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Ya guys know why they’re bringing out all these changes?

Member Posts: 126

I mean simple common sense balance and quality of life changes that they should’ve made years ago? It’s because of hyped and fun games with the same style of gameplay like Evil Dead, Ghost Busters and Texas Chainsaw Massacre coming out and suddenly they’re feeling threatened. This is the benefit of competitive capitalism. If you care about Dead by Daylight don’t hesitate to play it’s competitors.

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  • Member Posts: 5,958

    "Common sense" would dictate that those other games need to have some massive hook and staying power for them to stand besides the powerhouse that is DbD. Not the other way around.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    I really don't think DBD has that many competitors right now. Every game that came out where people said "this ones gonna be the end of DBD" didn't do it. As far as the changes, I think they've probably been thinking about doing this for awhile based on feedback they've received over the past year or so.

  • Member Posts: 156

    Competition is a good thing, However DBD is the gold standard when it comes to the asymmetrical genre! After all it invented it.

    Others will try to add there own flair to it which is a great thing for the genre as we are all fans of it so lets support and grow I say.

    But in regards to changes I feel this has been a long time coming and Behavior have been playing close attention to current meta, so it's time for a shake up not to mention all the feedback they have received.

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    That's why BHVR is pleased to announce that facecamping Bubba is being nerfed.. in five more years.

  • Member Posts: 454

    these changes suck lol

    only thing keeping this game afloat is licenses... if you argue otherwise youre delusional.

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    If you want a cynical take, the more likely one would be that they are massively shaking things up that are more easily tweaked to divert attention from the core design issues, which are a much taller order to address.

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    I thought these changes were made because the devs don't know what else to do.

  • Member Posts: 454

    twitch views have no correlation to how much better or worse a game is.

  • Member Posts: 628

    More likely reason is that massive changes like that essentially creates a new game. So there's no need for DBD 2.

    Those games won't make me stop playing DBD honestly. However, Splatoon 3 is a different story lol

    It's multiplayer with no end, just like DBD. Biggest difference is turf war is casual mode, and they have ranked, but then also hoard mode in Salmon Run.

    It's similar in many aspects. music was clear winner until Legion chase music was updated lol

  • Member Posts: 454
    edited June 2022

    alot more people would rather watch DBD then play it was what I concluded to. its a 6 year old game, who doesnt know it by now??

    but OP is correct BHVR has to step up their game.

    if you remove licenses, what do you have?

    its whats got DBD its name, not the gameplay.

    as soon as people hear they can play as Heather, Jill or Leon and be chased by Michael Myers of course theyll be interested. the problem this game has is keeping the players it gains as most people who have played polished or actual survival horror games are easily put off this games bugs & mechanics.

  • Member Posts: 454
    edited June 2022

    silent hill multiplayer :) well almost that but its what it is for me.

    SH havent had a game in two decades give me a break...

  • Member Posts: 3,142

    DbD did not invent the game genre. Evolve predated DbD, for example.

  • Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2022

    I'd disagree. Clearly shows there isn't much interest in the game anymore. For the most part, nearly every big DbD streamer has dropped it as well. Then if you compare the two games on Google trends, DbD is far above Evil Dead in trends, even when Evil Dead released mid May which was a 80-40 ratio, now it's a 92-4 (with Evil Dead being the 4). Pretty safe to say the game has dropped off massively.

  • Member Posts: 236

    Loved Evolve. It got unbelievably trashed by people in favor of the ridiculously barebones Overwatch. Seriously, if that game didn't have the Blizzard logo on it, it wouldn't have survived. Evolve was definitely ahead of its time.

  • Member Posts: 383

    I didn't play it, but it was fun to watch on Twitch. It was something new and refreshing.

  • Member Posts: 454

    trendy & popular does not always mean better.

    DBD is just easier to access due to its licenses as for Evil Dead its limited to one.

    not hard to see why which one is popular but the objectively better game is Evil Dead while DBD is still the most popular.

    i know alot of people like to see salt content as well & you can get alot of that in DBD of course.

    i watch spooknjukes on youtube just for salt content because the lengths that some DBD players would go...

  • Member Posts: 2,203

    Well, I discovered DBD late 2020. I didn't know the game existed before, and it was already four years old.

    Not everyone is a gaming journalist knowing every games out of existence. It's not like DBD was as popular as LoL or something with ads on TV/show on Netflix.

  • Member Posts: 454

    I knew about the game since youve always heard the arguments Friday the 13th vs. DBD... they came out relatively the same time so they always drawed comparisons.

    the game didnt intrigue me enough until SH came then RE.

    i jumped right in because Heather & Pyramid Head was in the game.

    this might sound dumb but what is LoL?

    also no one needs to be a gaming journalist to know a games existence... i dont know every game that comes out just the ones im interested in :))

  • Member Posts: 608

    So play the game and see? Saber Interactive is actually a decent studio. World War Z was a great game. It sounds like you haven't even tried it. What I will say is that Epic being the exclusive platform for sure limits the game. Your post just reeks of fanboyism.

  • Member Posts: 45

    Play the game and see what? I never said the game was bad, I just said the popularity has dropped massively since the first week of release. It has nothing to do with "fanboyism", I had planned on buying Evil Dead until it was announced as an Epic exclusive AND plus, I'm a big fan of Bruce Campbell and the movies. Nothing "fanboyism" about facts.

  • Member Posts: 45

    Again, like I said to the other person above, I never said one game is better than the other, clearly said one game has dropped off in popularity.

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    I wouldn't go this far, lots of people don't even play licenced characters, and the strongest killers in the game are all original.

  • Member Posts: 268

    Yeah I can't wait for solo q players to lose almost all of their games. That's going to definitely help things.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    To a degree yea maybe it is due to new games

    But also us as a community giving feedback about what we "feel" is wrong with the game

    And the "meta" being so stale for 2+ years also had something to do with it

    Let's just see if they do something like this next year... here's to hoping

  • Member Posts: 454
  • Member Posts: 454

    i dunno

    the game hit its peak when RE came in... hasnt even touched it since, no one wonder why theyre doing a part two.

    i wouldnt say strongest... nurse is just broken and not meant for this game, she ignores all loop mechanics.

    Blight and Huntress are very strong yes but thats a design thing, if they wanted to they would make all killers viable but choose not to.

    thats just bad design tbh.. why make Nemmy & other licenses weak in the DBD realm??

    i think its because they dont have to split the money with any licenses and keep it for themselves hence why license killers are so bad in this game.

    for proof sudoku & dredge are pretty similar but one is original & one is licensed.

    just like nerfing self care on a free character to get people to buy Mikaela for circle of healing.

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    DBD has a number of simple problems.

    1) survivors want easy games and the devs have given it to them for 6 years

    2) this makes long term killers leave (it also makes everyone who stays play better killers like Nurse/Blight)

    3) It refuses to nerf SWf to make the game fair; this is fine as long as there is no other game like DBD on the market.

    VHS, ED, & Ghostbusters are going to steal market share from DBD. These other games will have balanced 4v1 and up until this point there has been no real competition. The closest thing would have been last year but it failed because : they wanted to release the game exclusively on discord store & then a CEO ran away with the money (no not joking). It tried to rebrand and re-release but it was far too late to salvage.

    In short DBD has had no real competition. There are several "knock off" imitations over the years but nothing of substance. It makes lots of money from survivor mains who buy all the DLC and skins. They have fun so they keep paying to play.

    VHS has a number of advantages over DBD - for one it will be 100% free to play (not pretend free to play where you must pay $ to afford upkeep). As a "2.0" version of a 4v1 it solved the problem of hooking.

    A ton of people are planning to leave DBD forever the moment VHS is in full release and you keep character progression. Ghostbusters will likely have a similar effect.

    DBD will adapt or die.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    Behaviour is definitely quaking in their boots

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    I think its more of trying to keep players after they were hemorrhaging them.

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    I saw someone who is in the VHS discord say that the most popular topic there is hating on DBD. If mutual dislike towards a different game is what is holding VHS's player base together, it doesn't say much for the game itself surely?

  • Member Posts: 3,142

    Yeah . . . I played Overwatch. In my defense, though, my eldest bought it for me on a pre-order before launch because he wanted me to play with everyone. I only did it in a Friends & Family six-stack.

    None of us will be playing OW2, though. As far as we're concerned, that franchise is dead to us. We did the Beta for it, and it is bad beyond words. Not to mention that OW2 will be F2P with all the heavy-handed monetization that comes along with that, and I don't support those models.

  • Member Posts: 95

    I don't think DBD is threatened by any of these. I tried Evil Dead and it's pretty boring to play as killer. All micromanagement and little to no interactions with the other players. Survivor is a bit more fun, but it's still not worth my time. I ended up coming back to DBD after like 2 matches of Evil Dead.

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