Im out until nurse is gutted and soloq improves



  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205
    edited June 2022

    Or Nurse in general is allowed to exist?

    because BHVR is balancing based on Big Data.

    Nurse / Blight are best killers in the game, but they are also very hard to play. That's why they can exist.

    We had good and easy killers -> Wraith / Freddy and both got nerfed even tho they wasn't that good against better survivors. Forever freddy was BS, but that's it. They overnerfed him hard.

    Only thing about Nurse that should get nerfed are range addons. If you really want to nerf her, then you could make her attack from blink special attack, but that would nerf her a lot.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,067
    edited June 2022

    Speak for youself, I have 1000h on her alone I still find her exciting to play.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    I mean, they could've just said something like " nurse needs a nerf about this this and this imo" and not "I'M LEAVING THE GAME BECAUSE NURSE IS TRASH, SEE YOU LATER"

  • Synzicle
    Synzicle Member Posts: 31

    weird because to use her teleport right you do actually need mechanical skill, sounds more like you're the one with the bruised ego here. So you're saying you shouldn't be rewarded for playing well and utilizing her power properly? Sorry it's not dark souls lvl of broken controls that you need to master, which btw is not skill that's you fighting the controller (a rant for a different forum). My god you can just smell survivor mains on this forum lately lol. Your precious 2nd chance perks get touched now you want more killer nerfs than they're already getting to balance out the fact that your add ons got touched. If what you're saying is true, because this may surprise you, a lot of people who play this game also play other games. Which is weird considering how many bad nurses there are in compared to good ones.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,067

    I play all killers. Show us your winstreak if she is "easy mode".

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    why show you mine when there are a few nurse mains who stream on twitch bragging about their 200+ winstreak with her in their titles.

    once you suffer through the losses as a beginner nurse and actually become decent with her everygame literally becomes easy mode.

    i don't think those losses you had to suffer through at the beginning justify the existence of this killer.

    and it definitely doesn't justify how bhvr keeps buffing the strongest killer in the game, first they give her a 3 blink addon and now they buff her ranged ones when most of the killers barely have a single good addon like ######### is that logic??

    i think even if nurse was always allowed to be the strongest killer in the game that she shouldn't be toned down a bit and like other people mentioned, nerfing her addons and making her blinks count as a special attack would be a nice way to do it without gutting her.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Hope you'll find something that will give you more enjoyment!

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209
    edited June 2022

    If you say you can, but don't, that's just another way of saying you can't. If she is EZ mode, show us with YOUR winstreak video. This is not hard to process. We know people who invest 3000+ hours on the single killer can win the grand majority of their games. This is not unexpected or unfair results. They are playing the highest skill-cap killer in the game and their investment paid off.

    Also, what Nurses are you playing using Torn bookmark? I haven't seen once since the change. Not. One.

    The only condition Nurses really want to get rid of their range addons/rework them is a reduction in size of certain maps. That is not unreasonable.

    Making her blinks count as special attacks will invalidate every single on-hit perk in the game for her. BHVR will not do this. Full stop. Every person who is asking for this is quite simply not looking to make reasonable suggestions.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,067

    Because you are the one saying she is "easy mode", not them.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,067

    This only proves you got diff by someone better than you. I played against 4 nurses today and won each trial. Get good.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I had a 4k on my first try, a 2k on my second try, a 3k on my 3rd and a 1k on my 4th try(people hid all game, the game lasted nearly 4 minutes before I finally found my first survivor because a generator popped, popping 3 gens right after, because they waited untill I continued my patrol to start working on gens). I only used the recharge addons and tier 1 slowdown perks.

    You dont need to be good, you get plenty of tries to down. The only time you'd lose, is 3 man SWFs, who you do not encounter untill you've basically played 50+ games, which is plenty to learn her basics and start using the distance addons. Especially in combination with recharge addons. That means you have to wait a tiny bit longer, but you blink faster to your target, giving them less time to react.

    So really, your point is kinda moot. Nurse has entered the realm where she is very hard to master, sure, but her addons and current perks make it easy enough to simply spam your ability untill you hit. The past 5 games against Nurse were games where Nurse was literally carried by her addons and perks. She wasnt good, fell for every mindgame, but mindgames dont really matter if the walls are super thin and there are no thick trees, because she can just blink once nearby, and if you're not within lunge range, you blink again and you'd be within lunge range before the survivor even has a chance to use any counterplay that works against basekit Nurse.

    Since her addons basically give her no counterplay in chase, her perks can be focussed on either information or gen slowdown.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,632

    I guess we'll never see each-other again. (Or maybe tomorrow.)

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    Okay so there's a skill involved with her. I never denied this. I question how big of a feat it is to be decent as a Nurse to the point of 4k'ing most higher level games. It's really not that amazing. Still requires effort, I fully recognize it, but it doesn't entitle one to an abundance of success which is what I constantly get the vibe from the hard defenders of Nurse.

    I'm starting to understand why you'd consider getting good at Nurse a feat to respect. With such a terrible take on the Souls games, games that are outrageously simple mechanics-wise if you just invest a few hours in them, I can only assume you are not a fast learner or gave up very quickly.

    You cannot call me a 'main' of anything. You do not know me or what I prefer. You can probably find me complaining about Dead Hard on this forum too. I was also sorely disappointed of the Dead Hard rework and would rather have it deleted. Try again.

    Anyway. I've seen more decent nurses than Good or Bad ones. And Decent is all you need right now to get consistent results.

  • TheLastHook
    TheLastHook Member Posts: 495

    Assuming you are not lying, which you likely are. You clearly don´t play Killer often so you were playing literally against bots. I do get 4k playing against noobs.

    Get 4K consistently and then we talk. Also, proof or it never happened.

  • LiquidPhat
    LiquidPhat Member Posts: 40

    I know how you feel. I love playing as a solo Q survivor, I feel more immersed when I play by myself. Its very rare that I play with friends or join the DBD server and after this update comes out, it feels like I have no choice but to play SWF just to even have a chance of escaping.

    I just wish BHVR found a better way to balance SWF and Killers, without heavily messing up people who solo Q :/

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,933

    Oh please. Nurse players use starstruck because it's busted on her. I've seen every Nurse I go against use the same busted build over and over... even when it's clear we were solo players. There's nothing else to it.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    I have about a 50/50 rate maybe a bit lower depending on the nurse player but she's not impossible to dodge once you know how her blinks work. Mother's dwelling is my best map to escape her.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,632

    Only against the same kind of players who keep doing generators tightly packed together against Legion.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    Actually its just the burden of proof thing. YOU claim she is OP, so YOU need to prove it.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Literally impossible, there is not a single one of PvP games where soloq is NOT messed up.

  • D3spair
    D3spair Member Posts: 715

    I have 2K Hours on Killer and I find playing as Nurse to be frustrating and horrible to play as. I take it that you can't even play as her decently. People who doesn't know much about playing as that Killer doesn't get the right to voice complaints or changes.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Here's the thing I started playing her to understand how her powers work and that has allowed me to escape her way more thean I did before. I have noticed how her powers react to different obstacles in maps as well as how unreliable her power is on multi floor maps. If you can predict the Survivors movements at "blind" spots you have a very slim chance at hitting.

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    Gutted ? only her range addons are problematic,,see like you need a break from the game anyway

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,447

    So you are saying that hoping for the other side to make a mistake is the only way to win is bad design, I agree completely, but if nurse deserves a nerf for this, then most map tiles should be nerfed as most m1 killers are in the same situation, as if survivors do not make mistakes they have no possibility of losing.

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    No reason to nerf nurse or give more buffs to survivors, they are both balanced already

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    You show your escape streak against her to us because she has "counters". Show us how skilled you against her.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,067

    Nurse is not the only killer survivors will face at high MMR (so talking about escape streak vs a specific killer makes no sense) but let’s do a 1vs1. You (nurse) VS me (survivor).

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    No sir, you said you escaped against 4 Nurses yesterday. And i know you are facing with different killers. So i am just saying that whenever you have Nurse in your game record it. Prove it you are so skilled and escaping against her.

    We need more stuffs than "Trust Me Bro". Maybe we can learn how to counter Nurse from you and we can win against her too. You will make great favor to forums.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,067
    edited June 2022

    What is a better proof than a 1vs1 and better way of teaching ? You guys keep saying she is easy and free 4k, unless you don’t know how to play her and…she is not that easy ?

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    I never said she is easy and 4K. Don't come to me over things i didn't say.

    I just wrote you because you said you escaped against 4 Nurses yesterday and get good to another guy. So i wanna get good against Nurse. Please record your survivor games against Nurse. And teach me how to escape against her. I need to learn.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,067

    As I said, let’s do a 1vs1 I will glady show you and teach you.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    I don't know what are you gonna prove with 1 v 1? Matches have many different factors. Map, your solo teammates, their perks, your perks, Nurse's add-ons and perks etc.

    I mean you can loop killer for a minute (maybe longer) with playing ultra safe in 1 v 1 but you would never do this in public match. Because this will make your team lose, all good loops gone.

    I need your records against Nurse. So i can learn how to play against her in normal games.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,067
    edited June 2022

    "all good loops gone"

    You don’t really need pallets against a nurse, don’t you know that ? That’s your first lesson I guess.

    Making the nurse waste time is all that matters (while your team genrush). So a 1vs1 is actually a good training. I trained my survivor mains friends many times already and they all improved against nurse.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    And again, i did not say you need pallets against Nurse. I gave you example. Example to that 1 v 1 is not proving anything.

    You said "You escaped against Nurse 4 games yesterday." So you know how to counter her. And i am telling you, record your games against her when you have any. Prove your words. You are keep asking people for their win streaks and records, so i am asking yours. Mhmmmm, maybe you are not escaping against Nurse that much? Is that possible?

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,067
    edited June 2022

    Then what did you mean by "all good loops gone" ? Explain to me how it can happen against a nurse.

    Btw I know you are a bad nurse and afraid to do 1vs1 against me because you know I will loop you forever. It’s the whole point of this thread. You simply refuse to learn, it’s way easier to complain. Even when a nurse main is willing to spent time to teach you, you still won’t make any effort.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    I gave you example lol, i did not meant Nurse here. I mean you can play ultra safe against Huntress in 1 v 1, will this prove she is bad killer? No. Because 1 v 1 is not proving anything. Public games are different than 1 v 1 matches. Let's say i am worst Nurse player and you looped me for a hour. Will this make Nurse worst killer in game?

    Also why you so scared to share your records against Nurse in public games? If you don't like to share your games, why you are asking to people?

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,502

    As someone who only plays Nurse when a daily comes up, I cant even remember the last time I lost a match as her. She needs to be reworked

  • MilManson
    MilManson Member Posts: 939

    Of course you do. 🙄

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    BHVR, listen to all the people wanting a nurse nerf/ rework! It’s unfun to play nurse games in high mmr and people keep disconnecting!

  • Shaaei
    Shaaei Member Posts: 18

    I agree nurse has been pretty ridiculous lately and has led to some of the most sweaty unfun games I've had in a while lately. Not even good nurses either. Just combinations of strong perks and ridiculous addons. I guess I just dont feel like she needs more than what she has now, and definitely needs some touch ups come next chapter.

  • Deluxe2071
    Deluxe2071 Member Posts: 3

    Thank god you're out of the game

  • Zexbunny
    Zexbunny Member Posts: 209
    edited June 2022

    Nurse definitely needs a major rework. She ignores all of a survivors main defenses, has the best map control, works well with very powerful perks, and her only real weakness is that she's difficult to learn. Once you have learned her, and put a lot.of time and effort into her, unless you're facing very coordinated survivors, you're probably going to win every non hacker game as long as you do the most oppressive builds.

    Nurse is NOT okay. Yes, you can escape from them. Not everyone is a god nurse. Not all of them run range addons and starstruck agitation. But just because it's less frequent doesn't mean it's good for the game.

    Of course they'll never change her. Nurse mains would be outraged. Apparently they can gut billy, but don't dare touch nurse. But half the problems in the game killers face right now are because of her. But don't dare nerf her to allow for that. Otherwise nurse mains might have to actually break pallets sometimes.