Hex: Ruin's nerf was way too much

I get wanting to get players to use different perks, but utterly neutering Hex Ruin wasn't the way to do so, like... seriously, making the regression the base regression at maximum was one thing, but making it snuff out after one survivor dies, like, are you kidding me?

Please revert this idiotic Nerf for the ptb and mid chapter please

but if you want to tame Ruin down a bit, I get that, so here is my suggested change

Forget the whole "After a Survivor is killed, Hex: Ruin will automatically deactivate." nonsense entirely, and then just change the regression to be 100/125/150%, or maybe if thats not a substantial enough change, maybe 100/110/120%

but the changes you are planning on making to this are perk are ridiculous


  • lildunks
    lildunks Member Posts: 9

    Honestly I thought the changes to DS were fine

  • lildunks
    lildunks Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2022

    also how do you get one of the devs to view your post? is it just random?

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 1,029
    edited June 2022

    How would DS ever be useless, when it's identical for the whole game except after the Exit Gates are powered? Seriously, people are overreacting way too much to things in this patch. Most of the changes were positive.

    In ruin's case, honestly I think the "gone after first death" should stay, but the nerf to the regression shouldn't have been that big, as the base gen regression is really, really slow. Ruin being gone after one survivor dies would make sense for the way the perk is right now, because staying up for too long means survivors aren't finding the totem and at a real disavantage with ruin up and one of them already dead. It prevents those hard stomps when ruin lasts for the whole game due to lucky RNG and a killer with a very oppressive power... but honestly, I don't think this new base regression speed ruin will slow the game that much at all. If the regression speed was, like, 150%, it could still be useful, but 100% is just not worth it.

  • Huntressmain_1223
    Huntressmain_1223 Member Posts: 153

    Oh my God, I know it seems like the devs just came in and ruined perks more than trying to make them better for the community

  • SimplyPixelated06
    SimplyPixelated06 Member Posts: 469

    Ds literally only stuns for 3 seconds now, no way are you going to get enough distance for that perk to be useful. The killer is just gonna continue to tunnel you even if you use it. It had a 5 second stun before and worked at end game, now its 3 seconds and doesn't work at endgame, i don't see why anyone would run it over other perks anymore.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 1,029
    edited June 2022

    DS used to be 3 seconds in the past and it was still good (it was BROKEN, actually). It was buffed because of enduring, which doesn't even works on DS anymore. 3 seconds is enough, you just don't get so much distance the killer is forced to give up chasing you.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    And with the way most survivors use DS, to bully the killer, they have no reason to complain about the stun duration being shorter. If people really didn't want to get tunneled, they wouldn't run at the killer after being unhooked to take a hit on purpose, or jump in a locker to bait it.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Most of the nerfs were too much. They were obviously done to make the perks unusable. Didn't yall want the meta "nuked"?

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    It was 3 seconds from 2.6.0 to 2.6.3 and 2.6.3 also added enduring affecting ds stun which got removed in 3.0.0 (the only patch between these two are 2.7.0 and 2.7.1).

    Then from 3.0.0, DS didn't get nerfed again til 4.6.0.

    DS was not really good at 3 seconds since a second of that stun is the survivor getting off the killer's grasp in the first place. And plenty of killers can easily catch you in 2 seconds. The 5 seconds change with enduring affect the stun was also bad for DS, because the killer with enduring could just ignore DS stun completely. There's a good reason why DS stun got buffed to 5 seconds and the 5 second stun wasn't the reason for the perk being broken. It was the fact it was 60 seconds of immunity that the killer had no way to deal with since survivors would just hop on gens with ds active.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    It's already unfeasible perk as is due to being a hex, nerf weren't even necessary tbh.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 1,029

    Still, old DS was still broken and made the games much harder for killer. They almost always had time to reach a window or pallet after the DS stun. It doesn't really take a whole second to fall from the killer's grasp.

    Enduring with 5 seconds didn't ignore it completely AT ALL. WITH enduring you got almost the same time you got for the old stun time without enduring.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    There is actually no reason to use it with the future changes quite honestly

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    edited June 2022

    The thing is ruin was on the way out. Most killers had migrated to deadman's switch. Its way more reliable at stalling and the meta had shifted to dead lock and dms because well most of the regression perks got heavy nerfs. In ruins case its a hex people learned the locations and it lost a lot of its power. After a nerf like this the power can afford to be re lit.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I agree completely that it was on its way out. But bhvr loves their numbers and metrics.

  • Crimson_Lockhart
    Crimson_Lockhart Member Posts: 188

    It's bad enough that Hex: Ruin gets destroyed within 30sec of the match it sometimes gets spawn right next to a gen or right next to a survival is this addressed no what the hell happened to "hex totems are high risk high reward". Hex: Ruin should be time based and no longer a Hex to be fine-tuned too perfection instead lets nerf it to the ground "reducing the regression speed to 50/75/100% from 100/150/200%". So best case scenario hook everyone 2x without a hook counter yeah that nice. So once a survivor is half health on hook keep a note of that.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 529

    Next time you play Killer and get DS'd, try to imagine getting out of your stun 2 seconds earlier. You basically can hit again around 5-10 seconds after the stun ends. It is ridiculous. (this is mostly due to the fact that DS itself has an animation that takes 1.5 seconds of the stun. It's okay on a 5 second stun but it takes half of a 3 seconds stun)

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    Basically, you don't have to kick gens manually. Just don't kill anyone until it has been cleansed

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479

    They can't switch meta by nerfing a little, they had to nerf a lot. BT should have been reworked to something mediocre and giving longer endurance to the basekit instead. Now BT will still be used a lot and that is sad, same with Corrupt they should have done something else there to remove the need of that perk also.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 529
    edited June 2022

    Actually, Buffing DS would have probably shifted its usage down because of how DS is designed.

    Say, they buff DS to 10 seconds. (and still deactivate with open doors). No killer will pick any survivor up. If killers are really afraid of DS, you don't need to equip it to get use of it.

    Besides, why was DS played? Because of tunneling. DS has actually never really been a strong perk. It's not a perk that helps winning a lot. It's a perk that prevents an abusable game mechanic that the klller sometimes uses, not to win a match, but to guarantee one kill, although, tunneling usually leads to an only one kill scenario.

    If they nerf tunneling, they reduce the use of DS.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294

    The best part is that it is literally WORSE than normal gameplay at tier 1 and 2.

    Kicking a generator confers 2.5% regression instantly and begins regressing the generator at 1c/4s (1 second worth of survivor progress every 4 seconds. -0.25c/s) But as Ruin stands, at tier 1, it will not allow you to kick the generator for the initial 2.5% regression, and regresses generators at 50% !!! 1c/8s (1 second worth of survivor progress every 8 seconds. -0.125c/s)

    Absolutely pathetic.

    This is an inane and childish approach to balance. I've seen freshman papers with more sound proposals to their game's design than this, which is a shame. The Behavior team works hard behind the scenes, but changes like these are what strikes the community with cynicism and skepticism without need. There are hard choices and decisive actions that may be taken at times, but this iteration is needless and amateur.

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 707

    Personally I think hex totems as a whole with the exception of plaything need to be reworked. Most of them don’t see play and some are weaker then base perks. I think the fact it’s completely RNG how powerful it is makes it very difficult to balance fairly. Some totem spawns are basically in the open, some are incredibly obscure on the edge of the map far from everything and hidden by foliage and some are in between.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,387

    If four solos are gainst Blight, and the survivors can't find Ruin then its a win for Blight.

    Glad to see the back of it.

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    It was 3 seconds and the developers had to buff it to 5 seconds because tunneling got to bad without it. It's sad people have forgotten that fact.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    Yeah, it is ridiculous. Back when the initial Ruin was changed, the defense was that it was a strong late game perk, so it needed to be a hex. Considering that there is a highly likely chance that it can be removed long before the late game, being a hex, it has always been a risk vs reward perk, especially since it prevents any other type of regression from working.

    Now, it will work half as well, can still be removed early in the game to provide no benefit, and will automatically be removed from the game when a survivor is killed. How is that balance? It's a late game perk that will now have zero chance of making it to the late game. There is only regression when nobody is working on the gen. With 4 players you rarely, if ever, will see that in the early game. You mentioned being conservative with other changes in the past but went extremely heavy handed with this nerf....and you still left it as a hex. That is simply no longer justifiable. Even if it weren't a hex, it would still likely not even be worth a perk slot.

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 464

    Yeah it makes zero sense to keep this as a hex perk. Temporary normal regression (technically worse than kicking the gen since you don't get the 2.5%) for the 1-2 minutes it might stay up and then self cleanses if you are doing well? It doesn't make sense. The reason 200% regression speed mattered was because the regression wasn't undone in a split second. Too be honest, i don't know why Ruin had to be nerfed at all. It's a hex perk that can be removed almost immediately anyway. Now survivors don't even really need to bother cleansing it because the regression will be so slow and by the time they have to care, it will cleanse itself anyway lmaooooo.

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854

    If it is to remain a Hex Perk then instead of deactivating its effect should be switched to something else.

  • GingerBeard
    GingerBeard Member Posts: 273
    edited June 2022

    I'm fine with the fact that ruin deactivates when one survivor dies. I actually really like this change and would have stopped there. The additional nerf to the regression speed does feel like overkill.

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 464

    The deactivation makes little to no sense either considering survivors can cleanse the totem at any time (and most times this happens before you get any real value out of it anyway).

  • akaTheBARON
    akaTheBARON Member Posts: 379

    Thats how I felt about a lot of these nerfs. They nerf by changing two things where only one was necessary. Like DS, fine, don't make it work endgame, maybe even dont make it work out of a locker, but keep the 5 seconds. With ruin, my problem with it is solo queuing and the fact that 90% of teammates I get just ignore it, and will run off their gen every time they get any sort of terror radius. But that has nothing to do with the perk being bad, its the solo queue survivors (most, not all). Its strong, but its also a hex... just find it and cleanse it. Fair. So I'm glad for this nerf only bc of the fact most survivors just ignore it, so a lot of killers opting to not run it will be awesome. But they either should have nerfed the speed, made it snuff itself out after one kill, but not BOTH. It shouldn't even be a Hex bc now, they get slower regression and can STILL lose it right a way. They overdid it with too many perks that way. Nerf a perk to encourage people to play others, either as they are, or perks that got buffs. But nerfing a perk making it useless just switches the meta overnight. Now we have another boring meta. What changed? But if the nerfed perks were still playable, it wouldn't be simply replacing perk A with the new B. We would have tons of perks to play around with instead of switching a handful of good ones for another.

  • GingerBeard
    GingerBeard Member Posts: 273

    Which is why as far as nerfs go I actually like it. Its basically guaranteed to be cleansed before you can kill a survivor so it doesn't actually nerf it too hard. Don't get me wrong, even if they didn't nerf it I still wouldn't use it as hexes are too unreliable. Since they want to nerf it though, I think this was one of the better ways to go about it.

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 464

    Again if it cleanses itself what is the point of it being a hex in the first place? They may as well have put it on a timer as opposed to "oh we know hexes get cleansed 60 seconds or less into the match most games, but just in case you do well enough to keep the totem up, we will make sure it doesn't give you too much value as a reward (in addition to the fact that regression speed is now back to the trash tier level of kicking gens)." Like what??? lol.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    It has no value. A gen does not regress if players are working on them. That means that no significant regression happens in the early part of the game. The only thing that gave it value was if it was still active in the later parts of a match. The devs even said that it was a late game perk. The fact that it could be removed before that was a risk vs reward situation. Having it stop functioning automatically after one kill takes away any reward that it had. It either gets cleansed by players, or gets cleansed by the game. Either way it doesn't make it to the late game where it actually had value. And, keep in mind, you can't use any other type of regression with it, including kicking. There is nothing left to justify it as a perk, let alone a hex perk.

  • GingerBeard
    GingerBeard Member Posts: 273

    If both the nerfs go through than I agree that it isn't worth it to be a hex. Even if it isn't nerfed I still wouldn't use though since it can be cleansed too early to get any value. Both nerfs together are overkill so now i'll never touch it again. Just one of them would have been enough, and I already stated which of the two I would prefer. Ruin is never going to last long enough anyways for the deactivation nerf to come into play, so I would rather have the higher regression for the few minutes that it might be up for. Remember the perk is getting nerfed no matter what, im just picking the nerf that has less of an impact from my experience.

    Read above.

  • Lecruidant
    Lecruidant Member Posts: 162

    Oh no. You cant' rely on Ruin anymore for complete map pressure? Whatever will you do