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Upcoming change will triple the grind

Member Posts: 49

Hello folks,

I see the coming changes to the prestige system as a grind tripling. Currently you need 3 levels per char to unlock everything, in the future it will be 9 levels. At the same time wglf and bbq are gone, the most important bloodpoint perks and the reason for this is unacceptable to me and hard to understand. I like to play on completion and that will be unattainable.

Even if I find the implementation of the perk sharing very successful, it feels overall bad for me.

How do you see it?

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  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I don't really count the cosmetics as part of the grind, tbh.

  • Member Posts: 117
    edited June 2022

    That’s how it seems, I have a few survivors and killers p3-50 with every perk. Some P3-50 with hardly and perks, and everyone else is just 50. Getting to level 50, 9 times for the perks, bloody cosmic, and charms is still a lot, hopefully I am wrong.

  • Member Posts: 1,684

    If you’re a diehard completionist, you’ll have to prestige every single character to prestige 100 since that’s the new limit.

    That’s the real horror for me…

  • Member Posts: 1,684
    edited June 2022

    I’m wondering what prestige level equals a fully maxed out P3 level 50 all perks character…

    They said they would give us a certain prestige level for all our characters if we already leveled them up a lot.

  • Member Posts: 142

    Removing perk tiers would have actually reduced the grind. This change won’t do much of all except cut bloodpoint gains in half thus increasing the grind.

  • Member Posts: 1,032

    "Reducing bloodpoint gain in half", assuming everyone uses BBQ and WGLF everygame and get 4 stacks every game too. That's not how it works.

    This change will make it so you don't have to level up 3 perks anymore on any other character forever after every single prestige. So it DOES reduce the grind, by a lot.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    Let me get this right - now people claim that the grind was increased due to Cosmetics they did not get before when you had to P3 Characters?

  • Member Posts: 138

    New grind is still preferable for the freedom it gives for most players:

    Previously, you had to decide whether you really wanted prestige cosmetics, and if you did, you had to prestige 3 before you could even get started on all perks.

    If you decided you didn't really want prestige cosmetics, you could get all perks faster, but if you ever changed your mind, you had to do everything all over again.

    It's way more player-friendly to make getting all perks the first step in account progression, and letting players obtain prestige cosmetics (including the new charms) afterwards.

    Though thinking about it, if the new apex of the grind is P100 all characters, surely that's mathematically impossible with on average 8 new characters a year, right?

  • Member Posts: 508

    I think the point is that you're not supposed to Prestige 100 all your characters. It's just to show your dedication to one particular character. Like, I'm a Claudette main. So once I Prestige 3 new characters I'm not gonna waste anymore BP on them cuz I won't have to. They'll have all the perks and everything they need. Although I may get them to Prestige 6 to have their bloody cosmetics.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    I still won't prestige... I have most perks on characters that I play and I don't see the need to prestige just to make it somewhat easier on other characters

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited June 2022

    1. Why wouldn't you? There's no trade off now, nothing to lose by doing so.

    2. Prestiging will literally be how you learn new perks now. If you want the perks of any new characters, you need to at least prestige them once.

    3. You might not have a choice. Prestige levels will apparently be allocated based on how many bloodweb levels you've completed. E.g. if you've completed 250 bloodwebs on a character, they'll automatically be Prestige 5 when the new system hit.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    You don’t need to go to Prestige 3 on all your characters to unlock all the perks on everybody. You only need to reach P1 on your characters to unlock the perks in everybody’s inventory at level 1. After that if you really want to get a perk to level 2 or level 3 on a specific character it’ll show up in that character’s bloodweb normally and you’ll probably be able to raise it up after a few levels once it appears again (same system as now) if you don’t feel like grinding that underlying teaching character up to P2 or P3 to increase it for everybody all at once. (And honestly there are quite a few perks that level 1 is good enough. There’s functionally barely any difference between Devour 1 and 3 for instance.)

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Cutting grind by 75%, tripling baseline grind, and also increasing grind by 100% due to BP perk nerfs.

    wow it's 1.5x lmao

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Yeah ... but the crunchy stuff, ie the perks, will only need P3, the rest is just vanity stuff. But the more important stuff is, that you don't lose any items on prestiging. Its just going ever forward and forward, and thats really, really good.

  • Member Posts: 364

    you can stop at p3 and have all the perks on everyone. if you want p4-9 stuff thats on you to do, but its not necessary. in fact we didnt even have "special charms" before. also what else do you have to spend bps on. you don't have to get perks on everyone anymore. bloodwebs without perks should cost less in theory based on how you spend points.

    I think logic is flawed.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    I don't see the point of prestiging in this or the new format... that's all

    If it were a mix if old V new then maybe

  • Member Posts: 9,436


    What woukd a mix of the old and new even look like?

    And do you understand how the new system works?

    You're intending to level your characters up to 49 with basic perks and just leave them there?

  • Member Posts: 3,138
    edited June 2022

    This. Speaking for myself, the perks are what I am really after, and these changes make getting them on all your characters MILES easier. In the old system, you'd have to level each new character to level 40 to just to make them available to others, then every other character for god knows how long, which being at the mercy of chance on the BW, often took AGES, and countless level 50 repeats.

    Now you level each new character to P1, and you at least have the base level perks on all of you other survs/killers. No searching, just done. That's massive.

    I have almost all of my characters maxed or nearly maxed, so I am not going to benefit as much from these changes as a new player, but for these new players, their experience getting to that point is going to be sooooo much less painful.

    Charms and cosmetics are ancillary, add ons are nice but not necessary (mostly), but the perks are what is key to getting on equal footing with other players.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Yeah! I remember how painful my first main, ie Pyramid Head, was. On P0-P2 I had cool builds and mostly comparable, that made playing him fun. But once I hit P3 I wouldn't find ANY of my favorite perks, till I hit lvl 50+10. It was such a slog.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    Well I have characters (mostly Killers) that are at level 50... with 5 of them being Prestige 1

    Others are in their 40's (lol)

    Like if it were to keep everything for the first few (3) Prestige then for the next one (4) you'd lose everyrhing... plus whatever reward you got... and the also allowed for a perk to be permanently unlocked... I would like it even more

  • Member Posts: 379

    This is reducing the grind for MOST people. Most people would rather have perks unlocked for all characters much easier. Even if it means griding for cosmetics/charms will be longer. The perks are what matter, the cosmetics, yeah, its sucks if you're really in a head space where you won't be happy unless you unlock all 9 levels that give something, but thats not the majority of the people. But yeah, 9 levels for ALL characters IS going to be a grind for sure. But the grind before was bad, and with each new chapter was just getting worse, especially for people new to the game and coming to the realization "I have to put in how much time to unlock these perks for multiple characters?" LOL.

  • Member Posts: 49

    I have all chars p3, so i got all cosmetics and perks with the change but i have lvl 4,5,6 and get nothing until 7 because i already got. But my real problem is bbq and wglf. If the bloodpoints would still be on that perks i can deal with the grind to p9 on all. I don´t say they should delet to share perks on p1,2,3. I need bbq and wglf to reach p9. I can life without the aura reading on bbq and without the healspeed on wglf but not without the bp.

  • Member Posts: 2,811

    I personally view what the devs did more as a perk grind reduction than anything else. With that mindset, I think they did an excellent job. Personally I'm annoyed that they made it so you can't unlock the bloody cosmetics until you're Prestige 4, 5, and 6, especially when only a handful look good but that's just me.

  • Member Posts: 13

    The only downside to these changes is that it will be harder to hoard add-ons and items, and you have to go to level 50 instead of 40.

    The awesome thing about these changes is killers will likely try out a greater variety of characters. I know in my case I have a handful of killers that I haven't touched because I'm only marginally interested in them, and therefore don't really care to invest bp. After these changes, it will be very easy to jump onto new characters without first injecting a ton into their webs.

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    I’m not sure if this was supposed to be sarcastic or not. My complaint was about killers losing bonus BP with BBQ and Chili. So unless your comment was meant to be sarcastic, it made no sense

  • Member Posts: 843

    Someone needs to re-read the Dev Notes.

  • Member Posts: 843

    Uh, challenge?

    Just go perkless for and add one perk every 10 matches. That's basically the same thing.

    There are ways to challenge yourself in this game, many community members already have a few. You don't need a challenge manufactured for you.

  • Member Posts: 222

    If you're already P3 fully perked, it might put you at prestige 6+. They stated that it will be based off the progress already spent on the characters.

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