DeathSlinger should be reverted back to his original state and have a add on rework.

Deathslinger is one of my favorite killers in DBD but I feel like the nerf to his ads time is unjustified. His old ads time made chases more thrilling and exiting especially around corners or in between gaps in walls. I feel the nerf has taken away this thrill as it is almost impossible to get cool trick shots through cracks in walls or any structure in general. This make Deathslinger feel clunky and unfun to play as for me.
A lot of Deathslingers Add Ons are just terrible the only add ones that I think are good is Ammo Belt, Wardens Keys, and maybe Iridescent Coin.
Here are some ways I would change his add ons:
Spit Polish Rag: OLD -0.25 New -0.30
Snake Oil : OLD +5% New +10%
Rickety Chain : Keep the same
Ammo Belt : OLD -0.25 New -0.30
Rusted Spike : Keep the same
Poison Oak Leaves : OLD Increases mending time by +1.5 seconds NEW increases Self healing time by +10%
Marshals Badge :OLD Decreases terror radius by -4 meters when aiming down sights NEW Decreases terror radius by -4 meters when not aiming down sights.
Jaw Smasher : OLD increases movement speed while aiming down sights by +1% NEW increases movement speed while aiming down sights by +10%.
Chewing Tobacco : OLD reduces stun duration when chain breaks by -0.5 sec NEW reduces stun duration when chain breaks by -1 sec.
Wardens Keys : OLD reduces reload time by -0.5 sec NEW reduces reload time by -1 sec
Wanted Poster : OLD increases movement speed while aiming down sights by +2.5% NEW increases movement speed while aiming down sights by +20%
Tin Oil Can : Keep the same
Honey Locust Thorn : Keep the same
Bayshore's Golden Tooth : OLD Increases Reeling speed by +9% NEW increase Reeling speed by +20%
Prison Chain : Keep the same
Gold Creek Whiskey : OLD reduces terror radius by -8 meters while aiming down sights NEW reduces terror radius by -8 meters while not aiming down sights.
Bayshore's Cigar : OLD Reduces stun duration by -1 sec after chain breaks NEW Reduces stun duration by 2 sec when chain breaks.
Barbed wire : OLD increases mending time by -1.5 sec NEW Increases self healing time by 15% and inflicts mangled status.
Iridescent Coin : OLD Speared survivors shot from at least 12 meters away are inflicted with the exposed status NEW speared survivors shot from at least 8 meters away are inflicted with the exposed status.
Hellshire Iron : OLD Grants undetectable status when survivors are speared and lingers for additional 10 sec NEW After making a successful shot the Redemmer is automatically reloaded and can be shot again right away Reload time increased by +1 sec.
Somevof these addon changes are missing the best part of Legion's and Ghostface's addon reworks. The fact that each now genuinely has 20 unique addons, instead of having a common, an uncommon, and a rare addon that all have the exact same effect with slightly different numbers (GF's old recharge addons I see you)
IMO Deathslinger should onlt have one recharge addon, common at -0.25s reload. If that's not enough, reduce his baseline reload speed as well. I like low rarity addons having the simple numerical buffs, and higher rarity addons having more powerful but complex effects.
ex. reduced terror radius while ADS is a good rare addon, if it gets a numbers buff, and I would like a "movement speed while reloading" addon separate from the reload time addon.
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Addon pass, absolutely. Make his ADS not as janky feeling, definitely. Completely revert the changes hell no.