Im out until nurse is gutted and soloq improves



  • tendyhands
    tendyhands Member Posts: 268

    My problem with nurse is she's strong and boring to play against. I hate legion just as much because he's also boring. Spirit/Huntress/Blight are good but they are fun to play against and try to play around.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,629

    you know, both your problems has the same problematic issue: SWF

    think about it, without them killrates will improve and certain killers will be buffed/nerfed based on the new statistics... people use nurse also to deal with SWF groups, without those groups you'll probably see more veriety of killers...

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Uh, you won't lost for 99% of matches no matter what killer you play, because pub matches are like that.

    Hell how can you lose as a killer when survs love to do bones or open chests.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188
    edited June 2022

    nurse deserves a massive nerf to correspond with the massive nerf survivors got in all their meta perks since the only counter to nurse always was perks, she doesnt and never had realistic counterplay without them. And even with them she doesnt doesnt really have it neither you just can potentially delay the thing for a couple extra seconds.

    a bad nurse is easy to face, a good nurse impossible to face and thats why she needs to get tuned down massively, recharge/distance/3 blinks all taht should be reworked or nerfed greatly. her base kit imo is actually fine, her addons are the ones making the experience misserable. the only thing that i would change about her base kit is that her blink attacks should be what they are M2 attacks (special) so no m1 perk attack should work like startrack for example UNLESS she somehow maanges to down someone by walking and normal launge...

  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894

    Is that because nurse is op or survivors are boosted?

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,570

    So you gave up?=)

    Instead of trying to improve, you just said: Nah, I don't want to learn how to juke her, I'm out.

    Sorry but it's sad man.=)

    "Toxic playstyle"? I mean... What? xD

  • Sally_S_gay_son
    Sally_S_gay_son Member Posts: 285

    My biggest issue with these anti Nurse posters is that people act like logging into as Nurse means automatic win no matter what and that the game plays her for you

    Out of the entire roster, she is also the only one that is 100% worthless without her power and dependent on it for everything.

    Even the trapper can walk around and catch up to survivors without his traps, everyone else has something else going for them, Pinead's box, teleportation, cages, Bubba's camping, stealth/insta downs

    Tombstone Myers can literally hold m2 for 2 minutes then press m1 and have a survivor out of the game forever

    I am not saying these things are better than Spencer's Last Breath but the point is that with Nurse you either know how to use your power or you cannot do anything against the survivors, and that makes it fair since the power itself is the most oppressive one in the game.

    People just refuse to play Nurse because in most cases, survivors are not even doing anything against her, just running straight line and being super predictable.

    I actually had a lot of Nurses recently for some reason and I def managed to escape some of them, even with everyone else alive. When I get downed by a Nurse I actually can literally pinpoint why it happened, she read me right or I just made a mistake and did not hold w or did not double back when I should have, for both of the reasons they deserved their hit.

    Sometimes yes there are some bs blinks but it also happens on other killers when they get a hit when they should not.

    Spirit and Blight with his bugs and add ons are far more BS than Nurse because their powers are oppressive AND they can chase people without it ( I actually can't wait for people to remember how awful is to play against the spirit with md ring add on without Iron Will now that the perk is getting nerfed to the ground - when the spirit player literally just has to walk around holding m2)

    But we all know what the biggest issue is - people think they are good at survivor with DH slapped on and bunch of good loops against m1 killers and then when a Nurse main bags their team in 2 minutes because they think they are running a trapper and not using anti-Nurse tactics they come and complain here

  • AndyKuky
    AndyKuky Member Posts: 84

    Solo queue is fine, coming from someone who plays solo queue almost exclusively.

  • Lekitzul
    Lekitzul Member Posts: 495

    Honestly, I don't mind Nurse. It's not like I die by her a lot, but you are gonna come up against a killer that's just good. Blinking is hard, they should be rewarded for doing it well by winning. I just hate that they seem have a streak of winning nurse = slugging.

    As for Solo Q I play it all the time, it's honestly not that bad, you just gotta get good at relying on yourself and not a team. If a team does something like only focus on themselves and say leaves me on the hook until strike two, I will assume you didn't wanna play with me and I'll suicide on the hook. XD Then I'll just move on.