RIP the BBQ bonus that I used on addons



  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    On the other hand im happy so i can quit BBQ and add another gen regress perk 😈

  • SAégis
    SAégis Member Posts: 99
    edited June 2022


    ho yeah survivor perks can do 10 things at the same time killer have to be so specifics that its not reliable sorry mb

    oh yeah and sorry but the bloodpoint reduction is just a BLATANT lie nothing cost less and prestiging character still VERY long your 75% reduction is 30% AT BEST for player that ALREADY have a lot of hours its infuriating how you didnt think about any of the change yall made

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,169

    BBQ didn’t get a new effect because BHVR wants people to stop using it. They purposely nerfed that, and the information from pain res, so killers don’t have a direction to go in when they hook a survivor.

    Get ready for even more camping. Why should a killer leave a hooked survivor if they don’t know which direction to find another survivor?

  • Jay_K
    Jay_K Member Posts: 478

    What do you expect the killer mains response to be. You say your removing the grind but give 0 information on that. Will we be able to specify prefered addons to appear on the blood web. Same for the offerings for maps.

    Its hard to give the new bbq any sort of fair try if you don't give us all the information. Unlocking perks has never been the issue because you are guarenteed to unlock 2 perks from a choice of 4 every blood web (at level 50) but if i want to find some wards to stop map offerings. or find some addons to use you can guarentee i see them once every 10 blood webs.

    My question is When will you be giving us the details on the new bloodweb system and Why wasn't it given in this dev update????

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,599

    There is no change to the bloodweb, the change is the way in which prestige and obtaining perks is done.

    It's not about "removing" the grind, it's about reducing it - which this change most definitely does.

  • Jay_K
    Jay_K Member Posts: 478

    the issue is the math prooves that the grind is even worse then factor in the lost of BBQ and WGLV means the grind is then double worse. Not sure who decided this but its poor. I really hope we get double blood point events every month else the grind is going to be so bad now

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299

    I wonder what the overall planned chnages to gain more bloodpoints are. I hope it's not just play the side with less players as that is not a great change to those that dislike one side. I also hope it's not just offerings as its just swapping perk variety for offering variety.

    A base increase would be nice over time imo. Each match you play increases you BP gain by say 10% up to a max of 100%. This encourages people to play more to earn more.

    Atm it seems like people will prestige to get some smaller bloodwebs just to compensate, even then the larger ones it may now take 3 to 4 matches to complete on instead of 1 to 2.

    More info would be nice and I personally played for stacks on BBQ and WGLF. I liked that goal and seeing more BP at the end it just felt rewarding to me.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,169

    We’re talking about the addon grind here. None of the prestige changes are helping the addon grind, and removing the BBQ 100% bonus makes the addon grind worse. And unless there are other mechanics that will give us at least +100% BPS per game, then you’ve made our addon grind worse than it currently is.

    And none of the prestige changes help my survivor perk grind. I main two survivors. They have all the perks I’ve unlocked. Everyone else is just there for their teachable perks. It’s more efficient for new survivors to be leveled up to 40 (at most), then I do a few blood webs on my two main survivors to get the new perks. Even if I wanted all 3 teachable perks on a new survivor, it’s still not worth it to prestige 1 a new survivor, because that would take at least an additional 10 bloodwebs to do so, and those bloodwebs would be better off used on my main survivors to unlock the new perks.

  • Kev19915
    Kev19915 Member Posts: 117
    edited June 2022

    It seems to me the grind is far worse, I mean if you reach P3, you unlock all the perks for each character…great but at this point with what 60 characters and growing.? The grind is still a lot…and not to add but now you have to get P9 to unlock the charms/bloody cosmetic. That’s like 450 levels for one character. It’s great that we will be able to unlock perks faster but the grind seems to still be a lot. Unless I am mistaken.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    I'm going to say something incredibly unpopular. What made BBQ overpowered was not the perk itself but the fact that when you ran BBQ you could guarantee that you would have enough bloodpoints to always have the best add-ons at all times. You never were in a position where you needed to change what build you were using because the add-ons that you needed for your build had run out.