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Do you run hex perks?

Member Posts: 1,163

IMO they just seem so useless. They're supposedly game changing but can be cleansed before you have a chance to utilize them. Sometimes I see killers running undying which forces them to dedicate half of their build to one single hex perk. Why even bother at that point?

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  • Member Posts: 16,668

    The only Killer where I run Hex-Perks is Bubba with Plaything and Pentimento. Other than that, sometimes I run a full Hex-Build on Nurse (Ruin, Undying, Haunted Grounds, Retribution), which can be fun, but I am too used to Shadowborn on her.

    Other than that, since I started playing, I never cared for Hex-Perks. I dont want to bother with a Totem on top of defending 5 Generators.

  • Member Posts: 1,163

    Devour is a hex perk that I often want to run, but it has the same issues as I listed in the op. I wish they'd do something similar to noed, like the hex would only be placed onto a totem after everyone is exposed or something.

  • Member Posts: 1,163

    I admit that full hex builds can be fun.

    Pentimento is kind of the odd one out when it comes to hex perks. I haven't used it myself (yet) but I assume you can get guaranteed value out of it.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    I like to use devour hope and crowd control

    I used to use devour and thrill but they made thrill of the hunt garbage so oh well

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    I occasionally run Ruin, Plaything and/or Pentimento, but that's about it.

  • Member Posts: 16,668

    Pentimento can be hit or miss. If you get 2+ Totems with it, you have a decent Slowdown, since they need to cleanse every Pentimento to get rid of the 30% Speed Reduction on Gens.

    However, if they dont cleanse any Totems, you have a wasted Perkslot. This is why I run Plaything with it, however, this does not guarantee that they will actually do the respective Totems, since being Oblivious is still better for the Survivors than 30% decreased Gen Repair.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited June 2022

    Honestly outside of DH all the rest of them aren't good enough to be hexes.

    I'm cool with the whole high risk thing, but the problem is that basically all of them aren't powerful enough to warrant that high risk. They're suppose to be high risk/high reward, not high risk/average-mediocre reward.

  • Member Posts: 1,700

    Only if I run Pentimento.

    I like Plaything. Ruin will be dead, never saw a perk so dead than Ruin will become.

  • Member Posts: 225

    Nah. Unless I'm doing some very gimmick-y build, I prefer not to use any Hex perks. It's way too RNG-based for me. If your totem gets cleansed within the first 30 seconds of the game, you've basically just wasted a perk slot.

  • Member Posts: 510

    The only two hexes worth running were Devour Hope and Ruin, guess its gonna just be DH now.

  • Member Posts: 7,162
    edited June 2022

    Generally no. Once in a while I'll gamble devour hope on my vanity mirror Mikey build as totems tend to stand a better chance of lasting longer on indoor maps.

    When I do manage to get it going with a small terror radius and wall hacks it's so much fun.

  • Member Posts: 2,096
    edited June 2022

    No. They are bad.

  • Member Posts: 1,163
  • Member Posts: 228

    I dont like the fact my perks can be useless after 20 seconds of starting of the match. So no. Unless im doing forever builds for some killers with the Pentimento and Plaything.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    All hexes are meme perk, maybe except pentimento.

  • Member Posts: 366


    • Hex: Haunted Grounds
    • Hex: Devour Hope
    • Hex: Undying
    • Hex: Pentimento

    pretty fun build for me. For one, they are already distracted by my box and chain hunt all game. If Haunted Grounds pops, then they can’t do my box or I’ll just teleport and down them easily. Devour Hope incase they decide to not do totems, then uh-oh, everyone scrambles and starts popping everything because I’m now one-shotting healthy survivors and anybody who does my box is again getting downed immediately. Undying will extend/save Devour Hope just long enough to hit 3 hooks or will double my use of Hex Haunted Grounds, assuming it’s not found first.

    No matter how they start going, it still benefits me because of Pentimento and I can either lean on Devour for the hard win or lean on Pentimento for the slowdown and work for the win. Obviously the strongest counter is Boons, but I’ve yet to have a game where this Hex Build gave me absolutely zero value. Also if chain hunt starts they can’t easily cleanse/boon totems so…it’s always a flip for them hub working my box (while exposed) or staying safe and letting chain hunt starting, now being unable to do totems, which helps keep my Pentimento hexes safe and possibly also my Devour.

    Do little things like hide box or decrease chain hunt timer and the survivors are honestly too busy running around to do gens and when they find the time it’s usually with a 30% slowdown.


    Im not saying I dont lose games or it’s a perfect build, but I think Hex Builds synergy with Pinhead is pretty nice.

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    I used to run Ruin on pretty much every killer build. Now, it's relegated to only a couple (and only because they're killers I rarely play and don't have any other slowdown on them).

    The only Hex I run with any regularity is Plaything on my Pig build, and it's always effective (the number of times I've run into an Oblivious survivor headed for or on a Jigsaw box is astonishing). Paired with the face mask add-on (blocking auras of the totems for trapped survivors), it's heavily underrated on her.

    I'll every now and then throw on Devour (never expecting it to actually make it to 3 tokens, never mind 5), and I have played around with an all-Hex build with Wraith that counts on totems getting destroyed (Haunted, Plaything, and Ruin to go with Pentimento). That one has been not-bad so far. Otherwise, hex spawns are universally SO bad (with the exception of only a couple of maps), they are almost always simply not worth running.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,503

    No. Hexes distract me, and they never last long enough to be useful. My natural reaction is to want to pout because my toy was broken; that's not very helpful in a match.

  • Member Posts: 1,169

    in 3 years of playing i have never once gotten a down via Haunted Grounds so no i don't use Hexes often. Survivors know what Hex you run. If there's no Ruin then it's Devour, if after 3 hooks you aren't 1 shotting then it's something that doesn't even matter. Thus people rarely cleanse my Haunted and when they do it's when everyone's away from me cause they realised Haunted is the 3rd Hex a killer would make use of.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    No I dont. I like to have my perks working during the whole match and totems arent that difficult to find most of the time.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    Nope, same reason I don't run Corrupt, Lethal etc. I prefer perks that worth through the whole match and provide more consistent results. Anything likely to vanish in the first minutes or even seconds of the match is just asking to be at a disadvantage.

  • Member Posts: 890

    The only ones I use are haunted grounds and lullaby.

    Got lucky spawn and it was never found after I picked up some steam and they would start failing checks so they didn't pass 3 finished Gen's. Initially they would swarm me as huntress, guess they thought it would be out in the open.

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    Hexes are in a very bad spot. Their tag line is "high risk, high reward", but with how things are today, only total noobs struggle with hex, if a hex is in game you need some luck to have it up for even 1min, sometimes it gets wiped instantly, because the survivors spawn basically on top. Add to this the incentive of the CoH meta to quickly find the first totem, everything is stacked against Hexes.

    I like hexes as a concept, but without any means to rekindle them they are basically dead weight. The only hexes that see regular play are Ruin and those that give you some value outside of the normal hex mechanic, ie especially Hex: Plaything, but also Hex: Pentimento, Haunted Grounds or even Undying.

    For all other hex perks their tagline "high risk, high reward" frankly doesn't cut it anymore. Hexes desperately need some corruption-like base protection, ie that they are protected for the first minute of the game; better yet, let them take full effect, but only actually spawn on the map after 1min the trial started on any available, non booned/cleansed totems. If the survivors were so inclined they could try to cleanse all totems within one minute, but thats its own benefit to the killer. With the new Overzealous perk there could come a renaissance of Inner Healing and other selfish uses of totems, so who knows?

    On a side note: compare Hex: Third Eye to Hex: Plaything. One is a powercreeped version of the other and Plaything outclasses Third Eye on each and every front, there is literally no use in playing Third Eye anymore, now that we got Plaything established.

  • Member Posts: 78

    No. They don't have enough longevity. Personally I feel like Killers should have a dedicated hex slot. That way killers don't feel like they wasted a perk and survivors can't complain about full perk builds.

  • Member Posts: 2,557

    No, have always hated them. Took off ruin back when OG Freddy was around

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    I do sometimes run Playtimento, but other than that no, Hexes aren't worth the Perk slot imo

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    I might run Undying-Haunted-Retribution for a bit of fun. Otherwise no, Hexes are designed to be broken.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    Yeah, I run Hexes quite a lot just for the heck of it. 🙂 Sure, there’s a chance a Hex will be destroyed really quickly, but there’s also a chance the survivors leave it alone most of the match. I think a lot of people remember the “bad times” and forget the “good times” in that respect, statistically I wouldn’t be surprised though if on average Hexes tend to stay up a pretty reasonable duration if we could actually pull the data on it. (Any dev curious enough about it to pull a quick average lifespan of Hexes? 😄)

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    I used to run ruin/undying/thrill/pentimento and it was one of those things that destroyed solos but SWFs seemed to deal with it well enough. Now I mostly just run plaything sometimes with pentimento sometimes not. There's too many anti-hex mechanics in the game for it to be worth it to me.

  • Member Posts: 138

    Hex: Ruin on Legion, usually only with either Undying or Lethal Pursuer to ensure it lasts. Mending survivors can't prevent Ruin from regressing gens, and injured survivors are more easily pressured off them.

    I often run Hex: Plaything on some agressive, non-stealth killers. This is less because I believe Plaything is hidden meta, and more because Plaything is fun to use and fun to pkay against.

    Post-patch I will only use Ruin on 4-hex builds, and even then crowd control and blood favor seem more appealing depending on the killer.

    I'll start running Pentimento sometimes once prestige rework gives the perk to me.

  • Member Posts: 1,182

    No, outside of very few specific builds

    Ruin + Undying

    Devour Hope + Undying

    Plaything + Pentimento

    Hex perks are far too unreliable AND weak. Especially given the fact that ruin(A clear outlier, I am glad its nerfed) just got nerfed to 100% regression. They clearly think hex perks are balanced around weaker effects. If the effect is so bad that I would not run it even if it was converted as-is to a non hex perk then it means it's pretty awful. Throw in the fact that it can be deleted 30 seconds into the match and it's even more of a "Why on earth would I run this when compared to the alternatives it is so bad".

    That said there are a ton of "meme" hex builds or fun combos to make, but they are extremely bad/you go into that game expecting to play around.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    No, they are too inconsistent for my liking.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Do boons count?

    If no, then... no.

  • Member Posts: 384

    Only if I need to complete some challenge that ask me for hit survivors with exposed status. But is not my build, Hex totems are garbage

  • Member Posts: 4,893

    I'm a fan of a lot of the Hex perks, they might not be too consistent but they have potential to be very powerful. Even the more underrated ones like Hex: The Third Seal and Hex: Huntress Lullaby can be pretty good on the right killers.

  • Member Posts: 48

    I run blood favor but I dont totem defend, it wastes so much of the killers time to defend totems.

  • Member Posts: 735

    I never ran Ruin/Undying since the latters nerf.

    Two hex perks gone within a minute aren't worth running

  • Member Posts: 450

    I run a very specific hex build when I wanna give the survivors more to do. Well actually I have a few.

    Hex: haunted grounds, hex: undying, hex retribution and hex: thrill of the hunt. This one is my all hex build. By the time they got through everything I normally have at least 6 hooks, 8 if they didn't find Thrill.

    On legion only I run: hex: thrill of the hunt, hex: third seal and thana to help make sure they are blind for the longest time possible and with the slowdown I have a great chance at defending any totem. Many survivors give up when they realize they cannot cleanse anything until the mend which gives me even more time to patrol or chase or hook.

    I never run devour hope except for when I get angry at the world. Devour hope, retribution, plaything and pentamento gives you the highest chance to get 5 stacks, allows you to find surviors, sneak up on them and punishment for ignoring OR cleansing totems.

    Hex builds especially all hex builds are more rare right now due to the preference of slowdown. A hex build though can really be a refreshing feeling. But if you really want to run at least 1 hex but are scared to never get any value use haunted grounds. It's my favorite and has won me a LOT of games at the beginning, middle and end.

    I know this was long but like I said a hex build can really be fun and refreshing in the rotation of a killer and a challenge for the survivors if they play wrong.

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    I run Ruin and Retribution on Tombstone Myers, but that's because those perks slot themselves perfectly with the playstyle that Tombstone encourages. I couldn't care less if you cleanse them, it's basically my version of Haunted Grounds, with Ruin being the bait. It's a guaranteed 30 second slowdown, which matters for Mikey more than any other killer.

    Anyone else...not a huge fan tbh except maybe Demo. I like Ruin on Demo because it's easy to proxy Ruin and Basement simultaneously..

  • Member Posts: 1,443

    No. They get destroyed way to quickly.

  • Member Posts: 272
    edited June 2022

    New Perk Dissolution (Infinite usage throughout the game, 20 sec cd, flexible area coverage)

    Hex: Blood Favors (can be destroyed, 15 sec. limit area coverage, meme face)

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    Sometimes on twins I run crowd control. Thats about it.

  • Member Posts: 495

    They are all useless. The only one that stands is NOED until end game.

    Undying SOMETIMES is nice early game on some maps to reveal Survivors, that´s it. It will get removed fast.

  • Member Posts: 1,814

    They're absurdly weak and frustratingly unreliable. NOED is the only thing that has any chance of actually getting some use in the vast majority of games.

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    Most hexes i avoid using as they pop too quickly, i prefer ones like plaything or retribution

  • Member Posts: 1,163

    This is a really smart build. I'm going to steal it when i finally get around to playing Pinhead.

  • Member Posts: 854

    Sometimes yeah, just to shake things up.

    Devour Hope or Haunted Grounds with Undying and Retribution.

    Pentimento with Plaything

    I'm a big fan of Bamboozle so I rarely use Crowd Control. Sometimes I'll throw on Third Seal just for the why not.

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