This is how much Red Rank 1 SWF is broken and make the game unplayable

This evening I was playing Blight against four Haddies equipped with four flashlights and the infamous dead hard, I was able to complete every chase in about 30 or 40 seconds (I had no anti-loop perks, just a full slowdown build). They smashed me just with the classic swf's coordination broken strats.
1chase = almost 1 gen done. I don't even had the time to use Pop or P.Resonnance, they got that gen done just few seconds before I reach the scorge hook, same for Pop. Most annoying thing, they brought FOUR flashlights to trick me into thinking they was going for reckless flashlight saves, but then they just genrushed, and I threw the early-game into looking around before picking up someone.
This is how broken swf is. I know this mode can't be removed otherwise a lot of players will claim their money back, but it's really too strong and something needs to be done about that. You just one option to deal with that squads = Nurse with Starstruck, Hex: Haunted Ground, Infectious Fright and Knock Out. Every other killer get smashed. Is that fair? Probably Nurse mains are ok with this, but not me.
"Red Rank 1" sigh...
Without a video of this god squad it's hard to comment on.
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No man it's all okay, it's perfectly balanced to have to deal with a game speed of 1 gen every 40 seconds
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I am not sure how many hours you have in the game but everyone loses matches. You cannot win every match. There is so much RNG with the maps, items, perks, add-ons, etc that in most matches one side will be at a disadvantage. Once you stop placing importance on sacrificing them and instead focus on winning chases the game becomes much more fun. I have over 2400 hours and still face teams that keep me at 2 hooks all match. I do not take it personally knowing that the game can be random and unfair in my favor as well. Just move on to the next match and your luck will probably improve.
Perhaps the killer role will be less tedious with the next update.
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Every double digit post account has something to say about SWF this month, goddamn.
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My skill is not your problem. Gen speed is. I'm not telling you how good or bad I am and I'm not even an entitled killer main.
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First, they're already nerfing gen speed. Second, sounds like you just lost. I get tough swfs all the time, but rarely (if ever) lose one whole gen every 40 seconds LOL. And how WOULD they "fix" swfs anyway? You can't stop people from using voice chat. No possible way. Anything they try to do to nerf the survivor side for the sake of nerfing swfs will just hurt people playing in solo queues. And on that note, they're about to improve "in game communication" among solo queuers, like adding information to the HUD that will say if you're healing, getting healed, working on a gen, hiding in a locker, ect, so thats going to make playing against a non swf crew slightly harder as they will be more coordinated by knowing what other teammates are doing. This game is just not set up for you to win every time, and swf's are going to suck from time to time. The only fix is not getting in a huff about losing a match. You're going to harp on what you're going to harp on though, not really trying to change your mind XD.
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And those 4 survivors that the OP faced, how often do they lose?
Only against a meta nurse?
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Bringing up Knock Out as a good perk vs SWF? What?
EDIT: Not saying it doesn't work for you, but if it does that pretty much means you're going against SWF teams that can't even be bothered to say "I'm down in shack" once they realize you have knock out on the first down. Believe me those are not the teams that should be giving you any trouble.
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You would be surprised. There are clowns, mikes, freds, pigs killing SWFs.
If you make good use of micro fakes, hiding your red light, commit to chases less if other targets appear, and in general, insta hook them picking up facing a wall to avoid others picking them up or unbreakable or flip flop get the idea
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Yes you can defenetively succeed with all the killers you mentioned if you camp and tunnel like there's no tomorrow
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Yeah devs want 2k 2 escapes
1 survivor 3 gens
1 survivor 2 gens and endgame
Perfectly balanced.
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I'm a long aged boomer on this game, I play since 2017, and yes sorry for that people who are insinuating that I suck but I actually know how much 4man swf can be strong and unfair to play against
Between late 2018 and early 2019 I've played swf with 3 other veteran players (we had old Ruin at that time, now these 3 guys stopped playing becouse they find the game too easy). I remember we were almost unstoppable. We always coordinated on voice comms on Discord. Our win rate pretty broken. Killers always ending with one kill by facecamping becouse no option left apart from it (both exit gates at 99% against 3 Borrow Time). Just Bubbas and one-shot killers in general were able to defend the hook. We always ended with at least 3man escape. We lose just one game: that game was against an Hag hard camping the basement with 5+ more traps and STBFL in the mid-game (2 gens left). We don't expected the reduced weapon cooldown, so this Hag machined gun us, ending with basement party. Here is how can you succeed against swf. Just camp with a broken killer and an underrated perk, then hope they fall for altruistic reckless save.
Now tell that I'm lying but only me and my old teammates know what this game become when the opponent is a sweaty swf death squad.
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Oh yes, another option to kill us was the old Huntress with the currently nerfed Iri Head, the best killer add-on in the game, now nerfed into the ground. Rip
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Whoops, wrong post...
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Lol, former iri head huntress main has some thoughts on balance
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Sadly this is not true (anymore). We know how the stats always show that the average killrate is above 50% for every killer (apart from nurse if I remember correct sitting at 49.x%).
They stated in last update that they feel the survivors escape rate is not as low as they want it to be, and want to make killers feel more of a danger. They don't understand how important the 2k balance is and seem to go for 3k average now. People are always doomthinking that the game will die with each update, but if this 1 update goes through I'm actually sure the drop of survivors will be HUGE.
I can already imagine legion games, we all know how long and tedious these rounds are. No more dead hard to sometimes put him out of his power, 10 extra sec on each gen, buffed thana... Bruh...
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Top-MMR SWFs are unbeatable, if u dont play Nurse or Blight at high level. Nothing new. It will become more worse if all the changes are come online.
They will fck the killers easily.
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I don't even do that I play to have fun and be silly....if I get a K yay if not oh well. I decided playing sweaty only raised my blood pressure and I wasn't having fun.
Now there are times I'll pull out Demopup or King and Queen Doc or just Vommy Mommy and make their lives full of terror and anguish. But that's on a very rare occasion.
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Don't worry. Next month we're gonna go back to DH. The bright side is that OTR will join the chat. Some variety in the forum meta.
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Legion games are tedious becouse you can't just sit there and M1 all the time, then typing ez in endgame chat after a gameplay like this? lol
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You don't understand one simple thing, bro. "The killer" in this game is the animator who entertains the survivors. This is not a strong role. Just service personnel for a priority target audience. This is the policy of the bhvr. Accept it or leave this game.
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Rank means nothing
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- those stats now show all MMR mixed together, irrelevant
- getting a kill rate of 50% while 80% of the killers are camping is as well what i call biased stats
- remember the streamers official tournament where the killer did not have the right to camp to hide to the viewers how bad the state of the game is today, funny when in reality almost every game is against a camper
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Sounds like someone trying to play victim to innocently act like they aren't trying to blatantly get SWF nerfed. And you bring up Nurse...who is massively on the chopping block right now. Lol...
Just like everyone who defends Nurse says: "get better? *injected belittling sarcasm*"