New Killer Idea

BillyBoiMain Member Posts: 164
edited July 2019 in Creations

Killer: The Frozen


Alice Kearns was a high schooler from Stockholm, Sweden, who was the most ruthless student in her school, she always made life bad for students and teachers, she would always beat up kids and sometimes teachers. She was the definition of a bully.

Her home life wasn’t good either, having a very abusive family who barely looked after her. She was also a diagnosed schizophrenic and psychopath.

One time, she went into the girls bathroom to see if there was anybody to fight. The only girl apart from herself in the bathroom was Kathryn Fisher, the principal’s daughter. Alice loved picking on her especially. Alice would bully to make her own life feel better, but then she thought she could do more, more than just knock her out, more than just break her nose and more than just crack her head open...

She took a pen from her pocket and stabbed Kathryn in the neck, then she kept stabbing her. She felt joy, she felt pleasure after what she just did. So she went after more, and more, and more students.

As she was leaving, Police finally found her, which when she saw them, she ran away to the lake where they surrounded her.

There was no escape, so she fell backwards into the watery abyss, as she sank, deeper into the frozen water, she heard a voice, call out to her by name, as the water unfroze around her, she felt smoke fill her lungs, then her eyes, then her entire body.
Her body was never found, but the lake has always been frozen, after that day...

Ability: Cursed Ice.

Using M2 (or what ever your activate ability button is) will charge up an ice ball which will move in a 12 metre, frontal 45 degree arc. Any survivors hit by the ice will be frozen for 3 seconds, during which they will have to preform the Wiggle Out action which takes 1.5 seconds. Survivors will unfreeze after the timer is completed or if they are hit by The Frozen.


Hex: Freeze!: While the hex perk is active:
•Skill checks are 10/15/20% more difficult for survivors.
•If a survivor fails a skill check on a generator, that generator will be locked for 8/16/24 seconds.
•While a generator is locked, it will regress 3/6/9%.
•Can stack up to 1/2/3 generators at one time.

Hex: Blood Bath: While the hex totem is active, for every survivor you hit, gain a 3/4/5% increased movement speed bonus and a 3/4/5% decreased weapon cooldown. Can stack up to 3/4/5 tokens.

Trailing Blizzard: If a survivor is injured for more than 40/30/20 seconds, you will see their aura for 3/4/5 seconds. Trailing Blizzard has a cooldown of 40/30/20 seconds.

Mori: The Frozen freezes the survivors head then crushes it with her own hands.

Description: The Frozen is a middle aged girl with a dark robe, ice, frost and icicles sticking out from her body. She is a tall killer with a terror raidus of 32 metres.

Difficulty: Easy.

Post edited by BillyBoiMain on


  • TheBushChicken
    TheBushChicken Member Posts: 8
    Concept is interesting. But the timings need to be worked out. 7.5 seconds is an EXTREMELY long time to be stunned and 3.25 seconds is pretty long for a wiggle out, if you land it its essentially a guarenteed hit/kill. I would probably reduce both of those by a few for the perks. I like the hex perk, the numbers need tweaking but still interesting. This and overcharge could be a pretty deadly combo. I had a similar perk to bloodbath on a killer concept of my own called "Hex: Rampage". I think it would have to be a hex though, a flat perk would be too strong since at 2 kills you would be almost as fast as a sprinting legion on normal 115% killers. As for trailing blizzard, i think that should be scrapped and reworked. The perk itself is interesting but not all that useful as nurses calling exists. Just my thoughts though
  • BillyBoiMain
    BillyBoiMain Member Posts: 164
    Concept is interesting. But the timings need to be worked out. 7.5 seconds is an EXTREMELY long time to be stunned and 3.25 seconds is pretty long for a wiggle out, if you land it its essentially a guarenteed hit/kill. I would probably reduce both of those by a few for the perks. I like the hex perk, the numbers need tweaking but still interesting. This and overcharge could be a pretty deadly combo. I had a similar perk to bloodbath on a killer concept of my own called "Hex: Rampage". I think it would have to be a hex though, a flat perk would be too strong since at 2 kills you would be almost as fast as a sprinting legion on normal 115% killers. As for trailing blizzard, i think that should be scrapped and reworked. The perk itself is interesting but not all that useful as nurses calling exists. Just my thoughts though
    Thank you for the comment. You’re right, the timing is a bit too long for the ability, thanks for addressing that.

    As for Blood Bath, if it was a hex perk than my killer would have two hex perks. But if that would make it balanced, then I'll tweak it.

    I personally like the idea of Trailing Bilzzard, if it was buffed extremely maybe?

    Again thank you for the comment, really appreciated.

  • BillyBoiMain
    BillyBoiMain Member Posts: 164
    Edit: Added Lore.
  • BillyBoiMain
    BillyBoiMain Member Posts: 164
    Edit: Fixed Trailing Blizzard.
  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Bloodbath needs a rework, its too weak and will go down like devour hope

  • BillyBoiMain
    BillyBoiMain Member Posts: 164

    Bloodbath needs a rework, its too weak and will go down like devour hope

    Thank you for the comment. I will now rework it.
  • JoyfulLeader
    JoyfulLeader Member Posts: 571

    I do love the perks and the ability, this would be an interesting killer.

    The lore was okay, a bit weird considering the killer became an insane killer for almost no reason. Honestly wasn't my most favorite killer lore from you, but it was new.

  • BillyBoiMain
    BillyBoiMain Member Posts: 164

    Thank you for the comment. I’m sorry if you feel that the lore is messy, if you have any suggestions or ideas on how to fix the lore, it would be greatly appreciated. Again, thank you for the comment.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    And now it's too strong.

    I wouldn't make it any more than 1% MS. Think about it, the difference between a 110% Killer and a 115% Killer is a big deal, getting that difference on every hit would be insane. Imagine playing legion with this perk, you use Frenzy to get 2 stacks and then you're moving at Frenzy speeds all the time all of a sudden

  • JoyfulLeader
    JoyfulLeader Member Posts: 571

    Maybe you can add a reason to why the killer decided to kill people, maybe you could say she had a terrible home life or suffered from some sort of mental problem