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General Discussions

Nemesis builds please

Member Posts: 1,163
edited June 2022 in General Discussions

Give me some creative ideas for me man here.


Post edited by Cybil on

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  • Member Posts: 138

    40% nemmy main here

    I always use BBQ for BP and tracking, Corrupt for early game.

    other perks i'lI use often in random order:

    • Lethal Pursuer (yes, with Corrupt, together they let you predict which gens everyone will settle on)
    • No Way Out
    • Hex: Ruin (defended in early game by either Undying or Lethal Pursuer, but I generally have more success with Lethal)
    • Hex: Plaything; more of a fun perk than a meta perk. BBQ, corrupt, lethal, plaything is my most used build, but I don't use it when salty.
    • When I'm salty, NOED. I always pair it with either Lethal or NWO. I've never had a 4 man escape with NOED.
    • As for addons: do what I do and stockpile marvin's bloods without ever using any.
    • Post-rework I will reconsider a lot of my builds but Corrupt will still be a must-use.
  • Member Posts: 2,697

    I prefer chase builds with Nemesis and killers in general. Nothing makes you feel like an unstoppable force more than being able to shred through pallets and shrug off stuns.

    So my build usually entails STBFL so you can keep the pressure going, Endearing, Brutal Strength (unless you're playing with someone that can shred through pallets fast already), and either a slow down or information perk. Technically you could also run PWYF to give you even more of an incentive not to attack your obsession. A lot of players expect Killers to be rocking slow down builds, so when they see you effective in a chase it can really catch them off guard. LOL

    With killers already getting a slight cooldown on successful hits and breaking pallets when the mid chapter goes live, means these perks are going to be even more effective than they are now.

  • Member Posts: 138

    Chase builds are based. You wouldn't want to run Brutal Strength on Nememy, but STBFL is viable and Enduring is very strong in some loops, especially with Spirit Fury as having to tentacle a pallet after a stun is awkward.

    Have you tried I'm All Ears on nemmy? Can lead to fun shots over windows near shack and long wall jungle gyms that would otherwise require a lot of prediction, but I'm not sure. Definitely gonna try it more after Lethal Pursuer buff though.

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    That's why I mentioned I only run brutal strength with killers who don't already shred through pallets faster than other killers. With pallets being the only offensive option survivors have, being able to make that less effective, imo, makes killer a lot more tolerable. But now that the meta is changing, people will now be able to run more builds and more perks that they never thought they would.

  • Member Posts: 311

    Can vouch for some Hex: Plaything and Hex: Retribution being a fun time!

  • Member Posts: 62

    Pain Resosnance with double zombie speed addons is often pretty fun. The explosion draws the zombies and chases off whoevers still there. I'm sad to see it being changed for that reason alone.

    Discordance is also fun on him for the same reason as pain resonance. Draws zombies in quickly.

    Corrupt does feel pretty mandatory on him. I've tried without and its just a worse experience considering his massively slow start more often than not.

    I find I'm having the most fun when everything is sheer chaos which always involves zombies so I tend to lean into zombie centric builds. Even if I lose its still fun to cause mayhem. At least for me anyway.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Use passive slowdown perks, we don't like to kick gens.

    And Spirit Fury is great on him.

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    Coupe de Grace, Hex plaything OR monitor, dead lock, corrupt

    Addons: Iri Umbrella badge + Jills sandwich

    Survivors use vaccine and are exposed and you see them before they even wanna use it with jills sandwich, you go chase them down and with plaything or monitor you have a pretty good chance to get very close before they see or hear you.

    Go one punch man with coupe de grace

    funny asf and you get a decent amount of insta downs like that, made even survivors DC sometimes. Dead lock and corrupt are the best slowdown combo for this build cuz you kinda want survivors to do gens for your coupe de grace stacks. You could also use other slow down perks if you want, its up to you.

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    seems like a waste to me if I am honest, its not like Nemesis has problems in chase, you even make it worse for you.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    It is meme perk on him and i love to surprise survivors with this perk sometimes. It is ends with free hit. Nemesis is best killer to activate this perk very fast.

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    Ohh then I get it, I actually thought you meant it serious sry my bad haha

  • Member Posts: 2,259

    I’m All Ears. It’s not a build, but this perk is so good for getting jumpscare whips when they come looping around a corner!

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