Am i dumb or they actually buffed DH ?

I mean, before :
- hit removal
- distance gain
Could be used to gain distance to a window or pallet or to actually avoid a hit.
Now :
- grant invincibility for 1 second
- if timed well they get a 1,8 sec speed boost
They avoid the hit and thanks to the boost they will be able to reach a pallet/window.
Hit validation being what it is, fact is now they will always be able to reach a safe place if they time it right which was not the case before...
Ready for DH squads ?
* Killer gets a score event
* Killer can activate on-hit perks like STBFL
* Survivor gets deep wounds
* Survivor cannot rely on being able to use DH to extend loops after revealing they have the perk, because DBD Twitter confirmed the animation will still be there and the killer can just track who has revealed DH and bait it out like we already are used to doing
Seems like a better exchange overall than the current DH to me
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I was wondering the same.
The question is, will we be able to see them use it so we can ,,wait it out"?
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Well if hit validation is working as intended (which was the case 80% of the time till now), even when revealing they have the perk to the killer, they will still be able to use it.
Playing with sound, just trigger it when you hear the swing.
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No. What they did, at least imo, was incentivise using it one of the two major ways it was used, while completely removing the other major way it was used.
New DH can be baited out and played around, it'll require skill, timing, and good reads of the killer before you'll get any value out of it at all. It might still be annoying, but it won't be a free chase extension.
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No they combined both ways to make it a more OP perk.
Before you could avoid the hit with two ways of using it :
- dodging the hit when launched but if no safe place around = gaining some time but still dead
- preventing a hit to be launched by using the distance gain to reach a safe place = not dead in safe place
Now they combine both and it is even worst.
A well timed DH will now allow the survivor to tank the hit and the surv will be granted a speed boost to reach a safe place. It was impossible with the old DH.
So now = not dead and in a safe place 100% of the time
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First impressions is that it mighttttttttttt be better? You just active it whenever you think you'll be hit over a window. Now you'll also get a nice speed bonus to run across the map whilst the killer is swiping their blade. Or activate it when you think you won't reach the pallet. (Of course you'll have to be close though).
You can also use it better at small loops where DHing is awkward or around corners where it would have been bad/awkward to do so before.
Also better for desperate unhooks, taking a hit for other people that are being tunneld, etc.
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They really didn't. The two ways before were to dodge a hit, and to make distance for a free chase reset. The latter was problematic because it was completely uncounterable on top of both being a very strong effect.
Now, it only dodges hits. You'll get a little speed boost, but they nerfed the on-hit speed boost too, so it won't be much. Basically, they empowered dodging a hit (which you can counter) and completely removed pure distance (which you could not). It's a good change. Not perfect, but good.
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And you can time it perfectly when hearing the start of the hit swing and you have everything, no dmg, free boost, killer stun after successfull hit... it will heavily increase the chases time.
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Yes they nerfed it to 1.8s at 6m/s.
Killer stun has been reduced as well to 2.7 sec.
After a successfull DH, survivors will draw a distance of :
6x1,8 + 0,9x4 = 14,4 m
It is way more than the current DH... They clearly buffed it.
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After a successful Dead Hard. Which is not guaranteed, because they have to actually time it with the killer's swing, which is something the killer knows and will be baiting out.
Compare to before, where you were guaranteed value just by pressing the E button. The best case scenario for DH might have gone up, but the best case scenario is also dramatically less achievable.
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If the new DH scares you, you're going to need to sit down while I tell you about a perk called Sprint Burst.
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You cannot bait DH against a good survivor. A good survivor use sound to trigger hit.
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Yes you can. Its a guessing game. They don't know when a killer is going to take a swing at them.
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Sure you can. Everyone makes mistakes and the average survivor is going to mess up and reveal that they have Dead Hard pretty reliably. Even good survivors get flustered.
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SB is okay, you can trigger it at the start of the chase, it is a good perk but was less punitive than DH.
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You gain better results if you use the perk to skillfully avoid a hit. It can no longer be used in EVERY chase to get to a pallet you wouldn't and extend the chase when the killer has no input nor way of stopping you from doing that.
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Against some survivors (the ones that can dead hard on reaction to a killer pressing the M1 button), the new dead hard gives them MORE distance, since they get a free speed boost from it. And I know they are using dead hard on reaction when they magically dead hard even though they are looking forward.
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Fact is if they trigger DH when they start to hear the swing, the server validates it.
When i was playing (cause i have stopped DbD), at a good MMR most survivors timed it perfectly even when trying to bait it with head movements.
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Exactly, High MMR is full of those players. It will be horrible... once again.
Killer mains did not like it, they will hate it even more now.
Funny, devs wanted to break the META perks, they have reinforced this one that will be in every kit now.
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I've never seen that happen. The biggest evil of dead hard was it being used for distance. I have always found it easy to bait out.
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It was in all my games 2 or 3 months ago. Not 100% of survivors, some still failed but most of them timed DH perfectly.
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Ya it will. You run around the pallet four times, press E on the last circuit. What's the killer do? Swing and give you a speed boost or eat the pallet.
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It also gives them more downtime. Theyll have to run off to go mend before they can do anything productive - also meaning that they can't power an exit gate or cleanse a totem by themselves by defualt.
Catching a survivor trying to mend is also a great way to restart a chase if they incorrectly believed they got away, as a lot of survivors will habitually start to mend in the nearest crawlspace they can find just out of view.
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Those players don't exist. Survivor's that use DH with perfect timing for a non-lunge, on their butt killer, were using a script that timed the execution of DH. They will continue to use it this way, but every other use case will improve for killers.
That is acceptable for now.
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Interesting thing is auto dead hard definitely got stronger lol, cheaters rejoice?? I think it’s a nerf outside of that scenario but if it isn’t we will know very quickly.
Admittedly i was hoping they’d change what it does entirely. Sniffing a survivors butt and ‘waiting’ isn’t engaging gameplay, plus 1 second still means if they use it within 1 second reach of a safety they can still use it with zero counter play but alas, at least it’s not ‘as’ asinine and they still get deep wounds.
Honestly having thought about it, Dead Hard will still be the go to exhaustion perk. 1 second of invincibility is a long time in a chase and easily makes the difference between making or not making a pallet or window.
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There won't be any animation, you won't know if DH has been activated or not, good luck to bait it. There is no counterplay but luck. That is all.
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Only for lunges. Quick hits don't have an audio que.
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I'm not sure tbh. Dead Hard for distance might still exist but have a different shape.
Are they though?
Like, what's stopping survivors from using it the exact same way?
They get injured, loop around and when they can't get to a pallet just in time, they activate Dead Hard and get invulnerability for a second which gives them enough time to get to safety. Just like before, the killer either has to swing and eat the endurance effect and giving the survivor an extra speed boost, or they don't swing at all allowing the survivor to get to safety.
It's something that I'll need to test on the PTB because I'm not convinced the change is actually that much healthier for the game.
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It's better in one half of It's uses for those skillful enough to use it.
It can't just be used for distance anymore.
Plus it causes slowdown via mending.
If someone gets a DH off against you, it may be more efficient to drop chase and pressure someone else, someone who doesn't have to mend.
Plus it will no longer cause powers to whiff via hit validation. You won't for example be able to DH a Doctor's shock, or over a Trap.
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If one second of running at normal speed is enough to get to the pallet or window, it wouldn't be a Dead Hard For Distance situation. The entire point of using it for distance is that it takes you further than you'd get by simply running, completely for free and with no counter on the killer side.
Now, if they want distance, they have to get hit and waste time mending. Now it has a requirement, and can be played around by the killer, unlike before.
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And isn't this how BHVR should handle such a thing? As much as I chuckle at the notion of "nuke this perk from orbit", giving it a niche and usage, while taking away some of the painful plays of the past is awesome, isn't it? Some people will just wanna run DH, because they always have, and they will adjust. Others, that liked the comfort of "press E to gain distance" will claim that "they ruined DH lmao" and gravitate to something else. Everyone wins because the stale meta changes and new gameplays and tactics surfice.
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Weird for the animation part. We will see hot it is.
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The result of using Dead Hard is better, but you don't get that result if you don't get hit during its 1 second duration.
So the rewards are higher, but so are the risks. You actually have to time it properly for it to work instead of just pressing a button and having it work whenever you want it to.
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The distance might differ. I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I've done the math and that the survivor can use it at the exact same distance as Dead Hard now, but the point is that the lose-lose situation in the end is essentially the same. The killer won't be able to hit them for a second, which might be all the survivor needs to get to a completely safe position. It's the same thing as Dead Harding for distance right now.
And sure they'll have to waste time mending, but that's only assuming you left the chase, and if you don't leave the chase you'll have to catch up to them again as they got a speed boost from the killer hitting them. If you do leave the chase, you're left without pressure so again: a lose-lose situation.
As I said, it needs to be tested either way before drawing a permanent conclusion, but I'm just throwing my worries out here.
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But they won't be safe because the boost from the hit isn't that good to begin with and they are not fully invincible, they will get a deep wound which as we all know will down them if they don't heal. Do if the Killer keeps on them they will go down from the DW.
Another thing is that the new DH will be fully skill based and not dumb luck or press E and forget. So in the hands of most of the "skilled" survivors it won't help them.
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If they used old DH to avoid Doc Mc Loves shock then they deserve to go down....that's just sad
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In thinking about it, I came to realize this is exactly the change I have been advocating for: You get your distance if, and only if, you successfully avoid a hit.
I've never been against keeping the I-Frames aspect of the perk since, to my understanding, that was its whole premise considering flavor text like "you know how to take a beating".
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Dead Hard lunge according to various sources is somewhere between 4m and 4.4m
Survivor movement speed is 4m/s. So 1 second of Endurance equals 4m.
Maybe I am missing something, but that still looks like Dead Hard for distance for me... only worse thanks to possible Endurance speed boost.
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1s of invulnerability is 4 meters.
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At least they can't dead hard over traps anymore.
Trapper buff. 😆
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Did not do the maths but now it is clear.
That 1 second of invulnerability is stronger than the current DH dodge forward.
So it means that the new DH version is a HUGE buff cause you will get 4 meters of invulnerability, enough to reach a pallet/window, and if the killer hits you it will grant the survivor an additional speedboost that will allow him/her to draw a 14 meters distance from the killer.
Post edited by JeanCharpentier on2 -
It's distance that you can only use when the killer is right on top of you, not at any time completely for free- consider that the 4.4 meters or whatever that you get from the current Dead Hard also pushes you further away from the killer than you'd get by running normally, because it's done much faster. It's also less impactful distance since it doesn't stop powers, doesn't stop grabs, and doesn't let you reposition through the killer.
How much of a nerf this is will depend on stuff we simply don't know right now- like, are you animation locked and prevented from interacting with chase objects while DH is active? If so, it's a pretty huge nerf, and if not then the perk's still going to be very useful for preventing a hit that would otherwise land.
... But Dead Hard right now does way more than just that, so it is still a nerf.
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And if there's no animation to DH, then the killer will always hit you as well as they didn't get a heads up. There's literally no counterplay but that's if and only if this is really how Dead Hard works now. It's also just the PTB and nothing is permanent.
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The current DH version just gives you a 2 or 3 meters dodge + immunity during this dodge.
The new one will grant you 4 meters of invulnerability, it is more than what we have now. And you can use it when the killer is about to reach you.
You do not need to have the dodge for it to be strong, you need the immunity. Immunity on a longer distance than what we have now = Buff.
You will see guys, the new DH will be unbearable.
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Ist most likely going to be a Buff BHVR know how much Survivors Loves DH and they dont want to make there Babys Mad because they cant Escape whitout there Busted Perk
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Just FYI Endurance doesn’t trigger Deep Wounds, all it does is make you immune to damage. For example Mettle of Man gives the survivor Endurance with no Deep Wounds downside. They didn’t mention Deep Wounds in the dev blog post on Dead Hard so it’s quite possible it doesn’t inflict them and is just a 1 second period of damage invulnerability with no downside.
That said I don’t think this new Dead Hard is a buff because there are not uncommon scenarios where Endurance doesn’t protect you where the current version does, including
- Endurance can’t stop a window grab, but with the current version of Dead Hard you can lunge entirelu out of reach of a killer to immediately go into a vault and the killer can’t grab you. If you try that with this new Endurance version you might get grabbed if the killer was already close enough when you triggered the Endurance and vaulted.
- Endurance doesn’t stop non-damaging effects like Deathslinger’s spear hits and Trapper’s traps immobilozing you and Doctor’s Shocks, etc. All those are things the current version can evade.
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Depends on the killer.
DH can no longer juke the Legion out of their power, cross an active bear trap, or (shockingly, this has happened before) avoid either of Doctor's powers.
Not to mention, Deathslinger absolutely counters the DH buff. Endurance doesn't prevent him from shooting you, and will expire by the time he hits you.
Nemesis is hurting, though. I remember seceral occasions where a survivor has just dropped or vaulted a pallet, andI whipped over it to try and hit them, but they use DH. Since they were nonlonger a valid target, the whip instead defaulted to breaking the pallet, thanks to which I'd catch them soon after.
In fact, the whip partly counters DH anyway due to its lingering hitbox. If you were close enough, the survivors would go down immediately after DH ended. A similar thing could happen when the survivor tried to dodge Plague's corrupt purge or Bubba's chainsaw. Now, however, all 3 powers will instead trigger endurance.
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I wouldn't worry about Plague's corrupt purge, the first hit might trigger endurance but the next rapid hit will be guaranteed.
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Legion and deathslinger hard counter new dead hard