Is Iron Will gonna be a dead perk?

All I know is that I'll still be using it. It seems like a lot of players, especially Survivor mains, underestimate how loud a 75% reduction actually is. You most likely won't be heard unless the Killer is very actively listening for you, in which case they already know you're in the immediate area and would find you anyway. Crouching also makes you quieter, making it just about impossible to hear you at all.
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Good headphones will counter 75%
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If the proposed changes go live (which they sadly most likely will), most definitely.
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I'm not sure but I am glad that they are nerfing it since now Spirit will be playable without Dried Cherry Blossom.
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Dead for stealth since you still make noise, you might as well run bite the bullet since it's superior and completely silences you
Dead for chases because if you use an exhaustion perk with it, it turns off (It's also not completely silent so killer can hear you)
What's it good for now?
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Goodbye to the stealthy survivor. Iron Will needed a nerf but it should have been the tiered rework OR the exhaustion - not both.
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People will bring it for a few weeks - either out of ignorance or hoping to make it work.
However, the lack of a deft touch has sullied this perk's potential - it's been Behavior'd.
I don't think anyone will choose it any more or less than the other flop rollouts that they've made, it can sit right next to Buckle Up, Red Herring, This is Not Happening, and Premonition.
A very, very, very poor decision on their part - not only making the perk unviable - but making it downright unfun. Which is ironic, as it was given a massive buff just a bit ago to help stomp down on the Spirit-dominated meta. Guess who's going to be coming back with a vengeance.
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the exhaustion add-on would've been enough to counter evasion/exhaustion strats. it didn't need both changes.
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It should of been the exhaustion change. not the 75% change
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The exhaustion change would been fine but without that 100% it's dead perk.
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The perk needs an entire rework, it should have NEVER given 100% reduction
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I think that it will be mostly useful if the killer is not wearing headphones, so it might be a bit of a gamble.
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People will still use it for sure.
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I plan on using it still 75% isn't as bad as most people think and I don't run exhaustion perks much anymore so only have to worry about fearmonger or onis hook perk I always forget the name of.
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I see people using Autodidact. It will be fine lol
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Off The Record is new meta for giving more BT than BT, and comes with 80 seconds of iron will after each unhook.