BBQ is useless now

Without the bonus BP, its just an niche aura reading for ultra mobile killers like nurse or dregde. Slower killers will find more value of using Floods of Rage
Not related, but i just realized that david king probably has a British accent and now I can't stop laughing thinking about it
Part of me wants to try BBQ with Lethal Pursuer. Or maybe just try an all-around aura-reading build with Lethal Pursuer.
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It still gives Aura Reading on hook which is still useful. Lethal Pursuer buff also increases that aura reading duration to 6 seconds which is pretty huge itself.
It's not useless, just not a near mandatory perk to run on every killer.
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WGLF got a buff to compensate for the loss of the BP but BBQ didn't. Ain't that an embarrassingly one-sided kick in the pants.
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No point in playing killer for me anymore lmfao. I am a casual player, I don't play to win and I just want bp..
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I don't know about useless, but it's definitely going to not be used anywhere near as often- which, y'know, is the point.
Still, though, I quite like BBQ's aura read, I might still use it on some killers. Mobile ones, or just ones where I don't have much aura reading available...
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I do agree the perk should get something added to it, the BP gain was the main reason to run it because the aura reading is mediocre by itself. It should get something added to it imo, even if it's only an extra second or two of aura reading.
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I've seen alot of killers using both lethal pursuer and BBQ together. That's where distortion becomes very useful.
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Specifically David's accent would be this:
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BBQ's aura reading has always been decent and it will still continue to be used. Obviously it'll be used a lot less, but it's still a strong perk, especially with new Lethal Pursuer.
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True, but the effect of WGLF is way weaker than BBQ's. I feel the aura reading from BBQ is still somewhat worthwhile on its own, while the limited time boost to healing from the dying state is less so.
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I agree 100% with the devs' sentiment that you should pick perks based on the effects you want, not because they come prepackaged with faster progression. The progression should just be made easier baseline.
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People are crying way too heavily about the BP bonus being removed. BBQ still provides aura reading which can be buffed, sure. But with the new role incentive Killers will basically have permanent bonus BP.
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It's not useless, there are killers where it will be one of best perks like Blight, Oni etc.
It will just not be an auto-include because more BP.
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same with the good feeling of getting 4 stacks , feels bad 😥
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Im thinking lethal pursuer, myc, and the scourge hook that shows the aura of survs after unhooking
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Bringing bbq its a choice. Yes, it helps reducing the grind, but in the end the choice about bringing it is yours alone. you would be as good if you brought survivor pudding or the green global version
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Still, removing options from players is not a good idea. if you wanted to play casually without caring about winning you could use bbq, if you want to play to win, you would use a more sweaty build. And bbq still have a place in some sweat builds, since killers that can use the aura info to its fullest are also the strongests
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Basekit BP bonus idea
Killer: get a 25% bonus per 1st hook on survivor, up to 100%. Once a survivor is dead, you can no longer gain stacks. This would encourage killers to go after different survivors and maybe reduce tunneling a tiny bit.
Survivor: basically stays the same, get stacks for safe unhooks/protection hits, but without the full safety of BT. You could also add in something like 'doing a total of 100% gen progress during a trial rewards a single stack. Can only earn 1 per trial'. Just to give players a little more incentive to do a gen.
Search "bloodpoint changes and player retention" to read full post.
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So it's fair that survivors get a perk that has a after match albeit with the requirement of a escape with the item effect while killers don't got ya
Literally the bp bonus helped killers and survivors get tons of add ons and offerings quicker along with getting perks to tier 3 quicker
Like woo-hoo we get less grind for perks but what about addons offerings and survivor tools oh what's that no change well that's just fantastic and now you have no way to get more bp quickly outside of using finate offerings to get a minor boost to bp earnings or use event flans/cakes that only happen to come across your bloodweb during events and as someone who likes to keep my flan/cakes for that year it stinks
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Not true as items still cost the same and you were only able to get 2 perks each high end blood web anyways combined with the fact you have less bp at the end of the match you don't get as many as you're used to like if those things had a price slash or they made the bp bonuses base kit instead of a perk bonus I would agree that you would be getting more items from it
Tldr item prices are still the same while bp is cut in half and unless the bp bonus becomes base kit or item prices get slashed in half this hurts killers who rely on add ons
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That will only work as long as it's killers that are in demand which to be fair could be forever I'll concede to that but unless they give the sane amount of bloodpoints that the bonuses did the fact you will be getting less things from the bloodweb as you used to with the bp bonuses remains the same
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Scavenger and ace still exist, though.