BHVR, please take into account Otzdarva's feedback
Remember sadako rising midchapter when they nerfed some of twin's addons even tho everyone everywhere saying this was ultra unnecesary? It honestly seems like BHRV do what they want sometimes and take nothing into account
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He has a summary at the end of the video
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I guess the part where you have endurance and 7 % haste for 80 seconds ? But like.... you won't do the objective, just can take A HIT for your teammate somewhat for free.
Which is yeah, annoying and in some scenarios strong, but I wouldn't call it op.
(And yes, I know you didn't ask me, but the guy that posted he comment)
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I seriously disagree about the Off the Record buff. If a survivor uses Off the Record, they will either get tunneled after taking a protection hit or do nothing for 80 seconds so they can keep their endurance from Off the Record. Even if the killer decides not to tunnel them, the protection hit doesn't mean much since the basic attack cooldown is being buffed and if the killer DOES decide to tunnel them, it'll be easy considering the speed boost for taking a hit is getting nerfed.
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According to the wiki, the unhook action only takes 1 second. So it’s still possible to hook trade.
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Please stop worshipping random Youtubers and taking their opinions as gospel.