We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

I was T-Bagged 6 times today by Ghostfaces, can someone explain how it's offensive or upsetting?



  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I have to be honest the mental gymnastics here is absolutely insane, it's very rare if ever that I've been t-bagged by all 4 survivors in a single match. If t-bagging is akin to spitting in the face or putting the middle finger up it should be the same for everyone, no?

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
    edited June 2022

    right, gotcha, it's only offensive if a survivor does it, lol.

    Thanks for clearing that up.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,315

    It's weird, I got in a little clicking contest with another survivor and trying to "manually" click as fast as possible with my mouse certainly felt like using some semi auto gun in a game where it has a fire rate cap. Meanwhile they suddenly defeated me by whipping out what I can only assume is a macro/mousewheel keybind, that thing where they don't even bring up their flashlight but they make constant bursts of clicking noises.

    I honestly don't know what to believe 😄

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Neither do i. Just assuming that the macro used was a slower one. Or something like that.

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 639
    edited June 2022

    Start to play Killer and let's talk after a couple of hundreds match. Survivor gettin "t-bagged" by ONE killer that can actually do it, is a way completely different thing when Killer takes it from tens or hundreds of survivor players every day.

    You're comparing oranges to apples

  • BreadLord
    BreadLord Member Posts: 274

    cuz its 2022 and everything offends everyone. watch this comment offend someone

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    When a killer like ghostface tbags, he is earning it, it is funny and understandable because a m1 killer has to always suffer with the second chance perks and easy loops of most maps, makes sense. A survivor tbagging shows a pathetic behavior, they tbag full of themselves while being carried by their second chance perks and braindead loops, they do not earn it. I also dont bother when killers hit me on hook or tbag, i know they struggle in this game and is really upsetting, it is natural to them after dealing with carried survivors that brag about being carried by their perks and maps.

  • Maldor
    Maldor Member Posts: 5

    Just wondering why you'd goto the effort of making this post if you felt "absolutely nothing at all." It must've been dwelling on your mind after the match.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,528
    edited June 2022

    I've had surprisingly little BM during this anniversary, probably cause of so many casuals coming to play. But I also never nod, shake, hit on hook, camp or tunnel.

    Maybe I get ######### in post game chat but I keep that ######### closed.

    Anyway, if you're not just trying to dismiss anyone who dislikes BM from survivors as oversensitive, and you genuinely want to know why it's frustrating, then how about putting your money where your mouth is and playing killer? Make it a goal to reach Iri 1 on killer, maybe within 2 weeks. Try to win, and pay close attention to pips.

    You'll understand. But I doubt you'll do that.

    If you're already Iri 1, go for a 20 winstreak (3k or more) on a killer you find challenging and fun.

    Don't play surv to destress during these challenges. You'll get why BM can be uncomfortable when you're already dealing with the stress of trying to win as killer.

    I do agree that too many people play killer when they definitely shouldn't be though. If you're not having fun, take a break. Even a normal match can be very frustrating if you're very tired or stressed or something.

    I could explain how playing both roles impacts how I play as killer too, but this post is long enugh as is.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Yea that's exactly how it went dude.

    I got tbagged one game and thought "wait, this upsets people?"

    Then I got tbagged in a couple more matches and I was still trying to conjure up a reason why it should bother me, and I couldn't find one so I asked here.

    I get tbagged in my killer matches too and it doesn't bother me but now I've been tbagged from both sides and I fear there is something wrong with me as I'm struggling internally to figure out why it would be upsetting

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited June 2022

    Its not something especially DBD Survivor culture, Killers dont tbag not because they have a sense of honor or dont want to tilt others, its because only Jigsaw and Ghostface can actually tbag and weirdly enough, when those two want to taunt others they actually tbag, colored me surprised...

    Its overall a gaming thing, especially in games where there isnt an ingame chat, DBD has only 2 emotes and doesnt have an ingame chat where you can diss people so Survivors are restricted to Tbag, pointing, come here and flashclicking to interact with the Killer and the Killer to nodding, hitting on hook and powerspam over hook/body to interact with the Survivors. Weirdly enough all 7 actions are considered toxic...

    Dont overthink it, its the same as people getting angry/enraged about some random person on a car flipping a finger at them or calling them an insult, I can understand getting angry if you are in a verbal altercation and someone insults you but random person passing with their car and insulting randoms? maybe mildly annoyance at the idea of childish/vulgar behaviour but raging the way a lot of people rage after stuff like that? absurd yet a lot of people go bonkers over it. There are videos of people completely out of themselves chasing cars on foot after being insulted, what do they expect to achieve? getting ran over by incoming traffic? beat Usain Bolt world record and then Muhammad Ali boxing record? its better to chill at pointless provocations yet some people cant help themselves.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,439

    I suppose it depends on your point of view. Do you think simulating a non consensual act on another person is offensive or not? Do you think getting the middle finger is offensive or not? Do you think it's fun or not fun to deliberately insult other people?

    Nobody teabags bots or AI opponents so the fact it's only done when a human is involved shows the whole 'it's just a video game' argument is made in bad faith. It basically boils down to do you like or do you not care about making other people upset or wrecking their enjoyment. If you do like doing that teabagging will be completely in line with your character; if you don't teabagging would be out of character.

  • Maldor
    Maldor Member Posts: 5

    "Nobody teabags bots" nobody talks to bots either. The point of multiplayer games is to see human reactions - this argument makes no sense really.

    And I think you're reading into it a bit much. Many gamers don't even know what the gesture means, they just see it as a "nyah nyah - I won" gesture.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,798
    edited June 2022
    Post edited by brokedownpalace on
  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    It feels a bit offensive when I see other survivors t-bagging the killer, but seeing GF do it is just cute. Probably not what some GF mains wants to hear 😀

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,439

    It's giving someone a virtual middle finger. That's why the bot argument is valid; the purpose of the gesture is to bother people. Arguing its like a 'nyah nyah' is a superfluous argument unless your position is that giving someone the middle finger is like saying nyah nyah instead of the verbal f u.

    With how widely known it is as a disrespectful gesture there is almost nobody who doesn't know it as such. Would you do something that disrespectful to someone in real life? Probably not; there would be societal consequences for doing so and the only reason such things are so ubitiquous in video games is that the societal consequences are avoided. That doesn't diminish in any way the offensiveness of the gesture.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,973

    Tbagging is hilarious I wish it was normal to act like a little ######### in video games again

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,821

    The action of a fictional character crouching repeatedly is actually designed to trigger the part of your brain responsible for recognising stuff you should be mad or upset about, which is why people tend to be upset whenever survivors or Ghostfaces or Pigs teabag

    Even though it wastes their time and give the opposite side time to either catch up to them or do gens

  • Mewishis
    Mewishis Member Posts: 305

    My question is why even make a post asking for reasons if you don't even try to have an open mind on it it's just simply disingenuous. Are you not aware other people can and will be more sensitive to certain things than others? For example jokes and other things because they might have experiences that weren't positive and they despise and get hurt by those things easier. You act as if everyone should be like you when that's not how it works, people aren't always going to be able to handle things, especially at low points or just if they are easy to get to.

    Sure some people are fine with it, but not everyone is just because you aren't affected doesn't make you better than anyone else in fact you are just being pretentious. Now let me ask you a question, why make a forum post asking for people's thoughts when you yourself aren't going in with an open mind and you are solely doing this just to shoot down what people say?

    I myself don't mind it much, but I won't complain or send mean messages if I see someone being mean to me on a game, but it's not like I'm going to go on to make posts saying and posting comments acting like other people are stupid for feeling the way they do, just because they feel differently and honestly this whole thing it just makes you look apathetic.

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913

    Well, I don't see it as "offensive" or "upsetting", but I do take it as a challenge, especially if you're doing it at every pallet and clicking your flashlight. Don't be surprised if you get tunneled, facecamped, slugged, or whatever else it is that I feel like doing to you. I take it as consent.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited June 2022

    Killer is so tight on time that seconds wasted tbagging or whatever is throwing the game.

    Survivors have way, way more objective time so they can tbag/clicky to their hearts content without throwing the game.

    Tbagging is also a representation of what it is in real life which is saying I'm way better than you and trying to degrade the other person with humiliation. It's sole purpose is to make the other person feel bad.

    Lastly there's a difference in tbagging in this game and other games. Most other games that are better balanced if a player tbags you, you can outplay them and punish them for their cockiness if you're skilled enough. IE you have a solution to your problem and something you can do about it. In DBD that is not the case. DBD is so unbalanced at high mmr that bar some exceptions, they can tbag you and you can do nothing about it because of balance problems. This is why getting tbagged as a killer is completely different than getting tbagged or whatever from the killer.

    Survivors can also simply leave the match by suiciding and being done. Killer will still be stuck in the match regardless and just have to deal with it. The survivors will continue to drag the match out as long as possible refusing to leave until you force them out.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,439

    At least you're honest your only goal is to make someone else miserable instead of saying 'it's just a button!' when the real goal, in fact, is to make someone miserable

  • steponmeadiris
    steponmeadiris Member Posts: 225

    I'm so sorry this happened. I'm sending thoughts and prayers and starting a GoFundMe to compensate you for these atrocious crimes that have been committed against you.