More key uses. Breakable doors?

ArchAbhor Member Posts: 847
edited June 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Just an idea I had since keys are almost useless. I would be ok with spending keys to unlock chests either faster or instantly. Then another neat idea would be to turn breakable walls into breakable doors. So in badham when you want to enter the school or exit when the killer has the 2 main entrances on lock down. Maybe the green key would finally see some use. You guys got any ideas for keys?

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • MrPotato
    MrPotato Member Posts: 71

    Key's are not useless at all, addons exist.

  • MrPotato
    MrPotato Member Posts: 71

    If you think being able to see the killer, or the obsession permanently, is almost useless, you must be new, there's a reason besides bp why every killer runs bbq or tinkerer.

  • ArchAbhor
    ArchAbhor Member Posts: 847

    LOL i said almost. dude i take auras into account I just think that if they did more then what a map does it would spice things up more.

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    As a killer I think it's a cool idea. Gives survivors more gameplay options and doesn't massively impact killer gameplay. There are a few doors that would suck to have survivors able to access (the Game, Auto Yard, Dead Dawg), but the overall impact isn't enough to make it a bad idea.

  • Reshy
    Reshy Member Posts: 402

    Honestly, an idea I had for Toolboxes and Keys is to give them utility in opening up loops for survivors. Like, for example, you can spend some charges of a key to open a window that starts locked, or use the toolbox to cut open a path or fortify a wall/pallet.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Sure, but that green key you find in basement chest is gonna be very useful later on

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    They should give keys the ability to see teammates auras at base

  • ArchAbhor
    ArchAbhor Member Posts: 847
  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    I always suggest a brand new item as well as a new survivors interaction mechanic; known as build able walls.

    Scrap Breakable Walls that originally spawn; make alot of strong windows and pallets unsafe. And make the survivors use the dedicated Time to go build up fortification defenses. With the help of a Hammer item; you can spend charges to rebuild destroy pallets, build up Breakable Walls and windows ledge. The hammer can reveal spawn points for any of the interaction spawn points. Giving survivors the tools to make very strong and very safe loops; will eat up time away from Generators and gives survivors a very good loop the killer is forced to loop and destroy the fortification.

  • ArchAbhor
    ArchAbhor Member Posts: 847

    I seriously doubt they would do this but it is a very interesting idea. What I mean is think of the mechanics that would have to be put into place and the animation work.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    The doors idea would be good if there were more doors in general, not just 2-3 of them on a handful of maps. There's some maps that have LOTS of them, The Game and Dead Dawg for instance, but most other maps only have one or two at most, if at all.. but I guess you could always pair the key with offerings to these maps..

    But yeah, with the hatch reworks, maps are so useless, no reason to bring one unless you're doing a hatch challenge and bring Left Behind to help you find it, if the killer gets there first and closes it.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    Of course, it would be alot of animations and be somewhat of a complicated mechanic to implement. But... in the long run, this mechanic will make Survivors have new form of fun interaction and help with delaying the Killer's pursuit in chase.

    Think about it.... they can work Rework the maps to be less strong and bit in favor for the Killer's, especially the ones that play well to begin with. They can even lessened the amount of pallets too, to make the loops not too strong at the start, too.

    With the new mechanic in the game, either bring the Hammer, or look for the items in specific map tiles and locations (bit randomized, yet free ans available for everyone in the trial). Survivors can hold off from doing Generators immediately or have one Survivor work on it; and have the others explore the map and seek the tools to start building defenses for the Survivors.

    The Survivor when holding the hammer, will be able to see aura reading on designated strong Pallet, windows, and wall locations. Of course, building up certain obstacles will take up time; I can imagine the building options from quickest to longest will be vault ledge (Survivors placing sandbags down), buildable walls (Survivors using planks and nailing a wall in place), and finally the pallets (Survivors take a longer time, yet can be faster if it reusing already destroyed pallet). When building pallets, new pallet spawn take much longer time while old and already destroyed pallets is much shorter, yet longer then walls. In theory Survivors should be able to find all the necessary hammers and be able to rebuild alot of pallets, windows, and ledges for very safe and very strong/infinite loops; but at the great cost; not many or no gens are being done as quick. This helps killers out but simply making Survivors work hard to put up a strong defense to increase their survivability.

    Sure, Survivors can also choose not to do any of these new Build able mechanic and gen rush; but can risk being down and dying much quicker if they have no reliable defenses.

  • Ramanga
    Ramanga Member Posts: 50

    Get rid of green keys in chests, or make them have one usable addon at a minimum.