Why does everyone think SB is better than Dead Hard?

Every Survivor Main post here is saying "Be prepared to have more SB" and "SB is better than Dead Hard Anyways"
Are you guys forgetting Nurse and Blight Exist? What's SB gonna do those mf?
In the new patch as Gen Regression is less required anymore. I can just now put in Mindbreaker in place of my BBQ and Chili or 2 Gen Regression Perks (That is required currently). Dodging Powers and DH for Distance would not be a thing anymore.
Anti Loop Killer will gonna be oppressive af and I love it as a Bird Lady Main.
But who's everyone tho ?
Dead hard was always the superior exhaustion perk Blight doesn't care about sprint Burst he can literally catch up to you in seconds same for Oni in Blood Fury,even Billy can use his chainsaw to catch a survivor faster.
Sprint Burst will only hurt the 110 killers like Huntress,Deathslinger holding W against them is great since they're so slow.
SB doesn't help you in chase,Lithe and Balanced Landing will help you even tho they're more situational but at least they help you get distance from the killer while in chase which is good to reach the next loop.
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You don't know about the 99 do you :)
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How do you 99 a Sprint Burst if I have Blood Echo or Mind Breaker?
Plus another of my Main is Blight, as Blight what will a 99 SB do?
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99 helps getting to the other side of a loop or 2 a window. Both of those 2 are really bad perks to use imo but to each their own.
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After the nerf, it will probably be better. With the distance on demand, Dead Hard was arguably better, though situational. Now Dead Hard will only give you distance if a killer swings at you while it is active. All the while maintaining the need to be injured to use it, and requiring you to mend if you are hit.
Sprint Burst? Free brief speed boost throughout an entire match, no way to deny its use outside of exhaustion add-ons or countering perks. The only thing Dead Hard will now maintain over Sprint Burst is still being able to be used on demand - but not simply for extra distance.
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I used to think SB was strong against those ranged killers but it actually is not that hard to land a hit while they are sprinting from my experience
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No one thinks Sprint Burst is better than Dead Hard. It is funnier and requires more cleverness to use, but it isn't even the second best exhaustion perk. I'd say Lithe is the second one, but that's only a personal opinion at this point.
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dh didnt get nerfed though if you think about it.
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it depends on the situation. E to safety when close to said safety won't change much. But removing the ability to make killers miss their hits is huge on some powers, like Legion's, Oni's, Trapper's, and the survivor gets punished with a mend if this happens.
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Dead Hard is still going to be number one. If anything it might even be BETTER now. It's easier to use, no more dead hard into walls, it can be used with way more utility like through windows, saving people from hooks... yeah... I really really hope I'm wrong but I don't think so.
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DH was blatently stronger than Sprint Burst, why else was DH used like four times as much?
Plus if Sprint Burst becomes overused I'll just counter it with Fearmonger, easy.
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yea not to mention its 4m of invincibility.
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I still think sb is still better when used properly.
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Hi! Sprint burst enthusiast here, from day one. Although Ive never said Sb is better than DH I can say why I always use it as my exhaustion perk.
1- 3 people on a gen, I Sprint burst away, killer usually sticks with pressuring the gen/remaining survivors.
2-Doing a gen in a dead zone, have a chance to make it to a jungle gym.
3-Love me a good 99% either endgame or mid chase it is beautiful
4-I don't Sprint burst into and wall or tree unlike DH
5-Its automatic (if not exhausted obvs)
6-I don't end up exhausted on the ground like DH once did
7-You can't bait out my SB cuz I've either already used it or haven't
8-I don't have to be injured.
Sure there's killer perks that trump sprint burst but with careful planning you can still get some value in the match.
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Thankyou my friend. i think some of the killer mains here have forgotten how strong SP can be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlmBSF80GDo i link this video because of so many people saying " NoBoDy SaYs Sp Is BeTtEr"
literally a killer main saying it is.
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lol. you dont watch many streamers then.
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simple, i equip vigil. anyone who knows how to use SB equips Vigil.
not to mention you would have to injure a survivor before they get affected by blood echo.
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You say that and yet not only have I been able to dodge Blight's attack but gotten more distance than DH.
SB is just more boring to play with because you have to do a lot of walking. A lot evading. Which most survivors don't like.
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Everyone? Anyways I think Sprint burst isn't better even with this new dead hard.
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No way is it better than Dead Hard lol. They're just saying that because they don't want their crutch perk nerfed so they're trying to gaslight killer players
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to keep your sprint burst 99 you are actively not doing gens, so you are sacrificing something to get an advantage in your next chase, which as a killer main, I am totally fine with! I mean if for every single time a survivor starts running super fast for 3 seconds it means they weren't doing gens, then I'll be happy about it imo
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Okay, here's the thing.
SB is a strong, but well designed perk. It carries a trade off, and can be countered. You need to actually make decisions if you're running SB.
Dead Hard was 'press E not to die'. Even for an intermediate player, it was strong - and for high MMR players, it was godly.
SB buys you time at the start of a chase, meaning that I can say 'oh, okay it's not worth chasing them, let me go get someone else' or 'okay, they've used it, now I can catch up and push them off that loop'.
DH hits at the tail of the chase, and prologues it. Meaning that you've already committed, and there's no real way to counter besides dumb mindgames that often don't work.
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bad thing about dh is it didnt get nerfed
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As I've said sprint Burst is just useless against high mobility killers which are the best killers in the game (Blight Nurse Spirit.)
I do know about 99 SB but it just won't do anything against a good Blight will hit you even if you're sprint bursting away.
That's why you always see 4 dead hards in high MMR games and no Sprint Burst,dead hard will extend chase against these killers who will get the first hit on you easily being able to extend chases even by a few seconds can be game changing,SB doesn't allow you to do that.
Stop coping Sprint Burst is overrated it will hurt the 110 killers that's all.
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It did.
It didn't get gutted, but that's not a bad thing. Is the nerf sufficient? We'll have to see what the PTR looks like.
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no you see dead hard because people are lazy.