this game & devs have no hope

pretty much the title, im pretty sure we've all seen the patch notes and...
how do you manage to have a 40 perk rework & still dont acknowledge camping & tunneling?
Solo survivor is hard as is but now?? its literally unplayable.
5 second BT?! are you serious... when was the last time you guys played this game? killers already waited for 8 - 10 seconds for BT for ware off and you expect them to go away because of 5 seconds??? HOLY SH-
DS got nerfed but why? I thought it was good in its current state? i guess not since BHVR WANTS players to continue camping & tunneling
I cant believe BHVR tricked the whole community to be hyped & to stick around for these (NOT) amazing changes.
after 6 years this game has proven it cant keep or maintain the player base instead BHVR feeds off the new and incoming waves of players.
so glad our support & feedback is valued greatly
congrats BHVR, pretty good job so far. this update will surely keep the player base :))
Next week there’s a PTB, then we’ll see how things go. I don’t like some of these changes either but bhvr is always willing to change some things after they’re being tested in the PTB
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I'd rather a free 5 second then to have an idiot teammate unhook me in the killers face
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PS4 & console is still excluded on PTB ://
mm they kind of have to dont they??
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yeah,literally anything is better than what we got now.
i'm the one that never brings BT so I'm personally happy.
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If I remember correctly, the stun from Decisive was changed permanently to 5 seconds because Enduring counteracted it. Now that it no longer does that, I can only assume that is their reasoning for reverting it (not saying I agree with this change). I can get behind the Endgame feature now though
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killers are always pusing second phase or waiting to grab survivors off rescue...
how is it the survivors fault if killer just stands there & waits for the eventual unhook?
5 second BT is useless and DS & BT will still be meta after updates so what exactly does it really do?
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Hope is getting buffed dw
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Don't cry so soon. Basekit BT + regular BT + off the record equals free escapes for multiple survivors in endgame
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I will hate you less, but still hate you, lol jk
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Nobody will be unhooking in the killer's face anymore - cool down after a basic hit has been reduced. After taking a hit from a camping killer, there's usually only just enough time for the unhook. Chances are a survivor attempting to unhook in the killer's face will be grabbed.
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Are they? I wouldn't put my money on it. Historically the devs almost never make substantial changes to anything after the PTB. The only times I've actually seen the devs do a 180 is because of external pressure, ie. the colorblind fiasco or the new UI being unplayable.
Post edited by Flawless_ on4 -
conversely, you are not entitled to an escape just because the last genny popped. otherwise the game would just end there.
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I have a good news for you, Endurance only works once.
I had MoM activated, unhooked with Borrowed time. When I tried to purposely got hit for BT, Mom also deactivated.
OTR 80sec sound harsh, but as soon as Killer just hit fresh-unhooked surviovr, regular BT and OTR also deactivated its Endurance.
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Your reward for not camping and tunnelling earlier in the game is having all survivors have free escapes in the endgame. The gens will get done every single game playing by the survivor rulebook unless the survivor team is way undermatched by matchmaking. any halfway decent team will easily make it to endgame unless the killer forces altruism and uses camping/tunnelling strategically well
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I was more talking about how dude gets off hook as killer downs someone. we're playing in a SWF. i have 80 seconds of BT. my friend saves the freshly hooked guy. that's two people with endurance with 15+ seconds. that's 3 escapes right there
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You: "how do you manage to have a 40 perk rework & still dont acknowledge camping & tunneling?"
The Devs: *has an entire section in there dev update about camping and tunneling*
Ya'll really looking to turn a blind eye to part of the update just to be able to scream at the devs aren't you? Also what sort of changes would you have in mind that they can do that aren't perk related? The best they could really do is base kit BT without completely reworking perks into other perks then making the pre-reworked perks basekit and much weaker like they did to BT. Seriously, base kit DS would probably be like "If you don't get down and picked up in the next 15 seconds, it doesn't count." Considering how much they're changing this update, I think they did the best they can for the space they had to work with inside it.
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15s with a 7% haste speed if you run BT on top of base kit. I ran BT and Guardian and they are a great combo to prevent tunneling.
Even Monstrous Shrine perk only activates if you are more than 24m away.
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the endgame feature is fine but still doesnt make sense...
if im being tunneled it doesnt matter if its EGC or not.
a tunnel is a tunnel and I would like to use the perk that counters that play style,,, just me though
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Love to read those overreactions, never gets old
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haha the colorblind controversy!!
i wouldnt put much stock in it either ://
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I told you guys getting rid of SWF’s in public matches is the only way to properly balance the game, and the game will NOT die as a result. Bad take or not, I still stand by it.
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Which perk give 15sec Endurance? I cant remember.
Basekit BT doesnt help from hard tunneling. Tunnel through BT + DS always happens.
Plus Basekit BT only "discourage" tunneling, not face camping.
Bubba face camp with 4-5 Gen and DeadLock with 50sec Gen added. You know it.
I dont complain about 50sec Gen added, but Camping is more effective now.
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ok DBD loyalist so you see no problems with this update??
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so a critique is an overreaction??
blind DBD players defending BHVR never gets old...
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These changes... definitely disappointed me. They did not deliver on the small game changes I'd hoped for...the killer sided one are okay, but the survivors anti tunnel and camp are horrendous
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!!!! thank you
I couldnt have put it any better.
how are people clearly missing the mark on this??
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Off the Record counters all of the stuff you're complaining about.
Only 5 seconds of Endurance? Use Off the Record and now it's 80.
DS nerfed? Use Off the Record which can't be slugged and still activates in end game. Plus you can be an annoying body blocker for 80 seconds.
Off the Record is literally just a better DS.
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Doesn't the new BT give 15 seconds of endurance? or is it still 12?
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10sec. Compared to basekit 5sec
Its used to be 8sec without Haste
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It's 10 seconds in addition to the 5 second basekit, so BT makes it 15 seconds.
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Can you at least just wait for the changes to see how they feel?
It's a PTB for a reason. If something is broken, it will be changed.
I'm fine with Decisive having 5 seconds of stun, but it shouldn't work in end game.
The haste for the base BT should stay 5 seconds, but maybe endurance should be 10.
Off the Record is just not okay, that has to change to like 30 seconds at best.
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I'm gonna need receipts for that. My experience has mostly been them making minor adjustments, only when feedback is particularly intense, and then cramming down things no one asked for anyways.
See Billy nerf, animation rework, HUD rework, etc.
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You forget about buffed boil over and the non stop Eyrie & RPD offerings?? lol
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There must be some misread.
I though PGTW take away 25% of the survivor work, not 20sec of Gen (25% total). But apparently in the update said it was always take down 20sec of Gen.
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That was bad I will admit
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Yep. Pop was always 25% of the maximum possible progress, which is 20 seconds. Now it will be 20% of the current progress plus the 2.5% basekit regression.
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It sounds OP, but because you have 5sec BT basekit, if you hit survivor with the BT basekit, I think OTR also deactivated. OTR only work great if another survivor takes hit for the unhooked and then continue for the unhooked, with the unhooked able to make a 1min chase only to hit OTR. Thats all Killer's fault.
But it should deactivated in End game.
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If the door is powered you are no longer being tunnelled. The killer is doing what they can to secure the final kill and you should not be granted a free escape. At that point there is no benefit in going for others
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Your post is about specifically camping and tunneling this update and how they "didn't address it." I said that they have addressed camping and tunneling. Maybe my comment came off a little too "BHVR can't do anything wrong" oh trust me I know they can do PLENTY wrong and I don't entirely think that they did the best job with addressing it. However, like @C3Tooth said in their response to me, killers tunnel through BT and DS even now. So honestly, they can address camping and tunneling all they want, but they will still happen. The issue is people who say they didn't address it when they did. There is nothing BHVR can truly do to stop camping and tunneling because they can't control their player base. Camping and tunneling aren't like cooldown times or gen speeds where they're embedded in the coding of dbd. They are strategies that come from people's brains.
Also, I genuinely want to know, from you. What do you think the devs SHOULD do to address camping and tunneling? Like you said, killers already wait things out like BT anyways, so what does it matter if BT is 5 seconds or 3 minutes? The killer will just wait it out if they're serious about tunneling you.
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Everyone saying they didn't address camping in tunneling, but gave everyone what they asked for which was a weaker base kit BT. They definitely address tunneling. So I'm curious, what would you do to reduce/eliminate camping completely?
Here's some ideas that most people have that behavior has tried.
Reducing incentives for camping: They already reduced BP and point rewards, as well as they're incentivizing not camping this next patch. People still do it.
Pausing the hook timer: They did that. It was abused by survivors so much they had to remove it almost immediately because the game was almost unplayable for killers.
Giving the unhooker endurance would also lead to this happening as it would give both characters invincibility and would be heavily abused by survivors.
Teleporting the hooked survivor away like with pyramidhead: This has already created issues within that killer where the killer can keep survivors from being able to save anyone by just walking within a certain distance. Killers would abuse this even more than camping to keep not only the hooked survivor preoccupied, but anyone coming for saves as well.
So please, enlighten on what you would do to eliminate it completely? Lol
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I completely agree, nothing will stop tunnelers from tunneling, not a 5s bt lol, and nurse untouched with 3s stun of Ds, this is a joke
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we've been waiting for yeaaaaaars for some sort of rework and this is what we got.
how can anyone still have good faith in this company?
its beyond me
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totally fair!!
i just wish theyd remove the skill check on the perk..
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Add time to the survivor hook phases to equal out the additional time required to finish gens. Or are we intending to buff face camping Bubba with this patch?
Also, keep the 5 second DS stun so Nurse and Blight don't ignore it even more than currently.
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I don't think it is too difficult. Though I can see your reasoning. If it is anti-tunnel, then it should work all the time. Not based off whether you can hit a skill check. My advice to practice is get another person, play a custom and have them run Overcharge. The skill check is roughly the same size
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i dont get paid to offer BHVR good ideas???
im no developer but why did they increase gen speed without increasing the hook timer?? anyone with a brain would have addressed this. & yes camping and tunneling is a player thing and not a game thing but does not mean it cant be handled better.
for starters I would have every survivor share the same end game results just like in Evil Dead. If one survivor lives then MMR should reward all other players who contributed to the escape so itll avoided the feeling of doing everything and anything for nothing. and if more survivors escape then more MMR granted. for example:
1 escape = +11 MMR
2 escapes = +16 & so on
this will easily make players not let teammates die on hook or go for the heroic save in the end which gives killer more opportunity.
i thought the point of the rework was so that we didnt have to run the same perks over & over but seems were doing the same thing even after updates arent we?
all they had to do was make BT 12 second basekit & that was it, instead they nerf the perk & DS??
also nerf Bubba!?!?! its 2022 and the ultimate face camp killer still HASNT BEEN ADRESSED.
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yes!! but keep in mind I play on PS4 and the frame rate/ lag happens at any given moment and it stutters when DS pops up... it becomes very very frustrating when you miss it bc frame drops or lag that you cant predict ://
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i actually share the same take as you. Def not a bad take... the game was intended to be played solo but I also see how not playing with your friends can also ruin the experience lol
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Yeah well I mean, it'll probably still happen because people are stupid, like I always say
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This community has no hope