Devs know killers need weak soloq survivors

After reading so many of your posts, I've come to the conclusion that these changes are exactly what the devs want, even when they know they're screwing up part of their players.
They want killers to feed off solo Q survivors to build up their kill rate and to have them stop complaining about not getting 4k every match... they sacrifice solo Q survivors for the "balance's" sake... balance = better kill figures in their charts. If kill rate is higher, killers can't complain about how weak killers are... so they're basically screwing up solo Q survs to cheat killers into thinking they're getting stronger and killing more.
Well as a killer, that's what I do not want
Because right now, there are two kinds of games; against a SWF and against Solo Que. The vast majority of my games are I curb stomp the group of survivors or I get my head curb stomped by the group of survivors.
While it is certainly not 100% the case (you can happen to be four solos who are just good at the game and/or in-sync and you can be a four man SWF that wouldn't know how to escape if instead of doing 5 gens, you had five buttons that said PRESS TO ESCAPE and they'd manage to screw it up), I would wager that most of those curb stompings are solos and most of those received curb stompings are SWFs
I had high hope when the devs announced that icon thing that told solos what each other was doing but that seems to not be a very high priority for them for some strange reason
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In my own killer experience, you can tell who's SWF and who's solo when you see two people trying to save someone from the hook at the same time when you're not even close to it.. hah
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Solo will be stronger than ever with the new basekit BT + Off The Record.
Gen regression got a hard nerf, so the new meta will be even more genrush (it’s already OP).
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The problem about solo Q in that case is not that the killer tunnels the unhooked survivor, it's that whenever someone's hooked, the other 3 run to the hook at the same time and die to the killer trying to save..
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You can't outrun a Legion on Frenzy even if you got SC.
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You can stun him or dodge to cancel his power.
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I can confirm this as a Legion main. I could add an addon to recharge my Frenzy when I get stunned, but I've still been stunned out of it, or been dodged at the right moment.
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Guys, you're talking about being decent survivors... that's not what 70% of solo Q is.
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Before you boo me, I solo Q 95% of the time I play Survivor.
I totally agree with you, my friend. Actually the game is balanced for the Solo Q. If 4 smart survivors play against an equally smart killer then DBD is almost fair (it always depends on the RNG of course). The problem is, today's Solo Q survivors just keeps getting worse. So I'm happy when I have mates who do gens. If they're chased for more than 30 seconds on top of that, I'm totally happy.
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Atleast with new OTR you don't have to rely on others using BT but yeah, they buffed every killers instead of the "bad" ones it's gonna be rough. And facecamp bubba still has no counter lol, desactivate instadowns near the hook please
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My god that's brilliant! The devs are willingly ignoring the majority of their playerbase simply so those damn killermains can stop whining on the forums. And if the game eventually dies because this majority leaves then they can also blame it on those pesky killer mains! Clearly this is a very smart thing to do and a foolproof plan! Those cheeky devs!
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You could say the same for newer/frequently "losing" killers that they face if MMR is working. The survivors that escape or know how to ensure they end with a high score win or lose are also in the solo queue. These "solo queue" survivors make efficient use of their perks, do gens, save, and pay attention to the status hud.
I have long advocated that SWF is shown at the end game screen so the debate can be closed once and for all.
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Even lot of sfw don't know that and give killees free kills. Bully squad and just they play too carelessly.
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Solo queue at low-low/mid level is rough, but once you get past a certain point, it's largely not all that bad. Most players don't get to higher levels without having generally good game sense, and knowing what the correct plays are most of the time.
As you put more time in and get better and better, your odds of being matched with three potatoes drops accordingly. By the time you get to the high end, almost everyone is going to know what they're doing (most of the time).
That said, a good (or even just decent) SWF will always stand out.
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Soubds like a lot of BS to me, tbh. While soloQ are obviously weaker and not as organized/efficient as SWF's, besides that they are just regular players with individual skills and abilities. I sometimes loop the killer for half the trial, other times I got down within the first chase because I mess up. When I SWF, there is usually someone coming to help me immediately, while its much rarer to have those in public games ... but you would be surprised how many soloQs specialize in flashlight saves.
So it sounds like a fun and entertaining conspiracy, but it ain't more then that, I would recon.
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Everyone bemoans solo q because it’s not as strong as swf, but name any pvp game where a pug group is just as powerful as a premade.
People seem to forget this and then get pissy when solo q is harder.
Solo q is harder not because killers are op but because random players often suck.
No amount of buffing will fix random players sucking, all it does is unbalance the game when teams are coordinated.
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Yes no one can fix bad players but nerfing solo Q isn't needed either, you can help solos with small QoL changes like kindred basekit without killer's aura, or player icons showing when you're in a chase not only the obsession. Maybe I'm just awful at survivor and biased but I don't suffer nearly as much when I play killer
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We need some Holly to brighten up this thread!
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But that is true of every thread on the forum that has ever existed, currently exists, or ever will exist in this timeline and all others