Its time to camp the survivors out of the game

With the changes, killers will become more weaker than they already are. All Slowdown-Perks are getting nerfed, while gens become more boring for the survivor-side. These 10secs mean nothing.
So its time to use STBFL and CAMP every hook u get.
This will be pure fun, long have we waited. Come to the hook, give me all my wonderful stacks and then its time to camp the hook + 1 on the ground.
Well... at least this will become the new Meta, I guarantee you. Is this an enjoyable Gameplay? Maybe not, but leaving and running around is not the way (as M1).
And finally: Corrupt and Ruin will PUNISH killers when they do their objective. Fun, right? You have to down and kill survs, but instead of gettint benefits for doing a good job, u get punishes. This is so hilarious, i cant even tell my frustration about this "reward system".
Lot of killers already camp the survivors as the main strat my friend.
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Just.. play bubba?
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Why we need to do this?
Because Deadhard and map-design.
Why should a M1-Killer run around with 4 LT-Walls/Jungle-Gyms in the center of McMillain for example? Its a waste.
Do I like this as Killer-Main? NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT.
I have to do something like this if I want to win, otherwise, if I dont care about winning, I can play for 3 hooks.
Im very curious to see the way in the PTB. If the killers play serious, you will see this a lot I am afraid.
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There's, what, six baseline killer buffs? Out of the three slowdown perks that were nerfed, one wasn't nerfed in its slowdown. There's 5 slowdown perks that were buffed, some getting really strong buffs.
Outside of the OTR #########-up, the patch is overwhelmingly in favour of killers. Yet here we are, with more 'Do what I want or I'll camp!'. Camping didn't even get addressed, despite being the absolute biggest balancing problem.
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I thought this post was about how strong new camping will be so it was totally unexpected tbh.
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In my experience killers camp and tunnel regardless of what perks the people bring.
SoloQ is already horrible and it is only getting worse.
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Hahahahha, that is just excuses bad killers use to justify camping
Is this your "weak M1 killer" you were talking about?:
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Exactly. I assume this will become even more Meta-Gameplay.
Thats the reason I wrote this.
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You do realize that the majority of meta survivor perks got gutted and most killer interactions got increased so your job is easier, right?
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well, we will see about that. I doubt it.
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10 seconds is old Swing Chains+Jump Rope addons for Freddy with max stacks. Im not saying this is a huge buff but still something.
Post edited by Silasy on2 -
I just don't get it. I've never enjoyed standing around a hook as killer. That's not really playing a game. Even Animal Crossing has more action than that, and better still the campers there will have conversations with you.
Edit: Truncated this post. Realized I misread the thread. Had a lot of bad matches today. My apologies.
I really hope camping doesnt get worse. Really.
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Dude I just wanted to say that I expect this to happen. I also wrote, that I am not happy with this, what I expect. Chill, man :-)
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Please do that, maybe the devs will revert survivor nerfs then. I'm all for it at this point.
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Tunneling is quite necessary on high mmr due to how fast gens are.
Camping is quite good in the same mmr as players tend to be too much altruistic (also if they are premade they don't let his friend die).
So both strategies are already quite effective and sometimes necessary. However, survivors have plenty of tools to avoid it (specially body block which is the most nasty mechanic in the game after dead hard).
Also is quite satisfying to tunnel/camp a tbagger or a clicker so...that will still happen no matter the changes (although off the record might be a problem).
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Calm down, Satan.
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I just don't get it. I've never enjoyed looping around a pallet as survivor. That's not really playing a game.
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Altruism is killers 5th perk.
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Ah yes, one of those who think survivors should just stand still and give free hits
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Yeah, looping is boring. I don't really get it, either. I can't figure out how to judge speed and distance, or how to watch behind me without getting stuck on the environment. The biggest problem is the input lag that causes pallets not to drop, though. That's not enjoyable at all. Pallets often = death.
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If you need to camp in order to get some kills you are just bad, at this point you should join the nurse army and get a down every blink with the strongest add-ons, if you wanna play noskill better play a killer noskill too
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It's almost a joke if dev decide to revert nerf instead of fixing camping itself.
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Thats a terrible proposition.
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They usually don't like to implicitly admit that they were wrong by reversing changes.
They'll probably do a number tweak at some point and pretend everything is good. Maybe increase the hook timer, or maybe setting DS stun at 4 sec. And they will also nerf something else, most likely OTR, to throw a bone to everyone.
But with this patch, they're putting into DbD many of the issues that killed Deathgarden.
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Nobody plays serious in the PTB. Anyone camped will prob just DC.
Plus, by the time people are playing the PTB, the patch is going through certification on consoles. PTB is just to catch game-breaking bugs. Maybe a hotfix or two if it's a simple number change in the files.
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You're using a guy who's job it is to play and be good at DBD as your reference? Dude has over 8k hours, safe to say he has a good understanding of survivor mechanics and play styles. Of course he's going to do well, even with a bad killer. What a bad attempt of a "well explain THIS".
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Oh no, don't bring this reasoning in,
because this means what you are saying is:
"I'm bad therefore the killers should have instadown basekit and pop goes the weasle that kicks all generators everytime you break a pallet"
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This patch was a buff to killers as a whole. In fact I would say they didnt do enough to punish exactly what you're talking about.
Post edited by EQWashu on5 -
I know. This is the only way to get hooks when you're trash at the game.
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I do foresee killers equipping Save the Best for Last to help them deal with the many ways survivors can gain endurance.
It makes survivor builds like these more appealing if Save the Best for Last does become common:
- Empathy
- Circle of Healing
- Botany Knowledge
- (Obsession perk) Decisive Strike, Mettle of Man, etc. (For the People, maybe, but it clashes with CoH)
If you're the obsession, keep bodyblocking and healing to drain the killer's STBFL stacks.
If killers see too many bodyblocking obsessions, then maybe Forced Penance will get more value.
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PTB Clown Main can confirm that I never play serious in PTB.
Let's not forget that tweaks to things can happen between PTB and Mid-chapter release.
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You used the pinnacle of the DBD player base as an example. You're expecting a noob to play like that? Get real. By that logic, Wraith should have never been nerfed for stomping noobs. Maybe those survivors should've just been good to begin with. What do you say to all the people crying about Nurse? Do you post a YT link of a Nurse losing with 0 sacrifices just to say "See, she's not OP." Literally ROFL.
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Eh, as a Clown main, I not a big fan of this playstyle as I find it stupidly boring. The only time I do it is when there 2-1 gens and depend how fast things gets done. A good SwF team can counter it by map knowledge, where to loops are and ect. That and doing gen separately is always the way to go. But if you want to go for that camping style, might as well main Bubba. At the end, we will see how things will become after the mid-chapter gets out to truly decide if camping survivors are the way to win games.
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Killers will become weaker? By getting tier 1 Brutal Strength and 2 stacks of STBFL as basekit? Plus survivors not getting as much distance when hit, plus gen regression when kicking gen, plus 10 seconds longer gens. Ok survivors gets some buffs also but killers get more, and so they should. If you want to camp ok but it should be because of longer gen time + Deadlock = Camping buff, not because a made up reason that don't exist.
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I think this is a bait thread but I'm not sure and that's concerning.
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Its a bait-thread for telling you my fears about the changes. That "we" have to do camping even more. I dont like this, but this could make most sense. We shall see.
I really hope that the Chase-Changes for M1-Killers (I play Freddy in 1st place, Pig, Sadako, Dredge + some M2-Killers like Nemesis or Demogorgon most of the time), especially are helping for more kills without more camping. And no, I will never main Bubba, I hate this character.
My Main Killer-Issue is that they obviously want to kill my beloved PR + DMS Combo. I think PR is dead, 15% ok, but the hook-placements arent worth the Regression-Part alone. Mostly I have to walk to the 2nd hook close to me, so the 15% arent effective compared to normal hook. If they make PR 6 hooks instead of 4 it would be fine with the current RNG.
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I was on dredge and wraith for like 5 hours last night and I think I only had situations that actually required camping once or twice the entire night. This feels like less of a "we" issue and more of a "you" issue and not spreading pressure effectively. Like you play characters with mobility like Freddy, Sadako, and Dredge and then you're camping like why though you're not playing to thier strengths at all.
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Wrong, I never said Im camping all the time, especially not with Sadako, Dredge and Freddy (well, if I block all gens with Dead Mans Switch thanks to Fake Teleport, why should I leave the hook-area? Then of course I camp).
Most of the time I only camp when there are no more gens to do or when i have like 2 hooks or so. I think Im pretty good as Freddy for example and I win over 50% of my games with 3k or 4k.
The question is: How will the game change. We shall see. But I can share my thoughts, dont u think?
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Killers are buffed massively this patch. Survivors, especially solo queue was nerfed massively.
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Thing is if he has to camp to get Kills Nurse is probably to high of a skill ceiling for him. Nurse is all about being good with chases and predicting how survivors will move. He is best to go with Bubba since Bubba is like current DH use M2 and done.
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you're not original. Killers already camp survivors out of games for stupid (or no) reasons
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Then how did we go from "I only camp during endgame" to "omg camp every single hook" going into a patch where killers are massively buffed across the board? That makes less then no sense.
Slowdown isn't even nerfed if you wanna do brine/overcharge/pop/deadlock you can and can do so in a world world where gens are 10 seconds slower each and chases on average should be shorter so I have no clue what you're talking about.
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Lmao I didn't know there were comedians on here!!! I'd have brought snacks! 😎
I have zero issues getting at least 3k and usually 4k, but I always give hatch with my Wraithy <3 IDK what you're doing with your in-game time, but doesn't sound like a lot, and by the sounds of it it's going to be even less LOL.
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honestly if you can down a survivor in the first 20-30 seconds camping him till hes out and then 3v1 is prob the best option regardless of gens right now against 4swf
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When you think you have seen it all, then I read a forum post like this one.
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I agree with OP. Tunnel and camp because survivors make the game thoroughly unenjoyable. Every time I try to place nice, I regret it. So, don't play nice.
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OP means what? Sorry XD
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Killer main with 2.7 k hours, and no, no its not, A new meta will rise after the changes, pain res + bbq or floods or rage, and overcharge + call of brine and security I could easily see, maybe even leave security out.