The gatekeeping (and tasteless jokes with it) in this community is cringy asf.

People saying Blight/Nurse players are “parentless. “
People calling those who use DH “subhuman.”
People ragging about people using meta perks and somehow considering that “toxic”.
Literally can’t go a day in game or on any social media without seeing some toxic crybaby complaining about people using stuff in the game that isn’t inherently toxic.
The amount of racial slurs and threats I get thrown at me for *using BLIGHT* and the perpetrators think they’re 100% justified in doing so.
it’s cringy as all hell. (And no, I don’t want to hear how “another game does it worse” like they’re trying to scrub aside the issue. Every game has this, but its very high in DBD).
anyways I made bombin’ pancakes and I’m proud of my self
And by “complaining” I mean they resort to mocking the player
instead of requesting something to be nerfed in a civil manner.
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Why is there such a huge gap between each of your sentences.
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I’m on mobile, Work’s dead and I’m browsing DBD content for tips, builds, etc.
maybe thats why lol
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Obviously gatekeeping them from each other
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BHVR condones toxicity so don't expect too much to change. Remember when they were changing the animations and they said they wanted to make sure that teabagging was still satisfying?
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Same question honestly.
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Ok that actually made me laugh lol
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Welcome to online gaming.
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People who you see complaining 24/7 are bad at the game , they can make whatever excuse they want for having that type of mindset but when you're crying literally every day on any platform then that speaks for itself, someone wouldn't have so much of an issue if they did well, the problem is getting people to accept they need to get better and that they still have much to learn, instead though all we get are death threats and insults because once you get real with them that's all they've got left and they think they're the best players in the world , accuse everyone of "exploiting" or being "toxic" just for having perks or a playstyle they don't agree with
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Teabagging is not toxic, though. Toxic is telling someone they should kill themselves. Toxic is using racial or homophobic slurs.
Wholly disagree that BHVR condones actual toxicity.
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Teabagging is telling someone F U i'm better than you you're trash. How far removed is that really from telling someone to unalive themselves or using slurs?
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I'm proud of your pancake-making skills
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Don’t tell my boss I used the company stove
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Not even remotely true and in fact some of the biggest complainers and toxic players are elitists that are ironically some of the best players at the game and simply can't stand the fact that they are matched with inferior ones that can't play at their level.
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If that's true then why would they care about what perks the other side is running? By that logic you probably think tru3 is a top tier player when clearly he's not and he gets destroyed and cries about swf all the time, but that's fine we can agree to disagree the only people I see complaining are the ones who get outplayed and need an excuse to give people
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Your post raises one very important question that no one is asking.......
Did you bring enough pancakes for the entire class? 😁
The rest....ehhh, ppl are ppl.
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May I have a pancake?
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I heard there were pancakes?
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That's odd. I play Blight every day at high mmr and aside from the usual salty comments like ur bad, lmao ez, etc, I can't recall a single time I've been called out just for playing Blight, let alone any racial slurs. I have a feeling you are grossly overestimating the amount of toxic comments you are receiving. By the way, if your threshold for negative comment, on the internet mind you, is that low, turning off the endgame chat is always an option. If you choose to keep it on don't expect people to cater to your sensibilities.
As if BHVR already censoring the chat in an M-rated game wasn't enough.
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What kind of pancakes did you make?