Iron Will nerf is MASSIVE

While it's clear that devs want to make it easier for killers (again as always!) when it comes to looping, other than that it is a HUGE nerf. We won't be able to just simply hide when injured and not be found, or sneak into a hooked person without being noticed. Same applies when one wants to go for a pallet/flashlight save while injured.
The killer can find us anywhere 24/7 now. This is bs!
Oh no another useless but yet "i surely have something original to rant about this update" topic
Definitely not getting old
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“We won't be able to just simply hide when injured and not be found”
See, that’s not a good thing. You’re injured, you’re supposed to be at a disadvantage. Not to just be able to disappear every time you get hit.
Get Lucky Break instead if you do desperately want your silence
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Another useless comment. I didn’t see you complain about unoriginal threads when people were making 10+ a day about how dead hard was op. Bias much?
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This ^
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Bite the Bullet might start being used in my builds with Botany Knowledge tbh
Also, Spirit after reading these patch notes:
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You mean at an disadvantage like being a one hit down? Yea, they’re injured. Is having no mither not being at an a disadvantage then?
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The fact is dead hard was op
You all crying about a dev note that isnt even in the game yet with absolutely 0 atguments besides "######### is wrong with you" "you're killing the game" "why do you favor survivor/killer" "this is bs"
Both sides got their up and nerf with pros and cons. Both sides desperatly needed it. They said they will gut the meta, they did. Now we will see where it leads us but crying over meta perks being nerfed is missing the point entirely
Btw, there are no biaos since there are killers nerf i find to be misplaced as well, but i want to see what the final product looks like
Post edited by Rizzo on8 -
Devs have been making it easier for Survivors in a lot of ways for literal years, it's about time Killers get a decent buff. It's not a stealth game and considering some of the Boon perks, it's already way too easy to lose a Killer completely and then add Iron Will and Spine Chill on top of that. A lot of pretty strong Survivor stealth perks.
I once thought a SWF was teleporting because they had BOTH Circle of Healing and Shadow Step, so they healspammed at the 99'd exit gates in seconds and rescued a survivor while I had my back turned and somehow none of them left scratch marks.
Killer stealth allows for an easier first hit, Survivor stealth allows for a very boring game and very stupid plays. Sure the Iron Will nerf is massive but Survivors making no noise at all was kinda stupid too.
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If you think this update isn’t a buff to killers and a big fat nerf to solo q survivors we clearly aren’t reading the same patch notes.
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You are at a disadvantage because you'll be downed after one hit.
That's the whole point of iron will, maybe just look at its icon and read its "name"...
But no, these 24/7 tunneling, camping and slugging killers are too poor and need to hear every survivor now!
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Sorry, what?? Of course No Mither puts you at a disadvantage. Where did I imply it wasn’t? It’s just stupid that you could just disappear like nothing happened with IW.
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Again, you are missing the point.
But yes, killers got somewhat buffed (thid remains to be seen what it actually looks like) and they needed it. Its no secret that survivors had it easier.
Nerf to soloQ survivors ? Maybe, but bt basekit among others buff is not that bad
It seems to me that you are the biased one
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So what you’re saying is that being injured is already an disadvantage so why do survivors need more by being loud?
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To be fair, footsteps and tufts of grass moving when a person was sprinting are already a pretty big help. Even with default Iron Will, as long as a Survivor was going full sprint you could usually tell pretty easily where they were.
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I’m not biased, I’m stating facts.
You even admitted right now that solo q was “maybe” nerfed. Get real.
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Talking to a wall 101
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Oh no poor Survivors with their stupid Boon: Circle of Healing and Shadow Step, sprinting away and healspamming in a corner of the map, how will you ever use Iron Will now to completely kill all Survivor noises except footsteps and rushed actions. Personally they should make Iron Will make your scratch marks disappear really quickly because I noticed most Iron Will users really suck at chases. It should really be more of a perk to let you get out of a chase easier, not Urban Evade and Iron Will with zero penalties around the map and reward you for being injured lol
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Just make it delete scratch marks faster and be completely silent after you get in a locker or crouch, so you're not getting a weird effect where Iron Will makes Survivors never scream even when being hit by a PH or Clown or Doctor for some reason.
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HAH, easier for survivors, HAH!
I've started to play in 2020 and everytime I see an update it's a killer sided one, and this one is MASSIVE.
In addition the amount of tunneling camping slugging killers has been increased to nearly 100% (which is super disgusting and not enjoyable, and the reason why TONS of people disconnect or quit the game permanently), it is a rare case to find a killer that is NOT doing any of that, and then most of these are basically weak and gain up to 2-3 hooks during a trial, which (on the other hand) is also kinda boring.
We've just got an anniversary event and tons of people end up with under 10k points (pretty often even 2-3k) because they're just simply tunneled... the event is SOOOO enjoyable! /s
@Dead Hard - I'm at 3k hours and I can easily say that DH is trash (unless dashing for pallet/flashlight save), from both surv and killer perspective.
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That needs footsteps to work, though, which only happened about half the time. The grass was very helpful I agree, but also let's face it most people played Spirit for her strength and not for the enjoyment of her gameplay style so when she was made substantially weaker and Iron Will hard countered her most just dropped her
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You are at an disadvantage because:
You are one hit from down, regardless of the type of attack.
You make noise to indicate your presence. A tracking tool.
Even if you stop to run your blood will give you away. Another, far weaker tracking tool.
This is all because you got hit, by default.
The first is as we all know hardly seen as a downside these days, more like a status effect that procs Resilience and such.
The second is removed entirely by IW, making it significantly easier to just disappear if the killer doesn’t have visual on you. As IW is now, you could touch the killer’s butt and they wouldn’t know you were there. When you’re in a chase, that’s dumb. In chase, sound is what allows the killer to tell where the survivor is going from behind cover. If it’s used to stall a chase from even happening, then sure.
The third only really comes into effect if you were too late to hide and/or the killer already has a rough idea of where you are, and even then is only visual. As a tracking tool, it’s unreliable at best.
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Good, it was broken. Perks that are that good shouldn't be in the game.
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I agree that the perk needed to be rework, but my opinion is that it should be left at 100% to mute the groans and leave the condition with deactivation when tired, this will give the choice accelerating perks in the build or not.
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Elaborate, how was it broken?
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Play Ace or bring more COH I guess.
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Let me guess your build
Spine chill, IW, DH, resilience ?
Now wonder :)
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Actually no but nice try, its kindred, lithe, iron will and spine chill/bond. Any comments about your assumption mistake?
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I don't see why disabling it while exhausted was neccessary, it just kills the perk for me.
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Only massive? Beyond trash.
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And you cry about the 2 perks of your build that got nerfed, imaging accusing someone of being biased while doing this :)
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You really wanted to Sprint Burst or Lithe away with Iron Will? Seriously?
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2 perks that got trashed to the ground yes. Your point? You have none, you just want to showcase nothing at this point besides arguing with no intelligence.
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Thats the main way most Killers track being 100% silent made no sense and it was a complete counter to Stridor which was stupid because no one perk should be a full counter to another perk on either side. Did the Devs go a little overboard with IW Nerf.....yes 80-90% should of been the place to bring it down too and the can't use while exhausted dosnt make sense if you ask me.
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Please just play better. Slugging is not an issue, protecting a hook by patrolling around it is NOT camping. Camping is literally standing next to the hook to get an interrupt on someone doing an unhook. If a Killer ends up chasing you after a solid minute of chasing other people around or you're trying to bodyblock with your Borrowed Time or get them to take a DS, not tunneling.
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Dude they already nerfed being silent when injured part and made it so killers can hear you. That is fine by me, but if you are exhausted which happens in chases when you use exhaustion perks (obviously) you don't get to use perk at all.
Why would I use iron will with exhaustion perks now again? Give me one good reason.
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Lucky Break does nothing without Iron Will. I have seen players using Lucky Break (it is a bad Perk IMO) without Iron Will. And what does it matter that you dont leave Blood or Scratchmarks, when you make injured sounds?
So you will probably see even less Lucky Breaks now, because you cannot really use Iron Will anymore.
In fact, Iron Will is dead. It will not be used, since a Noise Reduction below 100% trashs the Perk.
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And i use ruin pop painres bbq and so on, do you see me crying over it ? No. But they got trashed to the ground aswell.
Maybe you should put the pride aside and actually accept that this patch is long overdue
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Patrolling the hook is camping. Standing in front of the hook is face camping.
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It only deactivates if your are exhausted.
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Ahhh I get it your a troll trying to cause arguments. That makes so much sense Boons was Killer Sided huh.....the Nerfs to various Killer Perks to accommodate Boons in general ... It took them this long to bring out a perk just so Killer could actually deal with Boons
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POP is still gonna stay on my perk loadout, it was hardly a nerf unless you were dumb and used it on gens with almost no progress.
bbq was only nerfed in points, it still does the same thing.
ruin got nerfed sure, but there’s a lot of other good slowdown perks to use instead of it that got buffed.
Now tell me as someone with hearing difficulties what is gonna replace spine chill? Oh right nothing got buffed to compensate that so I guess ######### people with hearing loss.
what am I using to replace iron will? Self care? Oh right that got nerfed too nvm
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can you stop crying? you talk about like it's impossible to escape without iron will.. there are TONS of good perks in the game.. change your build
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The 75% is what kills it. If they only keep the Exhausted part then it still can be viable.
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IW gave a chance to steal from the chase. For example, in the bushes on the maps of the Midwich School and the saloon. Now this is a completely useless perk, since now it makes no sense to take it at all
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Sneaking up to the hook five seconds after I turn around is Hook Camping, you're not supposed to do that as Survivor. Also, sandbagging the Unhooker using your BT is not allowed either. If I walk away for five seconds, turn around and see someone running up to the hook that's not camping, I'm just doing my job.
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I think with 75% if you crouch or hide in a locker, it can help. Or if you gain enough distance and aren't under killers nose, they won't hear you.
But if I use exhaustion perk it is disabled completely. That is what kills it for me personally, and for that reason alone I won't use it. I would try it if it was just 75% and see how it goes, experiment.
You can't really experiment if the perk is disabled.
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Trust me, against me, the worst Spirit EU West, it's still a top perk. I'll probably phase 10 meters through the survivors because I only hear their moans at 25% volume :D
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Can I ask, what exhaustion perks do you combine with Iron Will?
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Pebble and stake out can let you know you're in the terror radius, i ran both of them when my headset broke
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so you can choose from like how many? 100 perks? there is always worse and better perks.. meta is changing finally a bit at least