How would you nerf Nurse?

The next strongest killer in the game does not come even close to a Nurse potential and power.
So without repeating the same things that we're said over and over again about how strong Nurse is and why,how would you nerf her?
Now this may seem like a bit much,but this is how I would nerf someone that has the power to ignore everything in the game to make it fair and balanced.
Make Plaid Flannel basekit.
Make Nurse a 110m killer.
Reduce her blink charges to a maximum of 1 at all times.
Remove blink recharge cooldown.
Rework addons that gives Nurse aditional blink charges.
This will make Nurse easier to learn while still being very strong played by a good Nurse player.
I honestly think there is no middle ground when it comes to Nurse,she needs a heavy nerf to be considered fair to go againts.
Replace her weapon to maracas, make it so she emits funny sound effect every blink, completely overhaul her skin to be something that is extremely colorful and obnoxious.
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Nurse is 110m? I hope you are joking, looks busted to me.
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Only 1 blink which gives room for mindgaming,and its really hard to catch up to survivors as a 110m killer.
As I sait,I want Nurse to be nerfed,but not completely gutted.
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Killer, who is ignoring everything can not be faster than survivors. Good Nurses can catch you even with 1 blink. Even they won't, they will not let you make distance and they will catch you because they are 110% killer now.
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Nerf her addons for now. Maybe rework her after making a balanced game.
Post edited by Silasy on5 -
she can be 105% with addon and it's not exactly strongest though.
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"making a balanced game".
Thats the funniest thing Ive ever readed.
The devs dont know how. They just count "Kills" and "Escapes". Everything else they seem not to see.
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It is meme add-on tho and i never used this add-on or i never saw someone used. I am usually using charge add-ons, so i have no clue about meme add-ons.
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She still fatigues after a blink,unless she perfectly blinks on top of you through walls and obstacles,she cant guarantee a hit with only 1 blink.
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I think this is a problem and that's why Nurse keeps getting buffed instead of nerfed.
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Imo the one change, which is simple, but would change A LOT...
Just make her blink attacks as not count as m1 attacks.
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I'd only nerf her addons. that's about it.
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She's fine as is.
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I wouldn't nerf her because she's not op. Survivors can destroy every killer except an elite nurse. Get better at the game.
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- 2nd blink attack becomes Speical Attack
- Change most add-ons besides Recharge / Fatigue duration
I know people say Range add-ons are too strong but Nurse doesn't have much of add-on choice besides Recharge and Range when you become good at her.
She got 3 BP addons, 4.6m/s meme add-on, gimmicky but bad Purple add-ons, Stridor / Nurse's Calling add-ons.
Which results common Range + Recharge / Double Range combination.
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She needs her range addons gutted and arguably the recharge ones nerfed, and her blink attack should become special
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Nerf a couple of her Add-Ons, her base-kit is fine
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I think basekit Nurse is okay, to be honest. I'd much rather change perk and add-on related things.
- Make her attacks after a Blink count as Special Attacks rather than Basic Attacks. This would make Exposed perks useless on her, and let's be honest, she really doesn't need them.
- Halve/ the duration of aura-reading perks on her. This would allow BHVR to buff mediocre aura-reading perks, since they'd no longer be incredibly strong on Nurse. Having 15-second aura reading on an M1 Killer generally does nothing except help you mindgame a little bit better, while a Nurse can easily down 2 people in that time. Making the aura-reading last shorter on her specifically would fix this.
- Rework some add-ons. Bring back the line of sight restriction for Torn Bookmark, and change the range add-ons to something else entirely/nerf their numbers significantly.
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Hi, legacy dwight and nurse main here.
Try playing nurse before you start claiming she needs a nerf.
- Survivors outplay her all the time, if you play nurse you will learn how to counter nurse
- MOST nurses NEVER get even a single kill. The nurses that you are complaining about are: me, or any person who played nurse since she was released.
- Nurse has one of the lowest kill rates, if not THE lowest. Therefore they are just as likely to BUFF nurse than nerf her. (which is to say ~0% chance).
Try running toward her, and/or breaking line of sight.
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Yeah we know. Her kill rate sucks, but if you restrict the stats to the top 5-1% of nurse players. She goes from low 40% kills per game, all the way up to about 90%-100%. You start adding the meta nurse perks that make her even more oppressive, suddenly its not a question about if you will lose. But how quickly she will 4k. Anyone who argues that she isn't a problem either doesn't play at top MMR, or directly has a stake in the game (plays her a lot and doesn't want her to be changed).
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None of the people here complaining are likely playing top MMR nurses. That is how statistical averaging works when she has a 44% kill rate.
The reality is they are likely playing average Nurses who had a good game or decent Nurses having a regular game.
Also I'd love to see some proof about that top MMR Winrate. Sure it exists for outliers, just like it does for any killer, the question is with what frequency and you need hard numbers to back that up.
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4.4 m/s, 1 blink only, no exceptions.
Slower base blink recharge rate.
Make a special attack with not basic m1 properties for after Nurse blinks (don't just make blink attacks special attack).
Fix range add-ons giving faster blink travel speed.
That's where I'd start. In other words, I agree with most of OP.
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If I was going to change Nurse it might be something like.
- Make Plaid Flannel base kit so new players can see where she’s teleporting (but make the targeting icon a bit smaller and less obstrusive, on consoles in particular it’s apparently so large as to be distracting).
- Let Nurse keep her head up after a Blink so she’s not staring at the ground all game. Letting her stay more aware of her surroundings during a Blink stun would make her a lot more fun to play.
- Change her base kit to the red add-on where she can only Blink once but has 105% movement speed base. That tones down her power level at higher MMR since it takes away the ability to get an instant followup Blink to attack, but still leaves open the core ability of being able to instantly hop through obstacles to get near a survivor for a hopefully quick chase. It also gives her just a little extra flexibility on map mobility. With this change replace any add-ons that give her additional blinks as well, have it be a hard limit of 1 Blink.
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Boring answer:
Make her blink like Oni's power, or Corrupt Purge Plague, a 115 killer that would have to unlock her blink. You'd have unlimited blinks and 3.4m/s chain blink window, lasting 15s without addons or until you injure a survivor.
I say boring only because we already have a lot of killers with long-cooldown and unlockable powers, but it would limit Nurse's power and forve her to play around pallets.
Maybe outside her main unlockable blink power, she can do a single blink without a blink attack, letting her reach different floors of the map and catch up to survivors mid-chase, as being able to pressure high ground gens like on Dead Dawg Saloon or Asylum without taking the stairs makes her feel special, while not being the reason she's OP
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- Remove her ability to modify a blinks length from looking down at the floor
- Have some sort of turn rate cap when she blinks. Right now nurses can have a high DPI and can do a very quick 360 after a blink to get a hit
- Rework range and recharge addons
- Make her blink attacks count as a special attack (like Blights)
Although perhaps before doing all of that simply nerf her broken addons. Then we can return to see how broken addonless(ish) nurses really are, or not. It's hard to remember after all this time because every nurse brings one or both broken addons.
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Basic attacks after blinking are now special attacks + need to hit a survivor thrice to down them.
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There’s 2 ways BHVR can go about this
- Keep her power but make it even weaker
- Completely rework her
My go to is option 2 since after more balance changes to other things option 1 will end up just as strong as she was before
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dh was fine as was.....but the state of the game changes....its time for her to get placed back a notch or 2\
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Nurse is potentially the strongest.
She is designed for perfection - but human meat brains have difficulty with perfection, and are really good at generalities.
Nurse is designed to be played by a robot, not a person. The balancing factor is the human element.
That being said, when players drill themselves and train to mitigate human error - this fades away quickly.
The Nurse with 9 hours of experience? Laughable and weak - pathetic and the target of bully squads.
The Nurse with 90 hours of experience? Deadly, but fallible, balanced.
The Nurse with 900 hours of experience? Completely broken and there's no recourse.
it seems that this is a major draw to Nurse players, which is probably a reason why it will not be changed much in the future. Although I do not understand why even those who love the nurse feel the need to act as though she does not break the conventions of gameplay.
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I dont know if i'm stupid or something (because i know this is an unpopular opinion), but as a survivor I love going up against nurses.
I feel like she's a very skill based killer, so individual player skill matters a lot.
Since she's very skill dependent, top tier nurse players are of course great at her, but you can practice mind gaming her while she blinks to make her overshoot or miss. For me it's some of the most fun chases that I experience in the game.
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makes sense.
that's how i am when i face trickster. I feel like there's nothing i can do because I can't dodge every knife, so eventually they get me downed. I'm sure that's similar in the sense that i just don't know how to counter it
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Before we change nurse at all we need to nerf SWF. SWF is the single largest advantage you can get in DBD at no cost/resources. As soon as you are in a SWF with voice coms you have an information advantage over the killer. That needs to change.
How to nerf nurse fairly?
1) Make all killers have a "damage animation cooldown". For huntress she would do something like juggle a hatchet in her hand if she hits with a hatchet. For Nurse she would wipe her weapon and then have fatigue. This would require her to blink for distance to continue a chase. Then she would be potentially able to blink to score a hit.
2) remove her Omega blink addons - these are gross, unfair, and oppressive. Both Oh Tofu and Hens made videos about it.
3) If Nurse charges a blink for too long remove her ability to "cancel" a blink by looking at the floor. Make her go zoooooooooooooming off for the distance of the blink she charged. This will prevent nurse from doing a "catch 22" play.
These three changes would make Nurse into an A tier killer instead of an S tier killer. It would make her have more counterplay and be a lot more fun to play against. It would also make her much harder to play - so make plaid flannel basekit?
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Nurse starts at normal killer speed with no blinks and a small terror radius. Each successful M1 gives her a charge and lowers her base movement speed up to a max of 2 charges and what her current base movement speed is.
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If I were to nerf Nurse I'd make her 110 and make it so she can't blink through objects. I'd also give her one blink.
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something simple like after hitting someone you become a M1 killer for a while , but if you put someone into the dying state you will be able to use you power normally like currently.
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- Make her 4.4 ms
- Remove 1 of her blinks
- Make that one blink a bit longer than currently
- Give her a couple seconds more time to move and swing after blink and before miss fatigue
This keeps her identity as the blinking killer, but gives survivors more of a chance to dodge, also allowing her to actually be played around pallets and windows a bit since players would be encouraged to not always hit the perfect blink, but get close and then move at 4.4 for a few seconds to get the attack
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Maybe something like Executioner has. While charging blink u cant freely turn around. It sounds small and stupid tho.
Or make plaid flannel but for survivours to see where she will blink
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You mean other than close massive amounts of distance to land hits?
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Honestly, I'd just rework her. I don't really see a way to nerf her without making her suck.
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I wasn't actually. I was assuming she then had mobility and could use the blink in chase to close the distance at a loop. She'd no longer be the S+ tier killer obviously. However I think she'd still be pretty strong.
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Make her blinks special attacks so she can’t 1 hit with this broken power and nerf her range add ons. That’s it, nothing more needed.
Or rework her to a complete different ability.
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to be honest #4 would make her harder to dodge. if she's able to move more towards you after the blink then she doesn't need to aim her blink as well in order to get a hit in.
Dodging nurse is all about mind gaming the moment before she blinks. Change your direction randomly while she is about to blink. mix in some fake changes in direction just before she blinks. If you're a medium distance away and you see her charging the blink for a while? Run towards her, she'll overshoot the blink. There's a lot of things you can do to make her blink in the wrong direction or wrong distance.
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many times was said that her BASE KIT is FINE, it has counterplay... her addons are the ones boosting her to stupid levels. remove or rework DISTANCE, RECHARGE and 3 BLINK nurse is also a joke that shouldnt exist neither (even if 99% of good nurses refuse to use them it doesnt make it any better) if u remove or rework them to do something completely different you oficailly nerfed the nurse without touching her kit and would be a good start. the reason why she is far away from the rest in power is because she doesnt need to do anything to be more powerfull she starts at ther peak from the get go aswell with the strongest power in the game, a good comparision would be Oni, it has a timer and needs to be build to use it, and he is easily S tier while using his power, she is terribly designed but of course is what of the things that remains from old DBD, reworking her would be hard but i think she can stay pretty much as it is (base kit) after getting tuned down
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We’re talking 1-2 extra seconds of movement before fatigue here, enough time to set up a window or pallet like against any normal killer
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1 remove her extra blink add on extra blinks have always been overpowered on nurse 2 is perfect also remove the range add ons
2 maybe make recharge slower
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Yes because maps like Lery's should just be instant losses what next make coldwind corn count as objects as well? There was a reason they had to change the extra blink addon to allow being able to blink through objects, because that addon sucked even with the extra blink that give you. Also before someone says its op and they can't believe they gave Nurse 3 blinks the addon it still isn't good I have seen a grand total of one Nurse use the 3 blink addon and they got 4 escaped.
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The problem with nurse is she is balanced for like hardcore swf's. The problem is that you run into a hardcore swf like once every 200 or more games and she is wildly imbalanced for almost every other scenario. With that in mind, I have no idea how you nerf nurse without reworking her power or nerfing it to the point of feeling terrible to play and being worthless
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You mean Blight ?
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I still stand by my ideea of Nurse nerf,its the only way to Nerf her that she will still be op in the right hands,but easy to pick up for a new Nurse.
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Throw out her current kit and give her a new one. I don't see how you make teleporting good but not op. Genuinely don't know how you'd find a good middle ground with her current kit.