Oni’s turn radius.

So I picked up my Oni after a year of not touching him (after they nerfed his turning but his collision was still terrible) and I noticed something.
Our boy can actually turn around corners rather effectively now. I just don’t see how it’s going to help on maps with a lot of close debris. Like the Graveyard or the Temple. What do you guys think?
The worst loop as Oni is the long straight junk pile you get on some Macmillan and Farm maps. Anything longer or curvier, and you get more than enough demon dash value. Anything shorter, and you can fake one way and go the other like Pig and usually catch the survivor. Long wall jungle gyms are also a pain, but the survivor would have to be waiting for you at the jungle gym.
Demon Dash is the most satisfying thing in the game.
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Oni could use few buffs like start with his power at start and also his turning rate could still be bit better.
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i sense no bias here at all
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I wouldn't mind an addon that gave his power 50% charge at the start of the game, maybe rolled into an activation speed addon. Would let you use your power after the first M1.
Having his power fully charged at the start of the game, though, is a pass from me.
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Starting with his power you could get few downs with lethal pursue and make sure you have blood orbs available all the time no more pre dropping pallets survivors can counter him.
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That's the problem.
What are survivors supposed to do against an oni that sees their auras at the start of the game and can immediately demon dash to them? On gideon, sure, they can predrop pallets until your power is gone and never get downed, and they might be able to run you for 30 seconds on Ormond or some Autohaven setups, but otherwise they might as well just die.
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Same agains't nurse I quess but would be cool to have other strong killers too and oni is stil somewhat loopable unlike nurse.
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More convincing as a nerf nurse argument than a buff oni argument tbh
I'd like an oni addon pass/rework, but Oni's base kit is fine.
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The problem is good loopers can deny your power very long so he should get it faster at least maybe less blood orbs and passive charge should be lot faster. But I would like iri add on which would make you start with the power that would make him even better than blight.
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I guess Oni is pretty much the textbook case of "git gud" and needs quite some time sunk into him in order to understand his power properly. I find his demon dash unbelievable sluggish and it doesn't feel how a dash in any other game would be utilized. Yeah, he has no colision, but he feels like a train without rails on a soapy floor. And still, once you are in the know, you can work magic with this setup.
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Classic sign of someone who never played oni.
Onis turning was never "#########", he could always 240 flick even, I main oni since release and always did that constantly. I did got called out as an "DPI abuser" or "turn hacker" rather often even. The majority doenst know how much oni can turn but it was been always possible and was never really nerfed or taken out.
Also the collision itsself was fine but corners do have a big hitbox where you easily can hit it accidently, make sure you do big turns around corners.
Only in PTB when Oni came out you could literally double 360 but that was ofc a bug.
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I played Oni when he was released. Hell I prestiged and Adepted him that day on controller so my turns are limited. So his first big nerf actually had a big effect on me. I’m not saying he is in need of some big buff, what I was getting at is some maps are so full of garbage that he may get stuck. Same thing with Billy.
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You dont get stuck as oni that easily, I dont really know how that is even possible lol
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He turns quicker if you start turning as you charge the sprint.
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I actually just played a few more games as him. I noticed my problem on one map. The new Dredge one. Some cracks in the ground get him stuck randomly.
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I think its a matter beeing used to it, I dont have any issues with beeing stuck at all. Maybe try not to stick too hard on objects, however I do stick alot to stuff so idk what you do different then me and still get stuck.