Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Survivor Content Creators What Will your Content Be Now.

Tatt3dWon Member Posts: 514

Looping is not the direction they want the game going in anymore it seems like since most killers complain about that and now that they are nerfing it to the ground what do you think you will do for content now?


  • Tatt3dWon
    Tatt3dWon Member Posts: 514

    But the looping is dead faster break times faster hit regen times less distance after getting hit camping got buffed and so did tunneling im like really confused on where you see exactly the same.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    They're nerfing looping into the ground? As a concept? How's that work?

  • Tatt3dWon
    Tatt3dWon Member Posts: 514

    True but who will watch them lol. Honestly the 10 seconds added is a nerf with all the gen repair buffs they did.

  • Tatt3dWon
    Tatt3dWon Member Posts: 514
    edited June 2022

    "But the looping is dead faster break times faster hit regen times less distance after getting hit camping got buffed and so did tunneling im like really confused on where you see exactly the same." Same as above.

  • Tatt3dWon
    Tatt3dWon Member Posts: 514

    Its really not I'm really asking what content will you make as a looper now? If you are one.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389
    edited June 2022

    It's 10% faster. Calm down. Camping has nothing to do with looping so maybe you could exclude it from your next breathless outrage post? A little focus, please.

  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,564

    I don't really watch DBD content no more tbh. It's all recycled content that gets repetitive quick.

    I wonder how they approach their new videos though aside from "New *insert perk* buff"

  • Tatt3dWon
    Tatt3dWon Member Posts: 514

    Bruh literally the only thing survivors have now is windows bring bamboozle and there's no looping 25 sec bloodlust level 2 faster pallet breaks and hitting i dont see how blind you can see they want this to be hide and seek and get rid of looping.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Holding M1 simulator because it gives them more time to talk to their chat.

  • Tatt3dWon
    Tatt3dWon Member Posts: 514

    The big problem is though at least you saw fun chases and mind games now its just a gen rush game.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    If the killer is camping (and is incentivized to do so), no one can loop. So, technically, camping does have something to do with looping.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,978

    camping buffed? Not really, tunneling alone also got nerfed. Sure, breaking obstacles is slightly faster, but with Blight, an S tier killer, breaking pallets faster than a Myers while also closing gaps faster, just didnt make sense. Then the regen times for hits, again, doesnt really matter that much. The bigger issue is Nurse here, since it means Nurse gets to use her blinks faster.

    As for loops, well, I never really used Dead Hard anyway, and I see plenty of reasons to use it now. Rather than using it to dodge a hit, I can now tank a hit, which means I can use it before I vault a window thats too far to be a grab, but close enough to be a hit, and not get downed. The same would be true for reaching pallets. You could still use the effect to basically reach a pallet, but not its just a 1 time use perk in chase. You cannot use Dead Hard over and over and over again in the same chase by slapping on Vigil, you can now use it once, either to make distance for a window or pallet, and then not use it again untill you are mended. With Sprintburst and Vigil, you can still use it again and again and again. So now the choice becomes, either DH for dodging a hit and a 1-time potential distance, or Sprintburst for consistent distance during chase.

    99% of chases do not even get bloodlust 1, and when they do, its often the moment the killer gets a hit.

    Let alone that For The People's change means that killers would benefit more from hitting early than late.

    So if you think tunneling and camping were buffed, when all changes indicate something opposite, you're simply delusional. Chase wasnt buffed that much, as it basically returns a lot of chase to mindgames rather than predropping pallets or making distance. The changes made were mainly made to counter shift+w gameplay, it barely affects tiles.

  • Tatt3dWon
    Tatt3dWon Member Posts: 514

    No no no you will see man all survivors will do is bring bnps and gen rush perks if you cant loop a killer 15 sec you should just drop pallets and run away anyways. Looping is a main mechanic of this game and they just nerfed it to the ground and im not talking about dead hard whoever uses that cant loop anyways and the people who can dont need it. Do you really thing haste and 5 sec of bt will stop tunneling then you are delusional killers already do it with it being way longer wont change anything. The only difference is you cant loop to counter the tunnel. The main reason gens got done in dbd is by having someone who could loop well and killers just chasing them the whole game.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,978

    You do realize that if you use pallets correctly and dont greed them in dropping, you can legit run a killer for 5 minutes? 300 seconds is enough to finish all gens. And yeah, that 5 second basekit and haste will reduce tunneling, then you have BT increasing that time by 10 seconds, and Off The Record giving an 80 second endurance effect, because do you know how peopel tunnel now? Wait 12 seconds, hit. Now they would have to wait 80 seconds for that hit, or hit ASAP to catch up quicker. So yeah, killers will eventually start hitting super fast.

    Its not the basekit BT thats going to stop them from tunneling, its Off The Record that makes it beneficial to no longer wait.

    So really, what tunneling got buffed?

  • brock
    brock Member Posts: 305

    The changes to looping force you to make actual smart decisions on movement and not just hold W to the next pallet. You're being completely over-dramatic.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Holding M1, but some free thinkers will mix it up and hold W instead

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Old looping forced you to make actual smart decisions.

    See? We both can play this game.

  • Tatt3dWon
    Tatt3dWon Member Posts: 514

    Thats not looping a killer and is boring as hell to watch.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,978

    Except that is looping a killer, its not a loop untill you stay at a tile. Not pre-dropping pallets is looping, if you consistently pre-drop pallets, you're not looping and thats super boring.

    So in fact, staying at a single tile and mindgame is optimal, as it breaks chase and doesnt give bloodlust quickly, while shift+w gaming(the boring one) gives bloodlust quicker and gives the killer a quicker way to catch up.

    So what's boring here? Let alone that you havent really given a reason that tunneling got buffed, when there are more perks overall to discourage it. "yeah, but ds gets disabled" I can hear you say, but yeah once all gens are done. At that point it cant really be considered tunneling anymore, cus no one is being focussed to be removed early from the game.

  • Tatt3dWon
    Tatt3dWon Member Posts: 514

    Yea like i said if you drop pallets you suck which now you have to do since there is incresed bloodlust hits decresed speed after hit and pallet breaking.

  • Tatt3dWon
    Tatt3dWon Member Posts: 514

    Oh tunneling got buffed because tunneling was never a problem in the first place and now with all the adds for hitting people as killer the buffs dont do much.

  • Tatt3dWon
    Tatt3dWon Member Posts: 514
    edited June 2022

    Comboing loops is a loop also not staying at one tile if you combo loops without dropping thats looping which is now countered by bloodlust. Ask any loopers counter to looping its bloodlust what they needed to do was fix maps not add more bloodlust.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,978

    The thing is, you still dont need to drop pallets quickly, the only reason you would need to drop pallets quickly, is if you've been relying on Dead Hard to save pallets, in which case, you suck. If you need to rely on any perk to not pre-drop pallets, which you claim you HAVE to do now, you simply have not learned the basics of looping.

    "comboing loops is a loop" You cant combine things and say they are the same other than chains and holes. You can chain loops, but thats not the same as looping. Looping literally is local, comboing loops is part of chase. As for countered by bloodlust? Nah, not really, you can easily break bloodlust by keeping line of sight broken for 5 seconds, which happens at tiles, and bloodlust t1 still takes 15 seconds to appear AFTER chase has started. Chase doesnt start untill the killer has already closed the gap, so it basically takes the same amount of time. It's simply faster to get bloodlust t3, which now takes 5 seconds longer than current bloodlust t2. And honestly, how often have you seen killers reach Bloodlust t2 in the first place?

    Tunneling was always a problem, anytime a survivor gets out with less than 10k BP, I guarantee you they have been tunneled. That is a problem, the buffs literally prevent killers from counting to 12-ish and then hitting, bypassing BT and then eating DS early on, then count to 12-ish again and get them out.

    Now they cant bypass bt and are forced to hit someone who is likely being protected by endurance, they cant start mass slugging because of the buff of WGLF, they can still camp, but other than Bubba facecamping, you'd still quite easily get out or at the very least hooktrade. Both giving more room to survivors while unhooking/being unhooked, and in compensation chase has been slightly reduced. This entices killers to try and hook as many survivors as possible, because that will legit be the fastest way to get kills now.

  • Tatt3dWon
    Tatt3dWon Member Posts: 514
    edited June 2022

    No I don't use perks so I wont rely on dead hard I think its a wasted perk slot sb is 100x better but no its because you wont get any distance after getting hit and they will be right on you when getting hit giving you less time to get somewhere to loop. So best option will be to use dh for the 1 extra second and drop a pallet right away to get a little more distance to the next loop to then get blood lusted on if its a long wall. the literal only safeish pallets now are pallet window gyms. Which can also get blood lusted. But if its a blight or nurse your just dead lol. Tunneling is a loopers dream i loved getting tunneled so how was it a problem? Camping is the problem.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,978

    " because you wont get any distance after getting hit" Except you do, except instead of 18 meters, its 16 meters. That still takes the average 115 killer 25 seconds+lunge to close where currently it takes 28 seconds+lunge to close. Thats a save of 3 seconds. If you think that 3 seconds is gonna be the difference between not finding a loop, then you're simply not cut out for this game. You need to be visually within distance of 12 meters before the chase even starts. When walking in a straight line, that means 7 seconds already passed + 15 seconds, means 22 seconds before bloodlust 1 starts. If you do not find a loop in 22 seconds and cant block line of sight for longer than 5 seconds, you've simply been outpositioned and deserve to be downed.

  • Tatt3dWon
    Tatt3dWon Member Posts: 514
    edited June 2022

    That's in a straight line which most of the time you cant do in this game and have to take in consideration of not going towards gens so it doesn't disturb a survivor working on it. your also not taking in consideration that the killer is faster than survivor base speed. Your not going by gameplay and just by numbers like the devs who know nothing about this game because they dont play it and just crunch numbers.