Nurse keeps getting buffed

Nurse can get up to 50% extra Blink movement speed using range add-ons in addition to their purpose of making blinks longer which alone is already very powerful. The extra movement speed can be seen in this video
Pallets cause 2 seconds Stun compared to her Fatigue which lasts 2-4 seconds without Add-ons. Pallet Stunning also makes the Nurse instantly bypass Chain Blink Window and immediately start recharging tokens. It's almost like Survivors get punished for timing correctly and stunning the Nurse.
Nurse already can shred through 5 seconds DS. With 3 seconds stun, DS is gonna be a joke against her and tunneling as her stronger.
Hitting Survivors with Endurance from Dead Hard will make the Nurse go straight to Fatigue instead of going through Missed Attack Cooldown first, so she starts recharging tokens immediately after hitting, allowing for a much easier catch-up.
Nurse was the sole Killer who could deal with current gen speeds without needing gen slow down perks. Slower gen speeds is necessary for almost every other Killer, but it is gonna further make the Nurse stronger.
Why does Nurse keep getting buffed so much, both directly and indirectly, without getting counter-nerfs?
"Nurse was the sole Killer who could deal with current gen speeds without needing gen slow down perks. Slower gen speeds is necessary for almost every other Killer, but it is gonna further make the Nurse stronger."
Nurse should be nerfed but you answered your own question. 90%+ of the killer roster gets decimated by good survivor teams/swfs. Ergo they need buffs, based on trends and the last stats provided by BHVR killers probably avg < 50% kills which bracketed by MMR probably means 75%+ escape rate for swf at high MMR which is just pretty awful.
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Gen speed is also a problem due to disgusting map design, and looking on Eerie of Crows and Garden of Joy, the map design team hasn't learnt anything over 6 years.
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Nurse definitely needs some serious nerfs or a complete rework once those changes go live. For some reason they accept range Add-ons as being functional, even though they never used to work like that before she was recoded.
She needs a complete overhaul pretty soon or people will start killing themselves or dc'ing even more.
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90% of the killers get rammed harder by good / comp swf survivors...
Nurse shouldn't even be touched at all until they just heavily nerf survivors imho, and that'll never happen so.
gotta keep Nurse where she's at,
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Yeah, but considering Nurse is 1 out of 28 playable killers, where survivors are about 80% of the playerbase, what is the most logical steps to be taken here?
Option 1: Nerf Nurse or even killswitch her(or certain addons), then buff the rest of the roster. Keep 99% of the playerbase happy except Nurse mains.
Option 2: Keep Nurse the way she is, buff her even more, piss off up to 80% of the playerbase and encourage every killer to play her as she becomes a free 4k machine
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Free 4k ? Prove it, show us your gameplay of you getting free winstreak. Not someone else, you (you are the one claiming she is easy).
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Yeah, they should have kept her where she was at, before they fixed her bugs. Fixing her bugs buffed her massively already, and now she's gonna be even more powerful because gens are slower, basic attacks are faster and survivors gain less distance. That's 2 major buffs.
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Nurse ignores pallets (vs) Pallet Stunning also makes the Nurse instantly bypass Chain Blink Window.
Nurse is holding back all other killers from getting buffs (vs) How could the Devs buff killers, don't they know this buffs Nurse?
Pick one. Everyone is talking out both sides of their mouth and its annoying.
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Fixing her bugs didnt make her buffed, it got rid of the no blink bug which was a major issue for nurses in general,
she will still be the same, just gotta git gud and learn to loop / be unmindgameable,
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Can you please elaborate the issue you have?
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do survivors not understand that nurse is the prime example of skill vs skill in this game? if you are better than the nurse you can beat her in a dead zone. any other killer will just run you down.
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After the update? Sure. If they do not touch her it would be extremely easy to get a winstreak going, relatively easy to get 4k's too if you slug for it.
Also, it doesnt matter who plays though. Before her bugfix, Nurse only had 3 addons being banned in tournaments(the green recharge, the 3rd blink and campbell's breath if I am not mistaken). Currently, practically half her addons are banned in tournaments. This alone shows how much Nurse has been buffed by fixing her bugs. Imagine that survivors who literally cannot run full 16 meta perks and can only use 2 BT's and 14 individual perks, could stand a chance against pre-bugfix Nurse addons. Right now, both recharge addons, both distance addons, 3rd blink, campbells breath and fatique reduction addons are banned. So you're left with meme addons, metal spoon, plaid flannel, pocket watch, bad mans keepsake(basically Nurses Calling), and Matchbox. Even Jenner's last breath is too powerful for tournaments after her bugfix. This alone should indicate Nurse is too powerful for random lobbies, if coordinated SWF's that would finish 5 gens before Myers even stalked to t2 would even have trouble against Nurse, that means she's an absolute monster.
So yeah, you're not gonna need much to win after the update. We literally have games after games after games with nurses getting 2k's and 3k's, I have yet to see a single nurse game end in a 1k, let alone a 0k. And the times Nurse got a 2k? Because she didnt run gen regression perks.
Note, a Nurse with 0 gen regression got a 2k. How good was she? Not very, I dodged 95% of her blinks(including double blinks). But 95% is not good enough. Imagine a huntress being able to throw hatchets quickly and have infinitely many of them, even if you dodge 99.9% of them, doesnt matter, cus if she can throw 2000 hatchets in 1 minute, you're going to be downed, because 99.9% accuracy isnt good enough.
Imagine dodging 95% of the hits/abilities against any other killer in this game, and still losing.