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Wraith (kinda) rework

So right now Wraith is not very strong he’s very weak. Here’s my rework Wraith will get.

increase cloaked speed to 195.5% speed(7.82 M/S). Make it so wraith can go through walls and pallets since he’s cloaked and he can’t attack he should be able to go through walls since he’s technically in another world when cloaked. This wouldn’t be OP cause Spirit can do what wraith does but better but spirit can’t go through walls but can turn invisible and attack. Wraith can’t attack while cloaked but to compensate he can go through walls and pallets and moves fast at the cost of not attacking.

next I’ll silence his footstep sounds and growling while cloaked because once again since he can’t attack he should be completely quiet so he can sneak up and hit people. His true invisibility will stay the same like it is now.

when Wraith uncloaks the bing bing sound will only play when within 16m of the wraith and his speed boost when coming out of cloak will still be 1.25 seconds.

When Wraith recloaks the woosh sound will not play so people don’t know when he turns invisible again. When he uncloaks the woosh sound will play to let people know he’s able to attack but to compensate when he turns invisible the woosh sound doesn’t play.

That’s my proposed rework to The Wraith he was very simple to rework if he had all of this he could be very very strong. What are your thoughts on my rework?


  • Uistreel
    Uistreel Member Posts: 634

    195.5% base movement speed is extremely fast. 2 windstorm addons and that's what, 231.5% movement speed? Faster than Billy's chainsaw. And on top of that, you can walk through walls. I know you can't attack while cloaked, but if a survivor was running to a loop, you could chase them, go through a wall and block them from entering the loop in like 3 seconds which would almost always be a guaranteed hit. I can imagine him downing people in under 20 seconds every time without ever needing to start a chase. Wraith needs a buff sure, but that sounds to me a bit too much for just base kit

  • Incurable_BOFA
    Incurable_BOFA Member Posts: 105

    This has got to be some kind of bait right?

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    Don’t worry I didn’t mention this the windstorm addons will get changed In my version so it reduces the range survivors can see your shimmer, also I could make it so survivors can go through you while invisible. Kind of like how old freddy worked were if survivors were not sleeping they would go through Freddy. Don’t worry windstorm addons would be nerfed

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    they won't make him go through walls as they would have to redesign or add a bunch of barriers to every map in the game to support that, take a look at nurse she does something similar and her power is bugged to hell and back.

    cool idea but unrealistic, he could however use the speed boost and silent footsteps but i think the growling is fine.

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    you clearly do not understand how to play wraith...

    The only really like salvageable part is the walking through walls aspect. If this mode had like, a longer time, it would be an interesting tool to be used to force certain body blocks

  • Daniel28
    Daniel28 Member Posts: 39

    That's too fast, and currently his cloak speed 6.00 m/s is so fast he can go past me to get to a pallet faster than any exhausted perks. He shouldn't be able to, or just buff the perks. But only cloak speed is too fast. Personally should nerf it down to 5.5 and test out and PTB before releasing and check people reviews over it

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    um you do realize this post is from February? You necromanced my post and it’s a little dated