Sorry for being a negative nancy but...

I'm really glad self care got nerfed, otherwise them survivors would be healing themselves in a shocking 32 seconds instead of the new 45. AND ITS INFINITE???? Jeez it might need another nerf after this.
I'm so glad that there's not another perk in the game that can give the entire team infinite heals, of which are very quick, at the expense of 1 perk slot across all 4 survivors, which also has no counterplay.
Nope, not a single perk that could possibly do that. Nuh uh.
(For real though I really like the new perk and base game changes. its gonna make my artist get w keyed a lot less and buff my brutal strength build :D)
I think it's obvious, there were going to be 40 perks changed, dropped to 39 with Circle of Healing mysteriously going untouched.
I think we know why Self Care was changed.... because CoH is the new meta
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Are we really still complaining about circle of healing lmao
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I am the CEO of hating circle of healing and medkits so yes.
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If its core problem isn't remedeed? Yes, we will keep complaining about it :)
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we always said approximately 40...CoH was previously adjusted and not scheduled for this update at all.
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Could you share with us when it's scheduled to be deleted entirely kind sir/ma'am. The perk traumatized to the point I fear I will never recover.
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CoH with the new Botany is gonna be a HUGE problem. You unnecessarily nerfed Self-Care (only self-use), but buffed CoH (everyone can benefit from it) through the Botany Knowledge buff..... Whyy.....?
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Botany Knowledge is a buff to all healing effects, not just CoH. What’s stopping someone from using Botany Knowledge to offset the new slower speed on Self-Care for instance?
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How would you nerf them then? I’m curious to hear your ideas!
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Until Circle of Healing is deleted they will never be happy. Actually Boon existence in general, probably.
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I just find it strange yall decided to nerf self-care over CoH. CoH has always been a much stronger version of self-care since it's a team-wide perk with better numbers but self-care is the perk that is being nerfed to the ground. Don't tell me it's because CoH takes time to set up either, we all know setting a boon isn't that big of a deal for survivors and if a killer takes it out you can just re-boon the totem. The other day I had a killer match where I had to snuff a CoH boon 6 to 7 times during the whole match and it bearly affected gen speeds. They were still able to compete for every gens and heal several times. The buff to Botany Knowledge is just going to make green med-kits and CoH even worst for killers since ppl will be able to heal even faster and more times in a match. I just think your priorities on survivor healing are wrong. You should have nerfed CoH and green med-kit instead or alongside self-care.
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Because it's massively worse? Currently SC and BK combo gives a heal speed of 66.5% taking 24.1 seconds for a heal. New SC BK combo is 52.5% taking 30.5 seconds for a heal.
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Okay to be fair CoH + Botany Knowledge sounds terrifying
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Im completely baffled by this change
Self care needs an entire rework, just make it something to do with medkits or something
Maybe give it normal speed with an activation requirement like a safe unhook like deliverance, but obviously can be used more than once.
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Self Care was always more balanced in principle over CoH; this is honestly such a gross change. If anything, Self Care should be the one spared because if you want the have to actually RUN THE PERK!!! Strange concept, I know.
Self Care can be really clutch, but if 4 survivors are running it, I don't have anything to be upset about. I'll take 12 perks +infinite slow med kits tbh
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The only reason I can think of for the self care change is they don't want people to use self care anymore lol. I think the better solution would've been to change the perk entirely so that it does something else.
I'm worried that as a side effect of this change.. noobs will still continue to use it because it's a perk that requires no thinking to use, so in that way it makes it more convenient.. even if it is incredibly slow
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It just seems very strange to nerf selfcare as hard as it was but not adjust coh at all when it’s now objectively better in just about every way. I get wanting to reduce SC’s power a bit, but 46 seconds is just way too much. And meanwhile we still have the 21 second coh, which will now be faster than SC including the time spent blessing, AND it affects the entire team.
TLDR: coh is still too strong, and selfcare will be far too weak now.
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Self-Care is free, CoH has to be bought.
Is it any wonder than the premium perk heals 3x fast and applies to the whole team?
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This is direct nerf for low mmr survivors. Generators probably will never finish if you have any Claud on your team (i am talking for new players). At this point, it is better to remove perk instead nerfing it.
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Circle of healing shouldn't be a boon, instead it should be turned into a prove thyself for healing - for every survivor within a 24m range of you including yourself, gain a 25% healing speed boost to others.
Medkits self heal time should be 28 seconds instead of 16, and every charge add on should be halfed in charges.
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Good nerf for SWF but they can coordinate and reset their health states.
Solos can go corner and cry before killer finish them.
I don't know why nobody is thinking there is also solo players who have not any coordination or information.
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Not gonna lie if you want a perk to go from meta to trash like iron will this would be it lmao
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10 seconds on a gen is nothing.
As a surv I literally spawn next to a gen repairing it within 4 seconds of match starting,... and will often have it completed before killer can even make it around the map to get to me, if so I rotate on a new gen and have that one more than half way in no time too. Almost 2 gens over half way and no one downed yet...
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Tbf circle of healing being turned into a useless perk would make the game 100x healthier.
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Nah, dark theory is actually my favourite perk in the entire game and I use it quite a bit with exponential.
Literally boons have a bad rep purely cos of circle, nothing else. If coh didnt exist boons would be fine.
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Maybe. I personally don’t think so. I thought dead hard was a bigger problem since I haven’t really seen circle of healing all that much recently. I think I had one game where it was in play yesterday and that was it. I don’t really think dead hard got enough of a nerf and I feel like that perk is still gonna be very unhealthy
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Agreed. Behavior tainted the whole idea of Boon Totems by making Circle of Healing one of the first ones.
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To be fair, a single CoH is still game changing. They have yet to actually do anything substantial about why the perk is good.
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Nerf Self-Care more!
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Self Care+ Botany will basically be infinite free and quick heals.
Botany Knowledge needs to not work with a medkit. This is literally going to be game breaking.
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CoH's "adjustment" was less than 2 seconds on Self-Care and even less on all other healing - as others have said, combining it with Botany is going to be back to original-CoH level healing speeds.
No matter how much BHVR denies it, CoH is massively overpowered.
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So we could say they even BUFFED coh by buffing botany, hm?