Help us not camp and tunnel....give killers hook states

Hear me out.
I play both sides, mostly survivor because survivor is wwaayyyy less stressful than killer. Im also extremely altruistic regardless of role. I frequently get no kills but 8 hooks, and that's intended.
The problem is, if there are 3 Claudette's and a Nea, I can't tell which Claudette I've hooked. Give me a way to tell.
I know the answer to this: "it'll make killers camp MORE". What is that based on? Killers have never had hook states. Before the UI change they didn't even have a circle with total hooks. So how can you say something along those lines when there's never been even remotely a test of that.
BHVR, there's really no reason to hide hook states for killers. Tunnelers are going to tunnel and you're making drastic changes which are trying to address camping and tunneling (how effective is debatable and unknown since we haven't tested them yet). Give us a way to make sure we dont camp and tunnel please. Please?
I second that. Whenever I got for 8 hooks, my goldfish brain is the true killer and offs way more many survivors then intended. Overall I find the lack of info for killers disturbing: why do the survivors know how condemned they are, but not Sadako? Or Plague and her mastery of deseases and ailments?
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Really remembering who you've hooked is like easiest part of the game, removing it will definitely not make anything worse.
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1000% agreed
A killer who wishes to camp and tunnel know who they're camping and tunneling. They're right there. They can see them. Stab the injured person.
When a few survivors have used BPS and I'm trying to hook each survivor twice, a counter would be REALLY handy as my equally goldfish brain forgets who I have and have not hooked (or it would have saved that poor bastard when five flans were used and they went into 2nd stage and I never noticed).
Hook counters will only help "nice" killers.
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I would love to have this in the game. Theres many times when i just lose track of it with everything else goin on or somebody went into 2nd stage on hook earlier in the game n i didnt realize it. The ppl that wanna tunnel know exactly who theyre goin for. Its those of us that try to spread the love that lose track of hook states.
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Wait actually? Sadako can't tell how close a survivor is to condemned? I mean, I guess I expected that, because they can get "tunneled" out of the match, but like...if you get it built up that much you deserve it
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I am so glad I'm not the only one who thinks this! I legit thought I was the only one.
It's easy IF they're not all the same X with the same skin on LOL Otherwise, I try to watch the UI to see which one is injured and go after the other, but my milage varies on that LOL
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To clearify: you will know once a survivor is fully condemned, but up until that you will only see of they are clean, or if they got any condemnation, and if they are carying a video tape. But otherwise 1.0-6.9 condemnation looks all the same.
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those who tries to use exact same skins are certainly not the one who complains about tunneling anyway tbh.
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Then you play other survivors then me :D
(which you most likely do, with that many)
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Wow...but like....why? If sadako wants to speed up condemn on one survivor, why can't they let her? Just give her the info, if anything it would probably make her better to play, lol
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How will this help you not to camp? You don't need hook states to walk away from a hook lmao. It's not a needed change, if there's 3 of the same character using the same cosmetics that's on them.
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Well, you most likely don't need hook states to know that the person who just got unhooked was the last one on hook. If you wanna tunnel, you will do it no matter the GUI. But if you actually WANT to play according to the survivors playbook and evenly distribute, then it would be very helpful.
You know how sometimes survivors let someone slip into hook state 2, because they want to finish their gens? If you didn't notice you might off the poor sod just like that, without even meaning it.
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this could both help not camp and tunnel if survivors have the same outfit
but also could do the opposite so im not sure
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This is the best answer below but also because it's not just on hook - you could see it throughout the game, so if I've forgotten that I downed Nea earlier (10 minutes into the match after I downed her in the first minute, forgetting who I've hooked so far) then I know not to get her again if she's on death hook.
I disagree that "it's on them". Sure, they could do differently, but I shouldn't be "penalized" (IE not being able to play the way I'd like, including sort of following the survivor playbook) because I've now hooked 7 people and I don't want to kill them.
So I'm not sure how the answer to your question isn't crystal clear. "How will this help you not camp?" Because I can literally see who's on what hook. Isn't that self-evident?
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As a fellow killer main, I really am not interested in that change.
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Do you see a reason against it?
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Yup definitely. This is especially annoying if multiple people are playing the same character. It's like playing the shell game where the guy hides the object scrambles it under a lot of similar looking ones and you have to find the right one. If you down somebody who is marked two hooks and still hook them you are INTENDING to do so. If you are tunneling you know damn well who is the injured one.
Letting the killer see hook states doesn't do anything to encourage tunneling it just makes it easier for killers who wish to hook evenly to do so.
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Any valid one? No.
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Yeah, I would like the hook counters to be visible for killer. There are tons of good reasons to do it: helping people who don't want to tunnel avoid doing it by accident, helping people with ADHD or similar keep better track of the progress of the match, similar access to strategic info for killer and survivor players, etc. I can't think of any reason against it, since I don't think it would actually make any difference to tunneling on purpose.
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Yes. The only argument for making the hook states not visible to the killer is that it will encourage them to tunnel, and it’s a terrible argument. If you’re going to tunnel someone, you don’t need the hook counter to remember who to tunnel. In my experience, forgetting who I’ve already hook twice and killing them inadvertently is what usually happens
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Skill issue.
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I just went vs a full lobby of torn shirt steves, i had a job telling them apart
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I just got flamed for tunneling because I forgot which of the two survivors I had previously hooked and just picked one. Hook counts for killers would be life changing honestly.
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Agreed. I've had some games where two (or more) Survivors have had very similar cosmetics, and I've accidentally gone for the same person again and again since I can't know which Survivor I'm chasing until they take a hit.
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You know, every other aspect of killer gameplay is seriously difficult than hook count.
This is exactly the reason why people tunnel anyway.
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I’m glad it’s not just me. I’m sorry survivors, I know your all trying to get under my skin but I’m too busy wondering how I should tweak my build or if I’m really using my Killer Power most effectively and then OOPS, killed Claudette because she hit second stage before rescue and I didn’t notice.
Im not saying I won’t camp or tunnel, I’m saying that with hook status, I’ll at least think about leaving them slugged and letting them get rescued.
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Give us hook states, increase hook duration to 80 seconds, nerf Deadlock and DMS duration a bit. I play mainly killer and even I can admin 60 seconds is too short when you're not playing against juicers that can run you for 2 minutes thanks to Shift + W and DH.
Another thing is it would take away the unfairness of people running identical cosmetics purely for a gameplay advantage and confusing the killer. Sure, say it's easy to count hook states, good luck remembering Claudette in slot 3 with the same cosmetics as Claudette in slot 2 was actually on death hook. Or that the one you're chasing right now actually was just unhooked and has decisive. Hook states on the HUD would help against this.
And now that we have some anti tunneling measures I think it's safer to implement this. Just buff time on hook to 80, 60 is very little.
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Throughout this event I've been trying to 2-hook survivors and let them escape (if they play 3+ flans at least) and it hasn't been easy.
On more than one occasion I've accidentally hooked someone on death hook, and been met with such overreactions as other survivors DCing, killing themselves on hook, and then flaming me post game.