Why are survivors doing this?

They managed to open gates and then just wait there. I would understand Teabagging -> just toxic players, normal.
Or they wanted to give hit for extra BP, but they instead wait there till I get close on then leave in my face.
They are not toxic in endgame chat, or during the game.
It's understandable if someone is not safe and they want to waste my time to help them, but when everyone is fine, it just doesn't make sense to me.
They're still mocking you
That's what they're doing
You can't touch me Ne ner Ne ner Neeee neeeeer
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They just want you to see them leave.
It's technically a taunt, but it's a pretty light one. I wouldn't pay it any mind.
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I have no clue.
I've been having people with 3000 hours Tbag me (/wait out the full 2 endgame) as Myers, Dredge (I have not yet played more than 20 dredge games), and Sadako - running obvious meme builds on all of them.
This was in addition to playing super nicely for the event.
On the upside, their teammates were just as confused as I was, and were often commenting how those players were by far the worst on the team.
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because some people have nothing better to do than to try and get under random strangers' skins.
If everybody has made it out, I might heal but then I'm out. I value and respect other people's time but that's just how I was raised.
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I can understand healing, but even then I always give killer a hit there, because we both get extra BP from it...
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Sometimes I just like to say goodbye to the killer....
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Probably for chaser emblem, I think the quicker you escape the more reward will be?
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I don’t know about others, but when I do that it’s because I’m waiting for the other Survivors to leave. I kinda just hang out in the gates and make sure everyone else gets out safely before I escape. If the killer shows up, I run out before they can get me and consider myself “chased out”. I don’t mean it to mock the killer or taunt them, I’m just trying to be polite to the other three survivors and make sure they’re ok lol
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Let them waste their time, It's your chance to break some pallets and close the hatch :)
Or go to the kitchen/toilet between matches
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If not everyone is at the gate, they're lingering so that they can bail if needed but also waiting to see if their teammates need to be unhooked or bodyblocked. If they're all there and they Dead Hard out as soon as you show up, they're just taunting you.
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They're just being petty, even if they're aren't necessarily trying to be super "toxic." It feels lke a more complete escape to them if they see you, see them escape. That matters to some players. "Hey look, I escaped, you didn't get me" and that sort of thing. When I know their at the exit gates, and have no way of stopping them from leaving, I don't even go. I just go find pallets or walls to break, maybe even try to find hatch to close it if its the last survivor at the exit gate. I don't have time for that sort of stuff. Let them waste time while I gather more BP LOL
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If the killer doesn't see you escape, then did you really win?
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I just stopped going there and watch some show on Netflix. I just think of it as I am wasting time of 4 players with this, while I am doing something I would do later anyway.
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If everyone is healthy but they're not all at the exit gates they may be gaining time for whoever is left to open the other gate. If they're all here i don't know, some survivors just like you to watch them leave ig.
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I've said it time and time again, why not just let killers surrender once gates are open? I'd make it an ingame thing by going to basement and interacting with a glyph that spawns there, same spot as white glyph. In fact you could let killers do this as soon as gens are done.
If I were to change anything, I'd make EGC start as soon as gens are done, and last 4 minutes. Would be real nice. Then nerf No Way Out, Blood Warden and Remember Me accordingly. More points for everyone too due to late hooks/rescues.
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My favorite is when I'm doing my "8 hooks and everyone gets out the gate" games, I've got everyone dead on hook by 3 gens and I'm just letting survivors wiggle off after a chase at this point. Wait for them to finally finish up gens and you get blasted at the exit gates with triumphant t-bags and flashlight clicks. Like, do even know what just happened here? I don't expect thanks, but damn y'all look like a bunch of clowns right now.
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U can't touch this.
I look forward to the day when they add a killer perk so that when the killer enters the exit gate area while a survivor is in there, the exit gets blocked, the survivor becomes exposed and can be moried. That'll make them leave
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I would like that.
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I tend to stay in the gate to just see what happens. If one of my teammates go down, I have the opportunity to save them.
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Hell, I even open the gate for them (+500 pts on top of trying to get the point across).
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Ah the classic watch me leave move.
Were you by chance Ghostface or Demopup? Because they always meme at exit gates.
Some killers can never be trusted. I had a Legion carry me around the entire map in "search" of the hatch on Swamp and it was on the staircase underneath main, and they walked by it and hooked me in basement, mind you after 3 min of looking for the hatch. Idgaf if you hook or give hatch, but don't waste my time like that.
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Same. I do this especially if I know that I've lost. Then I go and break pallets or play music until they leave. If I've tried to be a fun killer, the only way I get them out is by deep-wounding them, then downing that knocks them out the match entirely.
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i tend to wait if im waiting for my other survivors to get out and etc, but thats about it
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Sometimes its to buy time for the other gate to open.
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To be fair he’s not talking about seeing if you might need to rescue someone. He’s saying all the survivors are off the hooks and healthy and at the gates but they don’t just leave. I see it all the time, I intentionally don’t chase survivors in the gates that I have zero chance of downing and go break pallets and things for the heck of it, but they will just stand in the gate waiting for to me to watch them leave for no particular reason literally right to the endgame collapse’s very end. It’s really dumb.
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you sound very paranoid and insecure XD literally sound like a 4 year old
You get boldness points the longer you're in a killer's terror radius. So I'll stand there until I get hit out unless I'm bored and just feel like moving on
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Except the OP specifically said they are fully health, wait for the killer to go over to them, and then they walk out before getting hit.
So you didn't get hit so that checks off your first thing. And you didn't get bored waiting for the killer as the killer is actively walking up to you to hit you.
There is literally zero other reason besides taunting for a survivor to do that. But sure, if you'd rather just insult me, I suppose that's an equally valid argument.
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I said I personally take hit. Everyone doesn't have to and they could just be doing it for the boldness points like I said. Staying in your terror radius until they can't anymore.
Secondary reason, a teammate may be trying to open the other gate and if the killer wants to spend their time chasing me out, I'll stand there and waste their time. Obviously I can't speak for everyone, but I know that's what I do and I'm sure many others think the same way. I just think it's weird that the first conclusion some of yall jump to is "they're doing it to bully and be mean". Why is that always the first assumption
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Because I'm going off of what the OP is saying instead of throwing in my own variables.
The OPs Variables:
-The survivors are all there (so you're not waiting to see if someone needs help)
-The survivors are just standing there. They are not leaving on their own, just standing there. They are not/will not leave until you walk over to them.
-The survivors wait until you get in range to hit them and then they leave (at least if they took the hit they could say that they wanted to give you points)
I'm not jumping to any conclusions. I am taking the information the OP has given and giving my opinion accordingly. That is why I concluded they're just taunting you (even if it's a little baby version of a taunt, it's still a taunt). Based on the information the OP provided, there is zero tactical reason or benefit to them acting that way (because if you were doing it for the BP, taking the hit is the best option since you're safe AND you're going to get some extra BP out of it), therefore there is only one conclusion left.
If you are not doing what the OP has stated, then you are not being called a taunting jerk and you can continue on doing what you do
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Because they knew you’d be right there to watch them.
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In hockey at the end of a best of seven series, both sides will line up and shake hands in a show of sportsmanship.
This is the DBD equivalent.
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I have done it one and it was because of that challenge to kill survivors during end game collapse... Yeah, I felt bad for doing it like that.
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Really? They didn't shake hands with me... They just looked at me and left.
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You get shards as a function of how long you are in a match. Points don't really matter to me since I've been playing since the beginning.
Forcing the killer to push you out is sometimes advantageous as a survivor. I had a game today vs 3 toxic flashlight SWF people. If one of them had brought unbreakable they could have had 4 escape instead of just 1 person. The last survivor did not leave until I punched them at the gate. This wastes precious seconds.
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if time is your reason, then it doesn't make sense.
If they would give me hit / down, then they would gain even more time with that. I can understand not wanting to get downed for emblems, but hit doesn't have any negative effect unless I have Franklyn's, which I didn't.
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Survivors will quit having fun the day the devs put in killer bots to "lighten" the load of long wait times. DBD is a griefing simulator. SWF enables survivors to have fun in a group at your expense.
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They are raising their mmr part of the mmr system is time spent in game
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That's beyond stupid if that is true.
Finishing generators/making saves while the killer is "busy" should raise MMR.
Leading the killer on a long chase should raise MMR.
These two things should literally be 90% of your MMR value.
Escaping should be a ~10% influence in your MMR. If you escaped and didn't do the other two things then all you deserve is 10% credit.
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I guess they just wanna see what the Killer is gonna do? If I'm the last person in the game, I'll stay so the Killer can close hatch and get some extra BP, but if multiple people are waiting the I don't know what they're doing.
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Why you don't kill them at least kill 2 and show the 2 clearly you let them go then they are actually thankful.
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It's really not.
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Believe me, i've had plenty of 2ks, either i mess up what hook state everyone is in, someone suicides on hook, or terribad teammates just leave them on the hook. You'd be surprised how often those last two STILL act like they stomped me.
Not gonna change how I play those games, it'd defeat the purpose. It's fun to be a counterpoint to the WAAC killers. Besides, as I said, I don't expect gratitude, just at least don't be dumb enough to think that you did well.
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yea it really is its 20 for an escape plus the time of being in a match
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A few could be doing it for a chase tome entry. There was one during the event for killers and survivors. The survivor side was getting a gold or higher emblem for that category, iir. Standing at the exit until the killer shows up then running out gives a successful chase escape.
Also, due to the limited emotes and communication in the game, bouncing/crouching is often used for quick communication, like "thank you". Of course if they were being toxic the whole match or a dick in end game chat, obviously not that.
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the only thing that makes me roll my eyes is if everyone is out and gone and the last person sits at the exit line till you turn up and doesn't even let you get a hit and just leaves.
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That's so nice!
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It's some sort of power trip. They feel superior walking out while you're watching.