Who would you have chosen for an RE Chapter 2?

I honestly would have gone for someone more unique and unexpected. I would've went with Lisa Trevor. She would revolve around status effects and a new status effect would be created as well. Something that messes with your vision and speed. Like every couple seconds you move 5% slower and your vision becomes impaired. That would all come from a specific unique heavy attack which is an overhead slam like she does to knock out both Jill and Chris in the first Resident Evil but in DBD it won't just make them fall asleep since that'd be annoying. I would also have her with some sort of rage meter. Maybe there can be a coffin that respawns in multiple places. One like where her mothers' remains were. You can interact with it as Lisa and this makes her tentacles sprout out of her back and anyone who gets near her will be injured or downed by them passively. She would also have a much, much longer lunge. Now I'm no balance person. It's just a quick idea for a power.
Lisa Trevor!?!
only fans that played the game know her....I dont think shes popular enough to warrant DLC
but if rumors are true.... Im very happy Rebecca is coming to DBD since shes my fav but Ada is also amazing as well
honestly i really like Sherry Birkin in RE6, she'd be cool as well!
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Mr X as killer, one part of his power would be to grab and throw survivors
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We NEED a licker! It could be demogorgon mixed with gunslinger for twice the tasty action.
Also, if they make an outfit for the twins where victor is the little guy from RE4 (been too long, dont remember his name) and charlotte gets one of the druid cloaks i would totally buy their dlc just to have that 😁
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The original Tyrant from RE1
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Agreed. Rebecca is super cute and great character. I will happy to have her, i hope she is one of the survivors.
And she should get some good heal perks, she is healer of STARS team. So heal perks will make sense with her lore.
Wellcome back btw @TheDarkTyrant
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I love Lisa. And that is the whole point of licensed chapters. Bring in fans from another franchise and people have wanted more Lisa Trevor so I think she'd be welcome.
Rebecca has one of my favorite games in the franchise, RE0. I hope Billy Coen could also join as a legendary skin. I doubt it though as Rebecca would most likely be licensed from RE5's Mercenaries mode.
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For a skin yeah
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Stage 1 William Birkin with his pipe. Infect people with the G Virus embryo. Also having a mad sprint while swinging his weapon like a lunatic. (Think Bubba but way wilder and less precise)
If you die to the G virus your body becomes a g mutant. (You are still dead and out of the match of course).
Birkin can make his own more fearsome minions compared to Nemesis zombies. Trade off he has to make them himself in a sense.
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William birkin but 3rd phase as killer
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Mr. X I think would be awesome as a paragraph. Some want him as a skin for Nemesis but he doesn't fit Nemesis.
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That doesn't make any sense too have it as a skin.
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My 3rd favorite Tyrant! Love him.
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He's far too big.
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I originally hoped that the first resident evil chapter would have been him
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If he came into the game he should've just been what Nemesis was but without the tentacle part and different means of infecting.
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Phase 3
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Honestly I was thinking of his infection being that he has to down someone and then he can infect them with an embryo. The amount of embryos you can use to infect slowly builds over the course of the game but starts you off with a couple.
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Same. I thought he would've been perfect for DBD but I still hope he comes in if they don't screw him up like Nemesis.
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Exactly. He's far too big. Phase 1 and maybe 2 are the only ones that are really possible.
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yes we need more Rebecca in our lives!!
the thing is DBD has so many healing perks already ://
all honesty just give all RE characters guns & call it a day
I cant argue w/ that, will never complain about more RE.
im so glad i found someone else that likes RE0!! its such a mix bag in the community but I personally loved it although I do agree with some points that others make that the enemies spawn in rooms could be annoying.
and yes Billy!! hes so cute, he"d fit right in
RE0 & RE5 Rebecca look the same to me?? arent they the same models, i probably have to check...
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Rebecca needs a perk like Leon's flashbang but instead it's just a first aid spray. That'd be amazing. Also the reason why I say RE5 is because based on the first chapter the only RE licenses DBD has is RE2R, RE3R, RE4, and RE5. all the contents of the chapter are from that game. That's why I think they would try and use that RE5 license to grab Rebecca without paying for more games like RE0 or RE1. That's also why I predict Wesker will be from RE5 as well.
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I love Resident Evil zero. It's so good, easily top 5 best Resident Evils. I really hope they have her in her RE zero/1 outfit. RE zero wesker mode Rebecca as an outfit on the Store of course.
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I would love Birkin. He would probably only come in though after Nemesis gets remade since they would be too similar.
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game is super underrated!!
just wish there was an item box bc dropping & picking up everything SUCKED.
factor in the dumb hook shot that took 2 slots T_T
Any Wesker is fine w me :))
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William Birkin as the killer . Hunk and Ada Wong as survivors . The sewer or lab as the map . Jake and Sherry as legendary skins
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I think Rebecca will have RE0 outfit as default. So i really hope we get this skins for her, at least 2 of them.
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Licker or Hunter! Both could actually work in a similar way or be legendary skins of each other.
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I think Wesker is a good choice next to Nemesis/a tyrant.
ideally we get more killers from RE as legendary skins akin to the Rabbits from Silent Hill (Birkin as Blight, Mr X as Myers if there wasn’t licensing issues)
as survivors, with Jill, Leon, Chris and Claire we already have the ones that should be there before any others. Rebecca is a great choice.
i personally would rather see Carlos and Sheva.
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If we’re really getting Wesker, Ada and Rebecca I honestly wouldn’t change anything at all I think it’s just perfect
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idk about survs, it's can be basically anything, because they also can add basically anything as skins, James Sunderland pretty much confirms that. About killer... i'm not sure about adding another Tyrant, that'd be too repetitive. Wesker seems like best choice.
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The Nemesis tentacle strike needs 4 hits to succeed lol
First it just infect the survivor, then a second hit, then Dead Hard, then you finally catch up. Ops, 2 gens popped in the meantime. No point in playing him when you have Huntress with the 5seconds Exhaustation add-on
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I'm surprised nobody else has aired the same take as me, but that just emboldens me to talk about it: The best picks for a Resident Evil killer (outside of ones I might be unfamiliar with) are Lady Dimitrescu and Jack Baker, with Heisenberg and a few others floating around in third place a few feet below them.
Both characters have excellent energy and aesthetics, both have a perfectly acceptable canvas to build a power from, both are from very popular games with one being the internet's darling for a good while. Either would make for an excellent addition to the game.
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Rebecca, Ada and Wesker are perfect choices imo. They always could make a third chapter for the nu-RE games and have Dimitrescu as killer or whatever.
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I would have chosen Jack Baker or his wife as the killers.
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Personal fav is Ooze Rachel and Mr.X. Lisa Trevor would have been a solid pick too.
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I think ada is a good choice but I think Birkin would have been better. Wesker is kind of lame
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Ada & Ethan (or maybe Carlos)
and of course, Lady D. If they added her to the game... I may never play survivor again. <.<
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Lady D, queen. Even tho she 9 foot 😭😭
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Rebecca Chambers is my favorite girl so that would be nice, but for a Killer Id have really gone with a Licker, make its power a fusion of Demo and Slinger.
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I think he'd have a lot of trouble fitting in the maps. Like physically
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- Body is 1 character too short.
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If Rebecca comes in I 100% bet it will be licensed from RE5 and the only other skin they could choose if my license theory is correct could be that last outfit from RE2R's photo. Personally I would prefer the Prototype RE0 Rebecca outfit from RE0 because Prototype outfits are jut always so cool to me and are the type of things that show that the people behind the game care. We saw that as well in RE2R with Claire's Elza Walker skin an Elza was who Claire originally was until she became Claire.
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The Licker was the replacement for the Hunter but they couldn't really be Legendary skins for each other. But I love the idea of a basic RE enemy coming in and not just bosses.
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Another Tyrant wouldn't be repetitive. They can be unique from Nemesis. Whether it's Mr. X or the T-002 Tyrant, people would get excited just to see those characters again. RE fans I mean of course. Same goes for pretty much anyone. Like I said Lisa Trevor. Some might think she isn't too popular but when it's targeted at RE fans then she'd be a fine pick. Just like another Tyrant.
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I mainly just meant the lack of rocket launcher and sprint which would be much better in accuracy and fun than what he has now.
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Yeah, their movement is quite different, just a reskin wouldn't cut it, but maybe some truely legendary skin with a new model and moveset would work? I doubt, though, tha BHVR would want to throw in that much work for whats essentially a killer skin.
I second your sentiment about normal enemies, though. Killers in movies aren't always Jason or Myers level, sometimes they are just some wild animal in the woods and I wouldn't mind basic grunt types as killers, if they were mechanially interesting.
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Oh yeah definitely. He wouldnt be any where near fitting.
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I wouldn't be mad.