New DH is Mettle of Man but without the effort.

Better buff MoM or rework it altogether cause why would you run that when you can have an extra health state by just pressing E.
Expect everyone and their mother to run this. If the changes go live I see no reason to run any other exhaustion perk. Also if you get a speed boost what is even the point of Overcome??
They addressed the issue with DH, we need to thankful about that, while at the same time, I don't think it's going to be problematic at all but we'll see.
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Except... you have to perfectly time it. And the effect lasts a single second. And it has an animation, which visually shows the Killer that it's been used, and the Survivor is now safe to hit. The only way to get value out of the new Dead Hard is to time it perfectly — which I'm happy with, as it actually requires some sort of skill and ability to predict. It's really not comparable to Mettle of Man.
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MFW people literally can't wait a second.
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Does it have animation? Where was this confirmed?
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Maybe someone can explain this to me:
If you press E, you get a 1 second bubble that protects you from a hit. If you get hit during that bubble, you get a sprint burst AND don't take any damage.
So, if the killer is close enough to hit you, you just press E, take no damage, and get a speed boost to get to the window/pallet/whatever.
Isn't that exactly how the old one worked? I guess now you don't get the added movement if they AREN'T close enough to hit you, but what's the point of Dead Harding if they're not close enough to hit you? This iteration also removes survivors accidentally Dead Harding into a corner or a wall.
Sure feels like this 'nerf' is actually a shadow buff.
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Good luck using that dead hard on console...
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By bhvr I assume? Thanks.
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Yeah by them
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I don't think it is worth to run it then honestly.
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I think it's very easy to bait out now and it will ve very bad if you don't have good conputer when you can use it even after killer hit you. While on worser computer and on console if killer start lunge far away you will always be downed eveb you pressed it at perfect time sometimes even if you press it before the hit you still will be on floor as dead hard does not have I frames on console or on worser pc. Dead hard will only be useful on super computers now.
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My point exactly. I don't think people realize how much of a time waster an extra hit can be. Multiple that by 4 worst case scenario, multiple times per game and killers will have a much worse time than they do now. At least on a deadzone DH does nothing currently, but with the new one they'll be able to use the speed boost to get to the next pallet or window anyway. I don't see how people are claiming it's a nerf when it's obviously a net buff.
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New Dead Hard can combo pretty well with MoM now if you want to go for a breakout build.
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I run Dead Hard once maybe every couple hundred games (I'm not generally playing to win as survivor, but I sweat hard as ######### when I'm playing killer), and you just wait until you see the red stain and press the button. Or else look behind you and wait for the animation, if you really want to be sure (which does take reflexes, and I can't do it consistently playing on Stadia, but it's not hard, no).
I second this question. I've been pissed off about the Dead Hard "nerf" all day, but if it has an animation, I'll shut up and be happy.
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It's answered. Apparently bhvr confirmed it on twitter.
It has animation.
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That's an issue with console, not the perk itself.
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So that's why I frames needs to go no more dodging hits for pc players as well to make it fair.
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Please dont screw this up for Killers
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So annoyed they didn't nuke this thing from orbit. Ultimately it loses some things but gains others. It can still be used for distance if you use it when you are 1 second away from safety.
Scariest thing? You can use to safely unhook. Sure nice against camping but that'll basically make the perk mandatory and make bullying an absolute joy.
It will still be the most used perk by far.
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It's said you get Endurance for 1 sec. Doesn't it mean you'll get Deep Wound after the hit (and Exaustion)? Doesn't look as "no damage" then.
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So, now it's a Bayonetta dodge that gives Survivors With Time.
I am entirely on board with this, so long as the game screams Smoking Sexy Style. Like this:
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If it does apply Deep Wounds from a hit, that means you slow them down, post-chase for 20 seconds. Which is nice. But it gives you a 150% speed boost as if you'd been hit (2 seconds at 6.0m/s) while the killer is largely motionless, recovering from the hit.
That's a minimum of 12 meters head-start, versus the around 4 meters the current version takes you. And Deep Wounds doesn't start ticking down until you're outside of a chase, which means the "third health state" of Dead Hard is still very much there, but now gets triple the headstart it used to.
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I can see this being run even more often than now.
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Wow, I didn't even think about that, but you're right. Unhooking takes 1 second, which is exactly how long the new Dead Hard lasts. You can turn that on to safely unhook every time. And since everybody gets free Borrowed Time, you can't even punish them for the unsafe unhook. You will HAVE to let the person on hook go, because you can't stop it and you can't down them.
What a tums festival.
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Actually you can get value out of the new Dead Hard by simply using it when you are 1 second from a pallet and worried the killer might attack. If so then it guarantees a safe pallet drop or sprint burst away with no injury either way.
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Valid points, but you might not be able to perform actions while DH is active, which means that you could not use it to safely unhook. BHVR apparently confirmed that there will be an animation when it's used, which makes it unlikely that you can use it while trying to unhook (so you could still always hit them at the last second).
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I really hope so. There's a lot of potential for abuse honestly. I would really rather they just nuke the damn thing. Sniffing the survivors butt for every single down just sucks.
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Just to ease your minds