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Reported for holding game hostage

So apparently I have been reported for holding the game hostage and not using the hatch. The killer stood watching the hatch so I wondered off and did generators till they were just done. They had NOED and a red mori so soon as I let off a gen they would fly at me. I then ran in a row and finished them all in one touch so killer had less chance catch me and help me escape.

This took nearly 15 minutes due to me being overly cautions and not wanting to be strangled by an angry nurse! I managed to get a door due to them really liking the hatch and making sure it is OK. This took almost 10 more minutes though, again due to being really careful. Game may have been 30-40 minutes, most of it happening after the 3rd survivor dies.

I then receive a lot of messages claiming that I am a "toxic time wasting C-bomb" and I have been reported for holding the game hostage! There were more messages but they are mostly just the killer arguing the case using insults as punctuation. They have apparently recorded the game and sent it as evidence.

I am not saying that I should have been given the hatch but I do not believe I should have given myself to the nurse. Surley the fact that I got away even though this took so long would not count as me greifing? All the killer had to do was warp to generators and they probably would have caught me or at least stopped my progress as the nurse could get back to hatch faster than me!

If I am banned for this then I believe something is wrong.


  • RWoodrow
    RWoodrow Member Posts: 270
    edited February 2019
    @Dead_by_David Sounds like you got reported by a killer that likes wasting time.

    I wouldn't worry. False reports get thrown away and you did not take the game hostage.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    I hope you got the achievement. 

    Nothing wrong there. Don't worry. 
    You finished the gens.
    I like those kind of matches. They are super tense.
  • Dead_by_David
    Dead_by_David Member Posts: 270

    @RWoodrow I hope so, he was only wasting his own!

    @EntityDispleased It was fairly offensive but not very creative!

    @Tsulan I already have the achievment if it is the one I think you mean. It was incredibly tense for me, my blood pressure was through the roof xD

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Even if the killer recorded the game and it was reviewed by the customer support, I doubt you'd get a ban. You did as good as you could given the situation.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    You went and did objectives as he watched the hatch. It's honestly his own fault for the game going as long as it did and you can't really hold the game hostage on either side when it comes to a hatch stand off. You both can make a move, after all.

  • Dead_by_David
    Dead_by_David Member Posts: 270

    @se05239 @fluffybunny I just tried to avoid both of us stood staring at the hatch, I will make an attemped if they are not stood on it waiting for me. It was actually a fun game for me it is just a shame that they felt the need to be offensive.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @Dead_by_David said:
    @se05239 @fluffybunny I just tried to avoid both of us stood staring at the hatch, I will make an attemped if they are not stood on it waiting for me. It was actually a fun game for me it is just a shame that they felt the need to be offensive.

    I can't really understand their perspective tbh since they were the one who chose to stand in front of the hatch and not check around to make sure you were indeed still around. Tense games are a lot of fun, though. c: Even if the killer is salty.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    False reports are ignored. I wouldn't worry.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,887
    Don't give it another thought. You did nothing wrong. The report will be disregarded.
  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    40 minutes.. Seriously, why do people do this? It's not worth to sweat 40 minutes lol, by that time could have 4 or more games and had much more fun in these lol
  • Arzurag
    Arzurag Member Posts: 6
    When ppl start a round, they should expect it to be as long as it takes to get the last survivor  no matter how long that is. 

    Like when ppl complain about 40 minute rounds in league 
  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited February 2019

    Let them send in the video so the Devs can have a good laugh on how badly they played and got salty about losing in that way. Killer didn't have to camp the hatch, they only needed to find you.

    Sounds like the killer forced you to play out the match and got mad when you won.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    No one was holding the game hostage. If the nurse really likes to stand on the hatch then let them. You did the objective and got out.

  • Dead_by_David
    Dead_by_David Member Posts: 270

    Thank you for the peice of mind. It is just the way of the game I suppose.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Dead_by_David said:
    Thank you for the peice of mind. It is just the way of the game I suppose.

    Most people who report don't tell you that they're gonna report you; they just do it. The ones who say it are often just trying to scare you and/or are salty. In the end, if you follow the rules (which are really just common sense), you've got nothing to worry about.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    It sounds like someone didn't know how the objectives work. Sure the hatch is an easy way, but there were still generators left. Any survivor in that situation would realize the killer would camp the hatch. Sounds like you had a win for the ages. I wish we could see the vid!

  • Dead_by_David
    Dead_by_David Member Posts: 270

    @Coriander said:
    It sounds like someone didn't know how the objectives work. Sure the hatch is an easy way, but there were still generators left. Any survivor in that situation would realize the killer would camp the hatch. Sounds like you had a win for the ages. I wish we could see the vid!

    It is not to exciting, it just shows me sneaking and doing gens and swearing to myself xD I am a very careful player

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    That's how I play, total stealth if possible. I'm at that stage were I play a lot but I'm not a master evader who can run the killer around. I enjoy the hide&seek aspect of the game, which is why the concept of sneaking around a killer that can destroy me easily is more intense than running all over.

    Although it does remind me of that scene in The Sandlot...

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Dead_by_David said:
    So apparently I have been reported for holding the game hostage and not using the hatch. The killer stood watching the hatch so I wondered off and did generators till they were just done. They had NOED and a red mori so soon as I let off a gen they would fly at me. I then ran in a row and finished them all in one touch so killer had less chance catch me and help me escape.

    This took nearly 15 minutes due to me being overly cautions and not wanting to be strangled by an angry nurse! I managed to get a door due to them really liking the hatch and making sure it is OK. This took almost 10 more minutes though, again due to being really careful. Game may have been 30-40 minutes, most of it happening after the 3rd survivor dies.

    I then receive a lot of messages claiming that I am a "toxic time wasting C-bomb" and I have been reported for holding the game hostage! There were more messages but they are mostly just the killer arguing the case using insults as punctuation. They have apparently recorded the game and sent it as evidence.

    I am not saying that I should have been given the hatch but I do not believe I should have given myself to the nurse. Surley the fact that I got away even though this took so long would not count as me greifing? All the killer had to do was warp to generators and they probably would have caught me or at least stopped my progress as the nurse could get back to hatch faster than me!

    If I am banned for this then I believe something is wrong.

    As long as you do gens, its not holding the game hostage.

  • Dead_by_David
    Dead_by_David Member Posts: 270

    @Coriander said:
    That's how I play, total stealth if possible. I'm at that stage were I play a lot but I'm not a master evader who can run the killer around. I enjoy the hide&seek aspect of the game, which is why the concept of sneaking around a killer that can destroy me easily is more intense than running all over.

    Although it does remind me of that scene in The Sandlot...

    The hide and seek is what I enjoy in this. I am not really fussed about rank or points, just like to see how long I can last hiding!

    I do not know what the sandlot is?

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    You did exactly what you needed to in order to win. You were actively doing objectives, no matter how slow you were doing it. You were making sure the Killer didn't find you and clearly he hates stealthy Survivors.

    I'm proud to see someone else in this game has the capability of pulling off what you did, I too have the last gen achievement, and I did it with 3 gens left. My Killer was actually having a ton of fun trying to find me though.

    He's just salty you bodied him.
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    A Nurse with a mori, that explains it. These are the most entitled people in the entire game.

    They get salty as hell if you don't come out to serve yourself on a plate to them. They tunnel people right off the hook too.

    Hands down the most toxic players in the entire game. 
  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    You weren't holding the game hostage. You were doing what you're meant to do - Survive and do gens.
    IF you were sitting in a corner and literally doing nothing then that would be holding the game hostage