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The Ruin Changes

HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276
edited June 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

You've now made ruin useless. Not only is the regression on it literally the base regression speed (so absolutely nothing) you've also made it stay as a hex perk. So survivors CAN STILL get rid of it AND it goes away if you kill someone. You've now made the perk completely and utterly useless, as if the perk being in the hands of the survivor wasn't already enough. If these changes are gonna go through... it really shouldn't still be a Hex perk.

On another note, thank you god for finally removing that horrendous cooldown on a perk that never even needed it.


  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,364

    Ruin is pretty bad now. Not only do base kicks do 2.5% immediate regression, but you have perks like Call of Brine and now Overcharge that increase how fast kicked gens regress. Meaning you can get more consistent regression with gen kick perks rather than a hex that's at the whims of survivors not spawning on top of it at the start of the game.

  • MilManson
    MilManson Member Posts: 939

    Jolts change is amazing, finally my poor Demo can stop being punished.

  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276

    I mean even in ruin's current state I think it's useless and call of brine is better. Having to use a perk that is basically up to the survivors if I get value out of it, is horrendous, especially when they can spawn within 30 meters of it. But they nerfed to death? Yea now it's even more useless than I thought.

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    That Jolt change is really nice.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,364

    Current Ruin is good, just only on strong chase killers like Nurse and Blight. Those killers can not only end chases quickly, but also quickly get into another chase. Which doesn't leave survivors a lot of free time to do gens, save their teammates, and cleanse ruin. And the base 200% regression can be really devastating in that situation.

    Call of Brine needs you be kicking gens which is time spent kicking gens, which currently is not that ideal.

    Now ruin is arguably on par with kicking gens since while you don't get the 2.5% regression, the regression happens immediately which means you save some time not needing to kick and can affect gens you aren't near. But it being a sidegrade to a basekit mechanic that not only disables itself if you are playing too well, but can be removed by the opposing team means that it's better to not run a perk to do a similar thing to what you can do basekit.

  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276

    If a perk is only useful on 2 killers, I can't see it as a good perk.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517

    My only problem with the Jolt change is the developper note stating that it procs when downing a survivor, which is currently not the case. It procs when downing a survivor with an M1 specifically.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,364

    It's not that it's just useful of those 2 killers, they are just two examples of the best case with ruin. Ruin can still be very impactful on other killers, but it all depends on how quickly you can down survivors and pressure the map. M1 no mobility killers on maps like red forest will struggle to get ruin to work, but those same killers can feel oppression on smaller maps like Wrecker's Yard with ruin up.

    Hexes are meant to be high risk, high reward perks. Ruin currently has a reward that at least matches the risk. The nerf to ruin makes the reward much less than the risk.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    Yeah I don't think ruin will be used hardly at all anymore. The pop nerf was more acceptable imo

  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276

    tbf at least with jolt it has to be a down with an M1 so killer powers still useless with it and also it's only 8%. Although that has to be changed because what else would upgrading the perk do, because currently when you upgrade jolt is lowers the cooldown... but that's not there anymore. So yea probably more than 8% regression I hope.

  • Norhc
    Norhc Member Posts: 575

    It's really hilarious how hard they nerfed a perk that doesn't last more than 2 minutes in most medium/high-level matches. Not to mention that is barely is even meta anymore by 2022 standards. You rarely see it nowadays at high MMR.

  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276

    Honestly. And even with undying, they find both totems in like a minute and a half once they realize what's going on.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    I mean sure, but this is just a murder to the meta imo.

  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276

    Yep. Especially when arguably the only actual problematic killer perk was pain res, because of how much it could do. Hard nerfing perks wasn't the answer. Making weaker perks viable was, they just needed to buff weak stuff instead of hard nerfing decent perks to run. Just limits what killers can do all over again, which was the whole issue in the first place.

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578
    edited June 2022

    My thoughts exactly. Ruin will not be used by anyone. That just looks useless. A perk that gives normal regression that also gets cleansed within the first 20 to 60 seconds of the game starting. No thank you!

    Everyone will use gen kicking perks now.

    Maybe if Hex totems were blocked for the first two minutes of the game starting then it would be worth taking, but only on killers that have high map presence, which would allow them to capitalize on ruins effects.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Not exactly.

    If we buffed weak perks nothing would change. Or very little would change (kind of like DMS situation). They needed to nerf meta perks, but they overnerfed them way too much imo (Iron Will and Ruin just spring to mind).

    And then we have WGLF and BBQ, which I doubt will be used for it's secondary effect.

  • Babadook83
    Babadook83 Member Posts: 208
    edited June 2022

    we'll see zero usage of wglf and bbq after the bp removal. iron will will be almost never used again since killers who use their ears will hear u regardless now. spine chill will only be used by beginner survivers who dont know it's garbage now. dead hard is hard to say cause we need to wait how it will look in game. oh yeah and borrowed time will be rare too, as survivors will think the ingame borrow time don't warrant the use of an extra borrowed time to just extent the time.

  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276

    That's not true tho. If you buff weaker perks, people would have a REASON to use those perks. The reason the meta was as it was, it's because those are the decent perks meanwhile everything else is virtually useless or hard to get consistent value out of.

    Most of the killer meta perks, were not meta because "ahh OP super strong" no they were used because killers HAD TO or lose easily because of gen speed. All we had to do was nerf gens, not nerf gen perks in the process.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    Perk is bad now, but sometimes you find 4 sulla totems and literally cant find the only hex that could also carry bad killers.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Agree to disagree.

    I don't see how much perks would have to be buffed to replace the current perks. Especially survivor ones.

    All we had to do was nerf gens, not nerf gen perks in the process.

    They... also buffed gen perks. Diffrent ones. And I do agree that Ruin was overnerfed. Pop change is ok-ish and Pain Resonance, Corrupt and Tinkerer just make sense.