Easy way to tell if a killer has noed
Do they have less than 4 hooks and the last gen has popped? Yes they have noed.
Did I punch/stab/bonk/claw/weird symbol/slash you with a M1 attack and you went down right away and it made a BWAA noise and tell everyone they're now exposed and a Hex symbol has shown up on the screen?
If so, I probably have NOED on
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Usually I can tell they have noed if they miss their swings a lot
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Just kidding, it's devour hope and I'm already to 5 stacks. GGs everyone!
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Don't forget the ❄️👀 cosmetics
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Noed carries so hard you can tell when someone is running it by how bad they are. Pretty funny how obvious it is. Don't need to learn how to play killer to get 1-2 kills with noed.
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Why are you giving away my secrets?
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I have been fooled!!!! Curse this crafty killer!!!
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Honestly why is this so true.
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Uh, no. NOED gives one down, tops. Unless if the survivor team isn't very good.
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Yep, it's usually pretty easy to know when a killer has noed.
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I just had 2/3 games where the killer had noed. First game the killer got 2 hooks and 2nd game killer had 1 hook before last gen popped. I don't mind overpowered perks but noed is so strong you can actually tell people have it because of how bad they are at the game but still at your mmr. It's clearly broken. I know a killer has noed because they don't know how to do any things that take any skill like mind games at pallets. They just hold W until the last gen pops and get their free kills.
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Pretty much this, also if the perks the Killer is using dont make any sense and you cant pinpoint all of them the 4º is NOED almost always, like Wraith with Agitation, Overcharge and some random Hex which wasnt Ruin, does the build make any sense to you? neither to me so lets slap NOED there for some good ol' carrying when the fifth gen gets finished.
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Also there's a reason why you will literally never see noed at low mmrs. It's almost impossible to be at a low mmr with noed. You just use noed and poof you an "average" killer. Thank goodness it's getting a minor worthless nerf.
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We can typically call it whether there’s a noed or not before the last gen simply by how well the killers playing. If they’re terrible and getting trashed there’s usually always a noed as that’s the only way they got their mmr so high in the first place. It artificially raises a lot of peoples mmr higher than they should be.