BP category cap should be increased since gen times are being increased

Right now there's a max amount of BP you can earn from sitting on gens. If you're increasing the amount of time by 50 seconds total (10 seconds per gen) then you should also increase the max BP because that category is one that survivors already max out on fairly quick with the current gen times. Don't just do it for survivor, increase max BP in all categories for both killers and survivors. Killers going to encounter endurance more often and hitting survivors more so they too should get more BP from it with the category cap being higher.
Agreed. 10k per category, or up to 12k maybe. It would also compensate for the fact that you can't get bonus points from BBQ/WGLF anymore.
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Not letting us get more BP for doing more is like when a company gives you less of a product but will charge you the same price. It feels bad because they're basically screwing you over and going "oh well, you'll still use our product." 😒
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Exactly.. When I do 2 full gens while doing coop action and max out on objective, it makes me want to just go totem hunting cause it's sadly not worth doing generators anymore, I maxed out on objective points.
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Exactly and I think that's why alot of players stop going for saves/heals or interacting with the killer at a certain point - they've maxed out the category. Upping the max BP per category atleast a couple thousand BP to make up for the additional stuff we have to do is just going to make players feel like what they do matters for longer in the match and 8k extra BP really isn't THAT much.
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Heck, having a cap in the first place is ridiculous. I mean I know it prevents flat out farming for infinite points, so there could just be a cap to the max score you can get. So if you do super well in one category but pretty average in the other ones, you could still get a decent total score in the end.
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It should just be increased regardless.