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General Discussions

Legion Is Still The Worst Killer In The Game

Member Posts: 276
edited August 2023 in General Discussions

At this point they need a full rework. Mending is boring for survivors but at the same time, playing what is probably the most M1 killer in the game is also boring for killers. You can injure people super easily, hell pretty much for free, but downing them is a whole different story. With literally no power to help in chase (in terms of downing power), no anti loop, and not even like they're short like Sadako to mindgame. There's just nothing there.

If someone believes another killer is weak about it I would love to hear about it, because IMO literally every other killer in the game has either anti loop or SOMETHING that helps them get downs. Legion is genuinely nothing.

He injures people but then... what next? After using frenzy and injuring everyone, you're just a hard M1 killer with nothing to show for all those frenzy hits.

Post edited by BoxGhost on

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  • Member Posts: 276

    She's better. I genuinely believe that.

    Better map control. Although her TV's have long cooldowns, her iri addon essentially negates that if you're good at getting manifestation hits. She has stealth (although not fully invisible) being undetectable is enough to get close to people. Plus, she's short so she can mindgame some loops that other killers physically can't. Plus if you can master her invisibility while demanifested (where it flickers on and off) you can genuinely do something with it.

    Legion has lack luster map control outside of frenzy, has no downing power, has no anti loop, isn't short so most loops can't even mindgame, and no stealth.

  • Member Posts: 276

    ??? What you just said makes no sense when he LITERALLY is an M1 killer. You can't down people with his frenzy consistenly, chain downs rarely happen against good survivors. So yes... he is quite literally the most M1 killer in the game when his power does not down people at all and he has zero anti loop.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    *laughs in myers

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I actually quite enjoy the high-octane, mad-furry-running playstyle of Legion, and I find the auto-down on the fifth stab pretty satisfying. Its also quite nicely balaced, as you have to rotate back to other survivors and juggle them, once you kill off one survivor, so as your position on the trial strengthens, your power becomes harder to use to its full extent. I guess you must try to gotta catch them all.

  • Member Posts: 1,096
    edited June 2022

    Legion can put a lot of pressure on survivors with deep wound and can get consistent information using their power. I think they are in a good spot and can perform nicely in their current state

  • Member Posts: 642

    Legion is a huge pressure Killer. Run the add-on that makes Survivors broken if they mend. Also use them to scare and punish survivors trying to act like hero’s.

    The Game is a very good map for them.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Definitely not the worst, but yeah he's still very bad.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    Sadako is the worst not legion, at least legion can guarantee a first hit. and even down with his power

  • Member Posts: 8,601
    edited June 2022

    Wouldn't say they're the worst. There are many M1 contenders that are all really bad. But you're only really going to feel that at higher MMR when matchmaking is actually working. It really doesn't matter who you pick if you play well unless you get an all soft-capped lobby.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Legion isn't the worst killer in the game and never has been, they're consistently moderately useful. Near-guaranteed injures and consistent (if small) built-in slowdown are legitimately good tools if you know how to use them. Even before, with the right perks to help in chase and such, they were solidly "decent".

    Now, post-buffs, they're way better. They even have different, versatile builds you can use with addon combinations-- if you feel like you're struggling a lot in chase after that M2 hit, I would heartily recommend pairing Julie's Mixtape with the Iridescent Button and Spirit Fury + Enduring. Genuinely, Legion are quite good now if you can compensate for securing the down with an M1.

  • Member Posts: 464

    I mained Freddy exclusively for years until the recent Legion update. Freddy is worse and more boring in my opinion. With Legion, I run mural sketch and sleeping pills every game. For the most part, I can get the 5 hit frenzy down about 3-4 times a game. Yes against high level swfs, you will most likely lose but that goes for almost every killer in the game if they don't make many big mistakes. The only thing I think I'd change about legion is that their frenzy should last at least 5 seconds longer by default. If you don't run the addons that I mentioned together, it's pretty much impossible to get the 5 hit frenzy down because survivors are usually split up too far apart.

  • Member Posts: 276

    Yes I stated that, you can get a bunch of injures but THEN WHAT.

    They don't even need to heal for the rest of the match because "oh it's legion who cares" once you injure everyone, you're literally an M1 killer with nothing to do anymore.

    Broken addon is pointless because survivors don't even heal against legion. There's no point.

  • Member Posts: 707

    Yeah not the worst overall but against competent players it can feel like playing a killer without a power and some maps are basically impossible to do anything at all. Honestly if anyone is going down to Legion's power, they screwed up BAD. Of course they still annihilate newbie survivors very efficiently.

    Wraith at least can hit wounded people out of stealth and Myers gets a speed boost in tier 3 to make some loops easier. Legion gets no help on wounded targets.

    I do think Sadako and Trapper are worse but not by much. The rework did next to nothing to fix Legion's actual problems.

  • Member Posts: 1,443

    They definitely aren't the worst but they definitely aren't that good either. They are better then before though, which I guess is something...

  • Member Posts: 915
    edited June 2022

    i usually 4k with him. He is easy to play and most solo and mediocre teams have big problems being injured all the time. Also mending (and healing if they chose to) consistently is very unnerving for survivors. Especially if you play him with the best perks. You can even get 1-shot hits on smaller maps if survivors don't know how to play against him (which they usually don't), for example if they mend during your power. From the M1 killer pool he is imho one of the best. Once you got a hook, you have lots of pressure if you played him right, because everyone will be injured, they need to heal up to go for the save and leave gens therefore. Or they risk getting snowballed...

    The problem is that most legions i've seen so far were very bad. They don't use his power often enough and when they do, they get needlessly stunned out of it. Or they use it with no one being around.

  • Member Posts: 570

    Not really bro. Good survs never heal against legion so being broken is a waste of addon. If everybody’s injured his power is useless as well. Legion is a weaker version of plague imo.

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    Soon my brother, the day of the trapper will come, and all dead hard users will fear it

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    I hope Legion gets removed permanently (I know that will never happen though). By far the least fun killer to play against. Right after the rework, every other match was Legion. Now it’s been a long time since I’ve seen them and it’s been great - hope I never see them again.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    Freddy, Clown, and Trapper say hi.

  • Member Posts: 138

    Play Legion with Enduring and the uncommon pallet stun mixtape. Try it for like 5 games. Never respect allets when rushing. If you get stunned, not a big deal, rush again (if survivor is healthy), if you hit the survivor and they drop the pallet late, free down. Just turn around immediately ready for the pallet vault.

    Most fun legion build regardless of your other addon or 3 perks. Don't run it with pill bottle though.

    You also don't need the mixtape addon eveey match, it's just insurance for if you fail, I recomment all legions run Enduring at all times, being unpredictable about whether you disrespect pallets.

  • Member Posts: 968
    edited June 2022

    i think mending needs a rework just "MENDING" , legion is fine currently not insanely strong but not weaker at all anymore.

    we dont need disgusting anti-loop on every killer , (reaching a pallet , *drop* , "because i cant loop this killer" *now holds W*)

    thats just boring.

  • Member Posts: 379

    I loved legion before the rework but will admit they were weak. with the new rework, as someone mentioned already, if you think legion is weak, you're not playing them right. They're not S tier but very playable after the rework.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Dbd forums are truly incredible

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  • Member Posts: 9,039

    Completely disagree depending on your perks and add ons you can be very powerful and oppressive

  • Member Posts: 464

    legion relies on addons to be decent, you are right, even with his buff he is still awful as with most m1 killers

  • Member Posts: 2,649

    Sad Pig noises

  • Member Posts: 139

    New Legion is fun for killers*

    For Survivors it is just Mending Simulator 2.0

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    Legion has never been the worst Killer in the game, Trapper always took that spot

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    Wait wait wait now.....Trapper is better than Legion?! When did Trapper get that much of a buff. I know I only play on weekends but dang I missed alot......

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    Sadly until they rework map design every killer might as well have antiloop...look at the killers that don't and how they suffer. Some are not weak but because they don't have a antiloop they are considered weak.

  • Member Posts: 1,033

    Legion definitely isn't the weakest, and a lot of people do enjoy the fast hitting playstyle including myself.

    Although they are stronger after their buffs, and definitely playable and you can do well on them, they're still not great. Which I knew once the news of what their changes were gonna be, that they weren't going to go much higher in strength.

    Definitely not F or D tier anymore, kinda middle of C now. But not strong enough to be in the same B tier as someone like Demogorgon, doctor, or pyramidhead. They just need a little something else to boost them a little higher

  • Member Posts: 1,839

    The recent changes to Legion were mostly QoL changes that Legion mains (myself included when I played Killer more) had been requesting for some time. Outside of that, they did nothing to really move Legion in tier. They are still a D tier Killer.

    That said, Legion is fun to play, and I enjoyed my time playing Legion before the buffs. I have not played them after getting buffed, though I'm sure I would find the changes very pleasant insofar as making them simply feel better. However, numerically and strategically, nothing has changed for them. The added lethality on a fifth hit during FF is very situational, and when it DOES happen, spikes Legions power. When it doesn't happen, which would be more often than not, Legion is still the same ol' Killer with low lethality and pressure spikes.

    All in all, I still like Legion. As far as Killers go, they are the best for learning and honing the fundamentals of Killer gameplay. They rely heavily on learning how to do the basics well. Their power lets them ignore a few things, such as downed pallets being in the way, but their power doesn't give them lethality, so it's a hefty trade off that teaches the player not to overly rely on the Killers power when good, basic gameplay would work better.

    Could Legion use some sort of buff or series of changes to make them more interesting? Probably. However, Legion is one of the most fundamental-minded Killers in the roster. No gimmicks or special rules that allows them to ignore the basics of how to play all Killers. That just seems kind of important to me.

  • Member Posts: 1,274

    TBH I think Legion is actually a pretty fun killer to play as in most scenarios. Especially following the rework where they're faster and several of their add-ons got buffed (plus that dope new chase music and terror radius).

    The only time that I think Legion is extremely un-fun is when you're saddled with playing on some giant map (like Mother's Dwelling) and its borderline impossible to traverse the map at a decent rate, let alone chain frenzy hits together. But that's more of a problem with map design; almost no killer is fun to play on those massive maps.

    I don't think Legion really has enough depth to their power to be a killer that anyone truly "mains" (whether they claim so or not), but makes for a great killer to use when taking a break from the characters you're more serious about playing. Kinda like Bubba.

  • Member Posts: 3,452

    Even if the were, which is debatable, new Thana is going to turn the tables. Then Legion will have the last laugh.

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    Legion isn't the worst, but still bottom five in my book. New changes have made them a bit more fun, but their core issues remain. You can stomp noobs with them, but good teams just won't allow you to chain hits consistently. Once they realize they are facing the legion, they split up and the match turns into a tedious mending slog. Just good enough to make the team work a bit, too weak to close the deal.

    That said, Freddy, Trapper, Pig, and Clown are all worse imo.

  • Member Posts: 2,027

    I feel like legion should be given a iri addon that lets him down injured survivors in his power but removes the killer instinct

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    In current dbd meta no chance in hell when it's just E key for distance and pre dropping. You have trouble even getting injures as her as legion can just ignore everything you have for 1 hit but has to go through a fatigue to get the next. Even as sadako the tv's are lackluster with a ######### 100 second cooldown for some reason.

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    Not saying she's good (she really needs some tweaks), but I can get kills way more consistently with Sadako than Legion, and a handful of other killers.

    Very add on dependent, though.

  • Member Posts: 1,375

    I do believe Legion should have never sleep pills as basekit but i don't think he's the worst killer by a longshot!

  • Member Posts: 389

    I get great results with Legion. I think the point is not understanding how he works and how to adapt your playstyle to his power.

    Legion is all about creating chaos in the game, and constantly changing chases. If you play Legion to full commit to the first survivor you see you are making a mistake.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    uh, I doubt 2% more reduction is the game changer.

    I think it's basekit buffs.

  • Member Posts: 3,452

    That's on top of increased gens basekit. Plus whatever else slowdown you want to use. And mending simulator on top of that.

  • Member Posts: 5,762
    edited June 2022
  • Member Posts: 418

    I wouldn't say the worst; since their rework and with the right perks/add-ons, they can apply tons of pressure.

    I would say they're the worst design from a gameplay/interactivity perspective, though. I roll my eyes and audibly sigh whenever I load into a match and hear Legion's terror radius as there's nothing more boring than spending half of your match staring at a mending bar.

  • Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2022

    ? Legion is not close to be the weakest but Clown even moreso. Even Freddy arguably is slightly stronger.

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