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New teachable system hugely increases grind on survivor but not killer?!?

Member Posts: 746

Ok now this doesnt apply to everyone but i have all perks on nea and dwight which are the only 2 i really play... All survivors are almost hte same with some being queiter than others but thats minimal. There isnt really and reason to play all of them. So most players only have 1 - 3 survivors they main. Now if this update is like i think it is that means that i will lose all my current perks because i dont prestige my survivors. I've had all perks for a very long time and i've played since 2017 the ONLY reason i've prestiged some survivors are because they are my mains and i wanted the achievement thats it, there hasnt been another reason to prestige other than that. So now if this changes the current perks i have this means that i will have to prestige EVERY survivor to get back to my current perk state on Nea and Dwight. How does that reduce grind?

On killer i can agree that it kinda does... They all have a different power so it makes more sense to have every perk on all the killers than on all the survivors...

Because if my perks get downgraded well then idk how they think thats gonna reduce grind:p

Does anyone KNOW how they will do if you already have maxed out teachables on some survivors but not the survivor at prestige 3?? or can you still upgrade them from the bloodweb or is it ONLY prestige based? (i know it gets unlocked on all survivors automatically when i do prestige them)

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  • Member Posts: 734

    You aren't going to lose anything in this update. The perks will stay on your survivors that you already have, and if you didn't prestige a character, but have a lot of perks on them, they're doing a catch up system to prestige them to an equivalent amount. Once you prestige a character once, it automatically unlocks tier 1 on everyone AND it makes it available in the blood webs of other characters to get higher tiers.

  • Member Posts: 330

    You lose nothing with the update. You keep all perks you already have. You will still keep the perks you already have. Nothing changes there.

    Prestige 1 unlocks tier 1 of the characters perks for free. You may still buy tier 2 and 3 in the web.

    Prestige 2 unlocks tier 2 of the perks for free. You may still buy tier 3

    Prestige 3 unlocks tier 3 of the perks for free. No need to buy anything.

  • Member Posts: 746

    THANK GOD!!! I was so worried that this might be the day i quit dbd... I do know how it unlocked it for everyone but i wanst sure if you could STILL find it in the bloodweb. Thanks for clarifying it :)

  • Member Posts: 2,259

    No need to worry! Here’s a quote from the Dev Notes yesterday under the heading Transitioning to the New System.

    ”When the system releases, we’ll be automatically awarding existing players an appropriate number of prestige levels based on how many perk tiers they’ve unlocked. If you’ve left all your characters at level 50 and focused on unlocking perks, your work won’t be for nothing. 

    It's also important that you don’t lose anything when the system is updated. You will keep any perks and bloody prestige cosmetics that you’ve already unlocked. “

    In other words, you don’t have to restart your Nea and Dwight. They’ll still have everything that they currently have. If you don’t need perks from other survivors, then just ignore them and focus on these two. Put your money into items and add-ons. Prestige them for skins/charms or just a higher number to show off on the results screen if you want to. There’s no downside, so you might as well.

    This big part is when a new survivor comes out. Prestige the new person once, and your Dwight and Nea (and all others) will automatically get those 3 new perks! Then you have a choice - prestige the new person 2 more times to give everyone the perks at tier 3, OR just go back to Dwight and Nea and get the new perks to tier 3 by going through a few bloodwebs on each of them (like we currently do now).

  • Member Posts: 746

    Yea someone else said it too :) Thanks for the response anyways! was a little worried this would FORCE you to prestige to get tier 3 since i couldnt find any information... But its fine then!

  • Member Posts: 2,259

    Not a problem, it looks like the others answered you while I was typing. I’m sure you’ve seen the Dev Notes on this, but juuuuuust in case, here’s the link to all the info.

  • Member Posts: 3,024

    Im dreaded with this new system I can already see that something disastrous may happen.

    I will just in case take some pics and my Cloud ID

  • Member Posts: 746

    yea i did read that but it wasnt clear to me if you would still be able to upgrade them in the bloodweb or if they were JUST PRESTIGE based :) but yea i got my question answered, thanks for your time anyways!

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