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Was the Self-Care nerf really a good idea?

Member Posts: 1,215

Without Botany Knowledge, this perk has been okay, arguably bad. With the healing speed nerf, this perk on its own is gonna be trash. Yeah, if you pair it with Botany Knowledge, it's good, but that means you always have to pair something with Self-Care to make the perk worth equipping.

In solo queue, people are still gonna be bringing Self-Care, I'm sure. And that means even longer self-caring in the corner while a teammate is dying on a hook, and gens are begging to be worked on.

People who know how and when to use Self-Care properly/efficiently will have no good reason to equip the perk. Why bother, since it's so slow...

I can't see a single good thing this nerf will bring to the table, aside from making it a bit harder for high level players who usually use it.

So yeah.... what is the incentive for anyone to ever equip this perk anymore? (if not pairing it with Botany)

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  • Member Posts: 768
    edited June 2022

    The only mistake was not deleting it

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    i don't like self care, and all my friends do and it drives me insane even if it comes in handy on occasion.

    that being said, i gotta say this change is horrible. BHVR should really reconsider

  • Member Posts: 1,215

    Yeah, self-care was in fine spot, imo. Not OP, not horrible (unless you're a new player who self-cares in a corner each time you're injured). Buffing it would have made it potentially broken, but also, nerfing it made it unusable.

  • Member Posts: 1,035
  • Member Posts: 7,224

    I am fully prepared to see coh usage rates go up again if this goes live at 35%.

  • Member Posts: 131

    just removing the item efficiency would have been enough since it nerfed strong medkit usage. Survivor used it not because it was strong, but because it was an garanted heal no matter where they are and did not need teammates to be usefull.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited June 2022

    No. Of all the changes this is the one I'm most perplexed about.

    Self Care is only meta at lower skill levels, it aids newbies and solo survivors far more than experienced survivors or SWFs.

    I can only assume their rationale is it will persuade more solo/newbies to decide to rely on team mates instead of going it alone, and thus learn to play more cooperatively and become more efficient survivors. Which is incredible wishful thinking.

  • Member Posts: 2,025

    The Self-Care nerf is a horrible idea

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    It cost survivors the same total survivor time to self-care (32 seconds) as it took to get a team mate to do it (16 seconds of your time, 16 seconds of theirs). If one survivor spent even a second running to the other, self-care became more time efficient.

    It makes sense on paper, but I think it should have stayed as it was. Especially with Circle of Healing being the obvious and far more powerful alternative.

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    Screw self care.

    But this probably hurts killers more than survs, honestly. Self care already sucked, and is such an egregious time sink. Less people running it means survs are wasting less time.

  • Member Posts: 763

    Self-Care can't be Franklin'd. It doesn't run out of charges. With Self-Care in it's current live state there's no issue burning a medkit (if you have one) on another survivor (such as if they've just been unhooked) to get them back out asap to work gens or save another survivor while you hang back and heal yourself with the perk. With a more nerfed Self-Care, every medkit will be for personal use only and healing other survivors will be the slower non-medkit method every time. Whereas currently a survivor can take a self-heal back to healthy before going back out to heal/unhook/take a protection hit, after the nerf survivors w/o a medkit (or has already used all of the charges) and are injured will be even less inclined to try to heal someone off the ground/try for an unhook and will likely almost never take the protection hit.

    Anyone who thinks solo queue sucks now, wait till post Self-Care nerf. :(

  • Member Posts: 465

    You guys don't understand that its one of the most used perk on asian servers. They can't live without it lol. Other than that, I hope this completely destroys it and people stop relying on it. Its boring.

  • Member Posts: 1,215

    Even if Self-Care has been one of the most used perks, it doesn't mean that it deserves a ridiculous nerf that it's getting. Sure, remove the medkit efficiency bonus, but keep Self-Care at 50% healing speed. 35% makes it horrible, basically unusable. A good way to nerf a popular perk is definitely not to make it horrible to use.

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    I think BHVR missed the mark with this one as well

    People often brought the perk as a backup incase they had teammates who refused to heal them/they had a killer who was pressuring everyone well

    They could've just removed the medkit item part and left it as is but they saw fit to nerf it even though CIrcle of Healing exists (And is gonna be stronger due to the upcoming botany buff)

    New healing meta will be COH + Botany

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    You might as well last second swap to the medkit and/or risk Franklin’s over a 35% self-heal rate. Medkits are always best for personal use only - especially if running Self-Care (before this nerf comes to live). Unless someone is in a really dire situation other than you, where the faster heal will make a game-defining difference.

    Why are killers getting so many basekit buffs, while survivors are getting their perks wrecked yet again? For five second basekit BT? Yeah, ok BHVR.

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    People mis-using it is not the perk's fault.

    If players were more aware of situations and didn't prioritize the heal when higher priorities are available, then people would see how clutch it CAN be.

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    I heard about this, its rlly amazing how diff regions have diff attitudes to perks/playstyles

    Do you play in that region? Any idea why they have that kind of 'self care' culture? Is it to do with how efficient it is?

    I'm genuinely curious

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Probably not even a bad idea as people using self care tend to hurt their own team anyways.

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    It was a dumb idea to nerf it. I'm done defending these guys... It's just mind boggling that they thought some of these changes was a good idea. Just lol

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