The Twins - My Rework Idea

b4d_p3rks Member Posts: 39
edited June 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Victor's Quality of Life Ideas:

  • Victor Regrow/cooldown duration takes less time. (Now takes 5 seconds, previously 6 seconds)
  • It now takes less time to recall victor off a survivor. (Now takes 22.5 seconds, was 30 seconds.)
  • Decreased time when pouncing and hitting an already injured survivor. (Now is 3 seconds, was 5 seconds)
  • Crushing Victor now takes 0.75 seconds. (Was previously 0.35 seconds)
  • You cannot switch from Victor to Charlotte or vice versa when within 24 meters of a hook (Was 16 meters)
  • You cannot switch from Victor to Charlotte or vice versa when within 8 meters of a exit gate (Was 4 meters)
  • Victor does not make noises when fully charged pounce. (Was an add-on, but is now basekit)
  • When latching on to a survivor, they are now incapacitated until victor is crushed and lingers for 3 seconds.

Charlotte's Quality of Life Ideas:

  • When switching from Victor to Charlotte, your hidden blood stain and mute terror radius lingers for 2 seconds.
  • When Victor is crushed while he is dormant, it takes 4 seconds for him to grow back. (Was 6 seconds)

The Twins Add-On's Rework Ideas:

  • Brown Rarities
  • - Toy Sword: Left the same
  • - Tiny Fingernail: Left the same
  • - Soured Milk: Left the same
  • - Cat Figurine: Left the same
  • Yellow Rarities
  • - Madeleine's Glove: When latching on to a survivor, they now suffer from the Incapacitated effect. This effect lingers for 1 second when Victor is crushed.
  • - Cat's Eye: After 15 seconds of a survivor having Victor latched, their aura is revealed until Victor is recalled.
  • - Baby Teeth: Left the same
  • - Bloody Black Hood: Slightly increases Victor's Speed when fully charged Pounce. (+1% speed)
  • - Ceremonial Candelabrum: Left the same
  • Green Rarities
  • - Weighty Rattle: Survivors removing Victor suffer from the Broken Status Effect for 25 seconds. (Was 20)
  • - Stale Biscuit: Increases the time the Exit Gate is blocked when Victor is crushed by 0.75 seconds.
  • - Sewer Sludge: Victor is slightly darkened with more dirt, and blood and is slightly harder to see.
  • - Rusted Needle: Left the same
  • - Madeleine's Scarf: Left the same
  • Purple Rarities
  • - Victors Soldier: Left the same
  • - Spinning Top: Left the same
  • - Forest Stew: Left the Same
  • - Drop of Perfume: When Victor is crushed while he is dormant, the 2 nearest pallets are blocked by the entity for 30 seconds.
  • Iridescent Rarities
  • - Silencing Cloth: When Victor is latched onto a survivor, your terror radius is silenced for that survivor. Other survivors, however can still hear your terror radius.
  • - Iridescent Pendant: When Victor is crushed by a Pallet, that pallet instantly breaks. When controlling Victor, Survivors within Charlotte's terror radius suffer from the exhausted status effect. This effect lingers for 2 seconds.
Post edited by b4d_p3rks on


  • Blazelski
    Blazelski Member Posts: 351

    These are some really good and really bad ideas. Victor regrowing time is already complained about from survivor POV for valid reasons. I don't know what the point of getting rid of Incapacitated is, except for making holding Victor hostage even smarter, and the reduced recall time isn't enough to make that not annoying. Crushing Victor now takes way too long to even be doable while Victor is controlled, making most misses unpunishable. I'm not sure what the goal of this rework is.

  • b4d_p3rks
    b4d_p3rks Member Posts: 39

    I have changed some things.

    1. Incapacitated effects occur regularly now and actually lingers for 2 more seconds once Victor is removed.
    2. The regrow/cooldown for victor now slightly takes less time. (Was moderately)
  • Elan
    Elan Member Posts: 83

    Twins need way more work as doing anything with them is timewasting. Cooldowns, switches… The Twins are in eyes of devs too good even though almost no one plays them so… we’ll see.