What the hell is going on with skins?

Can someone please explain me why Dbd Mobile gets these skins:
And we get these:
What the hell? Why can't we get some nice things every once in a while?
Those mobile skins are for the Chinese version of DBD mobile. We will likely never see them in the main game. Why? Who knows. Maybe Netease makes easy money for Bhvr so they give them exclusivity
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The Feng outfit looks good, I want it
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Dude, this is so infuriating. We've been playing this game for years, buying battle passes to get crappy skins, etc.
All we get is those horrid skins?!
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I'm really mad. That David skin is awesome... Ace, poor Ace... he never gets a decent skin, and now I see this Magician skin in the Mobile. Man... seriously... what the f do we have to do to be heard?
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its mobile gaming... alot of idiots spend cash on them.
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More money than we provide? I doubt it. All my friend buy the battle passes, the bunny feng costume, the beach series, etc. However... they're not as good as these skins. There is no comparison between that sexy David and this drunken Valentine's fool. Look at his hair, look at his jacket. Look at that Clown skin. AWESOME. We get Pajamas Feng or Battle-in-Space-Feng. They get Gamer Feng. We get Ace in silky robes. They get Magician Ace. MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN... This is so UNFAIR.
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I think there's been two (three maybe?) recorded cases of DBD Mobile outfits being put onto the Rift in the future. We might see them yet.
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That feng and dwight skins are amazing
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Are you sure? Cause these skins are Netease's Version, not the actual mobile version we have, that's under Behavior's management.
Man... seriously, I feel like dropping out of the game. I feel so disrespected. I know it's just skins and maybe I'm overreacting.. but look at those. They're so pretty and awesome. All we get is recolors or that ugly David King flowery-shirt and wrecked jeans. They need to get ballsy. If they're so unsure about what to release, why not ask the community? And the fog whisperers, they never help the community. They're basically there to interview Coté every once in a while and earn tons of money by making streams. Technically, they're useless. I feel so disrespected. I know they're trying their best by bringing up new killers and survivors every 3 months, but maaan... their skins-team is really disconnected to what the community likes. Nea's supercolorful outfit is one of the outfits I see the most. Different hair colors I see a lot as well. If that's not indicative enough, I don't know what else could be.
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Wow Clown looks amazing.
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Those outfits you showed are already in the main game, just to let you know. :)
(Whoops, I didn't read your comment properly. Ignore my reply LMAO)
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I want that Dwight magician outfit for my Claudette please. Just add purple sequins to it.
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I actually didn't read your comment properly and missed the lower part because I use this forum on mobile, so that's my fault. 🤣 But I do agree. I have seen at least more bolder outfits. Even Ace at least got a new one!
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I want that Feng now
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There is definitely no comparison between how many awesome outfits we have vs how much junk there is. Trust me. Just open your DBD and get in the store. Check skin per skin, character per character. Imo, David's best outfit is his Lifeguard version. Some other outfits are ok. Not ugly, nor beautiful. Claudette... I'd rather not even start. Dwight has that cool Xmas Elf, but all the other skins are either basic clothing you'd get at any outlet store or ''gas station attendant''. Jeff, Yui, Jake... not even worth commenting. Jane has 2 or 3, Kate has some cute outfits, but if you put on paper... we have a lot of skins that are either way too basic or simply doesn't go with other pieces.
I know they try to be faithful to characters clothing on movies/series etc; but dude... when they didn't go faithful, we got Frozen Ghostface skin, which is cool as f. I know there is license issues... but you have tons of original survivors/killers. Experiment on those. If you're too afraid of experimenting and wasting time, ask the community. Create pools.
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Becuz Netease have far more experience doing skins
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Ewww... Mobile
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Oh you know nothing, Jon Snow.
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The NetEase skins always look super nice when I see them -- I think their system also has colour variations, so you can get a few different versions of the same look. I'd love to have something like that in DBD, but I think it's a different design team.
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That's Dwight
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I was about to say, they really just picked some of the worst main-game skins and compared them to some of the best NetEase ones lmao
(except the David one, calling that one bad is a genuine crime)
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Yeah, I saw that too. Every skin has at least 3 recolors. I really want those skins... they're really awesome. But it's highly improbable that the devs will see this thread and bring those skins. They never see anything and only discuss ideas with fog whisperers.
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I really hate when they do platform exclusives.
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Yep! Most skins in this game suck. Can't remember the last time I even bought a skin...