How does the matchmaking incentive know which killer I will play?

The dev update says that the incentives are based on our matchmaking ratings so one person might get a different incentice to another. But my killers are vastly different to eachother. The MMR might say, "hey you are quite bad at Dredge, and we need some bad killers right now." But then what if I play Nurse? Who I am really, really, really bad with?
It's a good question, if it's going according to 'we need killers at x MMR but not at y MMR' there'll probably be a little icon on the killers that will earn the bonus.
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AFAIK the MMR system takes 80% of your best killer and slaps that as a baseline on your worst killer, because they figure that you know the basics about killer gameplay and won't magically turn into a potatoe, even though you might not know the new killers mechanics. To an extent thats okay-ish, but of course this system got its own slew of problems.
Well, it is what it is, and it will be nice to be able to verse bots in the future, just to goof around, try the powers and walk around the maps unstressed.
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It probably doesn't matter if queues are at that point. It would already most likely be pulling from close to the max allowable range. It would just say "hey there is a bonus" and determine the bonus after the fact depending on which bracket you filled
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I have a feeling mmr will not factor at all. The game will see "we need a killer" and grab the first one available. We'll just get bonus BP for our suffering.
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I suspect that they will use one of the following;
1. Your best MMR. If you are getting 100% bonus BP, then you are by definition going to want to maximize those BP by using your best killer.
2. Average MMR with last X amount of killers played. So if your average MMR for last 3 played killers is 1000 it'll use that number as your basis assuming that you will use one of those killers and not a random one. It could also look at top hours per killer but this will unfavorably favor base killers (Trapper, Wraith, Billy, etc.) As they are the oldest killers.
I don't think it'll use your lowest MMR killer as they will plan on you using your worst.
I didn't even think of this until you mentioned it though.
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It would be much simpler if it didn't, but I suspect it will.
Observing different streamers and by my own experiences - survivors have long queues at higher MMRs and instant queues at lower MMRs (my survivor sucks, so I get instant queues at most times of day) and killers have fast queues at higher MMRs and very long queues at lower MMRs (I think a lot of newbies are attracted to the killer role).
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That's a decent idea and a good indication of how hard a match I'll have. If they're asking for Doctor or Plague on me, it's going to be a sweat fest lol
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If I remember correctly, they stated somewhere in the dev update that this "role incentive system" will be dynamic, ie taking your MMR into account in order to fill the MMR bracket holes that are the widest at that moment.
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You still think each killer you play has different mmr?
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New players are under the illusion killer is the power role. They get to play as a horror icon so they buy the game. Then they get looped all game, get told gg ez you suck, then they become survivor mains.
They would have to overhaul how mmr is scored. They stated it's based on kills and escapes. There's numerous threads about how bad that system is. A survivor looped the killer a lot, rescued people, did 2 gens, gets caught by noed and mmr goes down. Someone hides all game, gets the hatch and mmr goes up?
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Indeed, thats not a good system. But I still fail to grasp why people would WANT to raise their MMR? I know that this is a side question of the problem, but people always say "hur dur I looped them for 3 gens, rescued 2 and still my MMR goes down because I died on the hook", so whats the problem here? A bad killers MMR got boosted, yours got reduced, but that killer won't have fun during the follow up matches if he keeps up that attitude. You on the other hand...
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Your MMR doesnt have that big of a difference between killers
I thought we knew this already
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Well I play on a controller and comparing my lobbies of default Dwights and Claudettes on my "can't hit a red barn door" ranged killers to my lobbies of teabagging, flashlight clicking SWF death squads on my other killers, suggests they have quite drastic differences in MMR.
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This is a level of programming acumen that frankly, I don't think bhvr is capable of
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Strange, cause I have same survivors on killers I play a lot and on the killers that I play for the first time. Even the same players I recognize by names a lot. I feel its averaged on every killer in my experience at least
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If Blizzard Entertainment can pull it off, anyone can.
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Because the killers start at an MMR only a little below your top killer's MMR you will need to lose a fair amount of matches for the MMR change to give you a noticable drop in opponents. My experience is different because there are killers that I do quite well with and others that I often play but usually lose. I love playing Trickster and have played him quite a lot but I am lucky if I get a kill. The MMR seems to have some sympathy and gives me teams that don't destroy me completely.
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I was under the impression it wasn't that specific. That it to say the system would just throw out the incentive for whichever side needed players regardless of Mmr. Then match as best it can. At least that was my take.