
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I think people will use off the record anyway because it’s 80 seconds. Maybe they’re nerfing DS so it’s not too strong combined with OTR.
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From this to the knockout buff to the lowered hit speed boost nurse is looking even better after this update. They really need to get onto her sooner rather than later
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Simple... Second chance perks are becoming second chance ONLY perks... meaning intentional usage outside of intended purpose are going to get removed... quite simple really.
No more using Dead Hard to gain distance.
No more using DS to stun a killer in endgame rather than preventing tunnelling midgame.
If you have been excessively using a perk with your SWF friends outside of it's intended usage... YOU are to blame for the nerfs.
As someone who never liked DH or DS as a survivor and a killer who always experienced the perks being purely used to work in endgame with SWF's... i like the changes.... A LOT.
People moaning about the changes are the people who abused the perks... otherwise there is nothing to moan about 🤣
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Second chance perk layering would be my guess. Maybe they dislike that an unhooked survivor has access to the BT effect that already grants you the ability to get to a safe loop, on top of going down and having another second chance perk that can save you. All of which is a little bit silly because it implies you are tunneling and maybe should eat those perks in layers.
I don't see the point in taking the most extreme, broken example you can give in the game, which is going to be rare, and using it as your reasoning for why it isn't okay
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The problem wasn’t the endgame change I actually love that. The issue is making the stun itself much less valuable to a point where certain killers will essentially ignore the whole perk
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As a killer main I must agree. At the moment, when I suspect a survivor to be having DS, but I want them out for whatever reason (most likely because they tilted me in some way ^^"), I just think "whatever, I will just eat that DS and then hunt them down". With the duration nerfed to 3s? Thats basically a no-brainer! And no-brainers are seldom good for a game of options.
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Even against basic killers like wraith or clown the distance you’ll be getting will be almost negligible especially on certain maps that have long distances between loops
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Yeah unless you are on a very pallet heavy map the 3 seconds might not be enough to even get to another loop
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It still gives you a second chance after being tunnelled... it just now does not guaranty that you will escape the following chase if you have no good perks or skill to back it up after you jump off the shoulders... it also help prevents organised chain stuns.
Ergo... it does exactly what it was supposed to... but no longer can be used as a team tactic.
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I would take 3 seconds if paired with: no grunt sounds, no blood pools and no scratch marks for those 3 seconds.
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10s stun would be good enough and it's not activating at endgame and it should be just automatic without skill check too.
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I'm just happy that it gets disable with the endgame. The stun cooldown might meet in the middle for a 4 second stun which might be the sweet spot. Maybe they did this so someone isn't able to blind the killer during the stun as easy.
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"at the end of the match, there’s often nothing the Killer can do to prevent a Survivor with Decisive Strike from escaping."
this statement above is from the devs and the direct reason for the change, sooo its a great change actually
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They did already talk about working on Twins and Blight, 2 of the most tunnel potential killers, I wouldnt be surprised if Nurse was added to that mix too.
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I agree with the stun change being dumb but the endgame deactivation is fair. There is literally nothing you can do against a ds at endgame. Very similar to the upcoming change of BT and basegame change.
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We were more referring to the stun duration decreasing from 5 to 3 seconds, DS should absolutely deactivate when opening the gates and that makes sense
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I mean, yeah, an 8 second stun would change quite a bit, that's 3 seconds extra to gain distance
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Get better at the game I suppose?
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To be fair, hitting through OTR and eating DS is Killer's fault. Its the same as BT to DS
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Oh yeah the endgame change is great. All this stun change does is encourage killers to eat through DS because there’s basically no downside to doing so
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3 seconds is still more than enough time to blind the killer. The problem is you basically can’t get distance anymore especially against certain killers making it pretty useless at its job
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5 seconds wasn’t always enough to guarantee an escape. Afaik a range nurse, MD ring spirit and especially blight could be back on you in like 5-10 seconds at most
Also Chain stuns are kinda a waste of the survivors time in a lot of case especially if you are using pallets after a DS stun
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I think most people agreed that removing its use during EGC was fair enough, but prior to the announcement, most of those people also agreed to have it trigger off both unhooks, rather than just one, as compensation.
Now it got its EGC usage removed, which is fine, but then it got another nerf dumped on top of it, so now it's more situational, and worse in the more limited situation in which it occurs. OTR is going to massively outperform it until it gets nerfed to crap and we get tunnelling meta back.
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What about the stun duration nerf?
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It seems the devs just want people to use Off The Record instead. 20 second longer duration, work multiple times, even during endgame, more distance, can bodyblock without going down. What possible advantage does new DS even have to OTR now.
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Yeah I don’t see any case where DS is better than OTR now. Killer attack cooldown is 2.7 seconds and add the speed boost you can actually get more distance with OTR than DS plus it lasts for 20 seconds longer and doesn’t have the potential of missing a skill check
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And OTR works off both unhooks, and, more stupidly, works during EGC.
So they 'fixed' DS, and then reintroduced the problem with OTR.
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Yeah by “meta shift” they seemed to mean “make 1 perk objectively better than the other in every scenario”. Well at least new players won’t have to pay for Laurie now I guess
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Yeah this was clearly them just saying “We shifted the meta by making OTR the new DS with all the problems current DS has like working in endgame, don’t worry though DS sucks now”
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Damn I just realized it's when exit gates are powered, not even open. That's crazy. DS is worthless now. Good riddance I guess? Off the Record will take its place.
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lol i love this nerfing, so we can see survivor gameplay become more variative not a boring one.
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The only situation I can think the 5% downed down to 3% makes sense is the Head On + DS strat. But we had a 3% DS bug not so long ago and it was HORRIBLE. That destroyed the perk completly. Until the camping situation is fixed, DS should remain the same. They should at least slowdown hook timer if the killer is camping or in a proximity, sort of like the End game collapse when a survivor is hooked, then and only then would this change be ok.
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Hopefully killer will also be more variative with less camping and tunneli- oh nvm it is even easier now
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I was surprised they did that. I was fine even with how strong in endgame it could be, but removing that should be enough.
That stun reduction was overnerfed
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By more varied you mean OTR in every build instead of DS? Because that’s what is going to happen
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lol survivor main detected.
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person who makes dumb comments detected
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Ds stun was originally 3 seconds but it got buffed because of enduring. When enduring got nerfed/changed Ds never got the stun duration reverted.
Basically it was always meant to be 3 second stun, it was an oversight to not change it back for so long.
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Back then it was meant to be a 3 second stun but they had almost 4 years to revert it but didn’t choose to. The 5 seconds was a fine number and should stay
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The 3 second stun 4 years ago was also fine if it wasn't for enduring.