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Why use fearmonger?

Fearmonger defenders change my mind that its a crap of perk.

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  • Member Posts: 315

    Its heavily killer depended. Fearmonger is fun with Twins because it hides anyone slugged and negates exhaustion perks when Victor runs up on a gen. Some value on Dredge too if you can pop out of a locker next to a gen, its all about negating the exhaustion perks for him.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Blindness while on generators specifically is one of the more useful applications- it means that if you down someone, they won't know where, nor will they know where the hook is, until they leave the generator for a few seconds. It's not nothing, but admittedly, it's still Blindness; it's not that useful.

    The real strength is in the Exhaustion. If you're approaching someone on a generator, you know that survivor doesn't have Dead Hard, Sprint Burst, Lithe, Balanced Landing, Overcome, or any other Exhaustion perk equipped; it's peace of mind towards chasing survivors if you're active about defending generators.

    It's decent. I wouldn't call it one of the strongest perks in the game, but it's very nice and super underrated.

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    It prevents survivors from being able to use exhaustion perks for essentially the entire match - unless they're effectively able to not run from a killer for five seconds after stopping repairs. Hurts solo players by inflicting permanent blindness while repairing generators, but it doesn't really bother SWF too much. For not requiring any input from the killer, not too bad.

  • Member Posts: 5,211
    edited June 2022


    I'm a solo player so I can't ask my team what's going on. It might not be a huge deal each time but the five seconds I have to get off the gen to see what's going on with the hooked person can really add up.

    As a killer, I've had survivors go into 2nd stage running it. It's not impossible that could have happened anyway but information is far more important than people give it credit for in this game and losing that info can hurt badly if they're not paying close attention.

    The exhaustion is also nice. Five seconds goes by real slow when the killer is coming at you and you desperately need your sprint burst, lithe, DH, etc. It's also a great equalizer if they use their perk and you lose track of them. Unless they plan on not doing anything for 40 seconds, they're not getting their perk back until I down them.

    Post edited by tippy2k2 on
  • Member Posts: 384

    Tomorrow is PTB, if Dead Hard change kills the perk, the Next 3 weeks are gonna be a Meta Build spam (Iron Will + DS + Dead Hard + UB) so you Will probably face x4 DH.

    Fearmonger helps with that angry survivors Who Will want to abuse the perk before Nerf.

    Facing x4 meta builds as M1 is a pain, with this perk is less painful.

  • Member Posts: 9,039
    edited June 2022

    Fear monger on stealth killers is nice

    Especially with the Future spine chill nerf

    You'll definitely surprise the sprint burst or new dead hard user

  • Member Posts: 734

    Another aspect of Fearmonger exhaustion side effect is that the exhaustion timer is paused while they are working on the gen. This can really mess with sprint burst and balanced landing because they would need to not be on a gen for 40-60 seconds to get their exhaustion perk back. I think this is one of the more annoying side effects of fear monger, since it isn't just the 5 seconds that you have to wait out.

    Something I personally find annoying about the blindness is that it counters survivors hopping off the gen as soon as the hook animation starts to avoid Pain Resonance. Usually when I play survivor, I will let go of the gen as soon as I see the animation of the killer hooking the survivor so the killer doesn't hear my scream. With fearmonger, I have to either risk pain res/dms, alerting the killer I'm working on the gen, or waste precious seconds that could have let me finish the gen before the proct or finish the gen before the killer came. This will get changed in next update though.

    Fearmonger can also mess with survivors who rely on bond or empathy to track other survivors. It can affect a lot of survivor aura reading perks that you don't see as much but is a slight nuisance and annoyance for the survivor. Survivors get less info while working on gens. (I run Any Means Necessary a lot to track where chase is happening, and this counters that perk)

  • Member Posts: 5,502
    edited June 2022
  • Member Posts: 1,411

    Fearmonger is great for stealth killers! Combined with other exhaustion perks it can be quite oppressive against survivors.

  • Member Posts: 3,024

    False only bad players doesnt get deadhard or other exhaustion.

    When u hear terror radius u start walking to hide gaining at least 4 secs if not absolutely getting again my perk even so if you are no TR killer you hit me i go to a pallet and wait for you to break em till i recover from exhaustion.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    To counter Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, survivors can see the aura of their teammate about to hooked, they will give up the Gen to prevent explosion and reveal themselves. FearMonger make it impossible to do that, though incoming update will remove it.

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    I can agree with the effectiveness of the blindness. I tend to run more aura perks than I do exhaustion so blindness tends to hit me harder for many of the reasons described.

  • Member Posts: 2,113

    I thought the same thing until I understood that the 5 seconds of exhaustion after leaving a gen actually persists indefinitely until they stop running. The Exhaustion "going away" timer is in a pause status any time they are running. So, if you're coming up on a gen they are working on, when they run away, they are completely out of their exhaustion perks unless they are walking away from you, but normally they just run. It makes catching up to them a lot more manageable. It helps counter stuff like sprint burst, lithe and balanced landing.

  • Member Posts: 361

    Yeah it’s not the greatest perk on earth, but it is incredibly annoying and completely counters sprint burst, also forces survivors to change the way they play or be permanently exhausted off of a gen

  • Member Posts: 495

    Actually that's exactly why I use it. My second main is the Twins and it's hard enough jumping someone with Victor, it helps.

  • Member Posts: 418

    It's actually a really strong perk for two reasons:

    a) it cancels out aura reading perks whilst a survivor is on a gen (Kindred, Dark Sense, Alert, etc.).

    b) a survivor needs to stand still/walk for five seconds when leaving a gen to counter the exhausted effect. If they leave a gen and go straight into a chase, it essentially counters SB, Lithe, DH (if they're injured) until they're no longer exhausted. It means survivors can't just use exhaustion perks as soon as they get chased off a gen.

    Honestly, I think it's a pretty viable perk. Not over-powered by any means, but pretty efficient with the right build on the right killer.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    It counters kindred for.... Five seconds. That's not a counter, it's a slight inconvenience.

    OP: I only use fearmonger coupled with blood echo on plague and legion. The true strength of it isn't the exhaustion or the blindness because the duration of both is too short to be of consequence. The true strength is that it prevents exhaustion from recovering while doing gens.

    So when coupled with blood echo you give the survivors a choice: can I live without my precious dead hard or do I slam out gens like I want? Many survivors burst into flames without an exhaustion perk to lean on.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    If you don't like it you can simply not run it.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    Literally all you do to counter it is leave a soon as you hear the terror radius and sit at the nearest loop. Whoops, five seconds is up and you can sprint burst or whatever as soon as the killer finds you. I cannot believe that people think this is valuable. Absolutely insane.

    The real value is that even naked, it pauses exhaustion timers. This makes it really really good vs. sprint burst specifically, forcing survs to walk everywhere or be perma-exhausted.

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    It pauses all existing exhaustion timers, preventing exhaustion recovery while working on generators.

  • Member Posts: 114

    counters: aura reading perks such as bond, kindred, empathy, object of obsession, the one from jeff, windows of opportunity, and detective's hunch! that's a LOT of info you can deny, on top of it already hiding hooked survivors too

    exhaustion perks. 90% of survivors have at least 1 equipped

  • Member Posts: 1,224

    It counters kindred as long as they stay on the gen. You are assuming all survivors get off the gen when they notice someone hooked in the status hud. Many are in their own world and leave people to die.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    Ah. Seems to me those are the survivors that leave you to die when you run kindred regardless.

  • Member Posts: 1,224
    edited June 2022

    This thread got me thinking of post-BBQ builds. Fearmonger, Knockout, Nurses Calling, Deerstalker

    That Haddie perk that causes killer blindness is the counter.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited June 2022

    Pretty overrated perk imo.

    Rarely have I ever been denied my Exhaustion perk from this and the Blindness is barely above completely worthless.

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    It's a crap perk unless you are able to sneak up on the survivor.

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    It combos great with other perks like Tinkerer, especially for killers like Plague.

    Cantsafely sit on gens and rely on DH and IW

  • Member Posts: 2,336

    I run Fearmonger on Nurse because it counters the only counter survivors usually have against me - Dead Hard.

    You admittedly could argue that's an issue with Nurse itself.

  • Member Posts: 1,163

    It's perfect for stealth builds.

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    The general gist I'm getting is Fearmonger, while not the strongest perk, has its place in builds where you want to counter survivor aura reading and/or certain exhaustion perks. That and it can be a solid choice depending on your particular playstyle

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    If you go to a gen they cant use their exhaustion perks until they walk for 5 seconds, which they may not be able to achieve without getting hit first.

  • Member Posts: 1,443

    It isn't the most useful but it's not useless. It definitely needs a longer duration though.

  • Member Posts: 268

    Yeah everyone saying that it's a crap perk either dont run dead hard or never work on a gen injured. So either way low mmr players.

  • Member Posts: 4,125
    edited June 2022

    It pairs well with dead mans switch and pain res. But its also nice on mobile Killers that get to gens fast, wraith for example.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Fearmonger's got two good uses, as far as I can tell. People on gens can't see downed or hooked players (nor will stuff like Bond work if a survivor is leading the killer into them), and it denies exhaustion perk recharging during the biggest and most consistent downtime survivors have.

    You see it a lot because the universal perks available to killers are mostly garbage and it's one of the better ones.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I actually never thought about Fearmonger countering Kindred. Interesting.

  • Member Posts: 268

    Unless the team is running a swf so then their "kindred" works just fine. Another great gap between solo q and swf.

  • Member Posts: 138

    Fearmonger had a major downside: letting sprint burst users run between gens or run to hook without having to waste SB, by giving them a convenient source of 5 second exhaustion.

    Still a good perk on stealth killers and Pain Res/DMS though. After the update, I will run Fearmonger in my Overcharge/Dragon's Grip gen defense builds.

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